hi there

stephgas Posts: 159 Member
just joining, coming over from livestrong. i loved the community feature on the mobile app, but i felt uncomfortable with the wide array of people (losing, gaining, eating disorders, body builders). i like diversity, but when i posted about losing a large amount of weight, there was only one other person who responded :( i'm looking for friends so we can cheer each other on!

i'm 32 and live in new york. currently i'm a body piercer and i'm in school for community health and services (social work). i'll get my associate's this july and am continuing on to my bachelor's. i love cats, hate capital letters, and am a carbaholic.


  • mdailey93
    mdailey93 Posts: 95
    Welcome to the site! I love it here, and I hope you do to. If you are looking for friends, feel free to add me, I have about 60 pounds to lose. (:
  • scorpia1977
    scorpia1977 Posts: 76 Member
    You will love MFP! We are more family than anything. The support is amazing!

    Feel free to add me. :)
  • CaSome11
    CaSome11 Posts: 38 Member
    Welcome, welcome. Your hair is pretty! I have blue. :smile: Feel free to add me. I too, love cats and carbs. I have nothing against capitals though.
  • erneseeter
    erneseeter Posts: 22
    I also switched over from livestrong in January. MFP is a FANTASTIC support! You will really enjoy it.

    Feel free to add me for some support and motivation!
  • 1DayMarathonRnner
    1DayMarathonRnner Posts: 120 Member
    Welcome! I just joined this week but I am already loving this site. I work as an elementary school teacher so I am off for the summer and hoping to kick so major fat. :smile:

    I have a goal to loose 50 pounds by December. A few years ago I lost 80 pounds in a year, but have gained back 30 of that, so I am hoping 50 in half a year is doable. I would love to loose 100 (it would take me to my ideal weight) but I'll be happy losing 50.

    Friend me if you like.
  • Deltafliers
    Deltafliers Posts: 201 Member
    For those ladies on here, feel free to check out my profile and see if you would like to add me. I started with this site and fitbit and love them both. I must say tho, when I have health questions or fitness equipment questions, I am usually on livestrong for research. :o)