Riding Your Bike= Exercise or a Fun ride?



  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    Shake things up a bit. different types of rides for different days. Long and slow one day, hard and fast another. Throw in some lung burning hill work, what else is there?
    Maybe if you set a goal for yourself it might become less boring. (Although if you want adrenaline pumping excitement, try riding in a bad neighborhood just after dark :huh: )
    Seriously, find an event ride to train and complete. Search Active.com for something near you. I have done a couple and it really adds another facet to cycling's awesomeness.
    Good luck, and keep riding!
  • trijoe
    trijoe Posts: 729 Member
    You're getting lots of answers, but I have a question:

    What's so tedious about it?
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,041 Member
    I ride my bike as often as humanly possible. I really enjoy riding it. I feel so cool when I'm on it. It kinda starts as "Ok, gotta lug it outside. Psyche myself up. Make sure I have everything I need. Did I turn the distance tracker on?" It's a big production. Then I get on it and within a half mile or so, it hasn't become a chore, it becomes pleasure. Then I'll ride around for a while and make it harder. And harder. And harder. Then I want to get back into the pleasure zone.

    The absolute best feeling for me is putting on my sassy little bike riding outfit and riding through my beautiful town.
  • arwenselvenlight
    wow thanks! Where would you recommend to buy these bike computers/GPS? I Think I'll buy one and try it out!
  • arwenselvenlight
    Riding your Bike should = Exercise AND a fun ride.

    Make sure it's fitted properly. Most shops will fit it for you for around $30. Make sure you know how to use your gears properly so you can maximize your power on hills and descents.

    Find someone fun to ride with.
    Thanks for the advice, I have a very good mountain bike, and I should learn more about the gears on it. I never gave the gears on a mountain bike much thought, now I will!
  • arwenselvenlight
    Thanks to everyone who answered to my post. All your advice really did help, and it gave me a lot to think about =)
  • sethotto
    sethotto Posts: 22 Member
    I love riding my bike - road bike, 5-6 times a week - it's increased recently, but usually between 25 and 50 miles at a time. Over the last 11 months, I've dropped from 397lb to 267lb, and I struggle to get within 500cals of my MFP Ration on riding days.

    But best of all, I'm out for a couple of hours, in the fresh air, away from the computer, the phone, the TV and anyone else who wants to place demands on my time. Those 2 hours are mine. MINE DO YOU HEAR!!, and NOBODY is going to stop me :-)

    I'm right there with you!!! I dearly love riding my bike, because it's just me and my bike. I change up the routes sometimes and sometimes I like to push for new personal bests on one of my two favorite routes. It helps a lot when you live in Bend Oregon and the views are breathtaking:)
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,682 Member
    I'm right there with you!!! I dearly love riding my bike, because it's just me and my bike. I change up the routes sometimes and sometimes I like to push for new personal bests on one of my two favorite routes. It helps a lot when you live in Bend Oregon and the views are breathtaking:)

    Well - I'm still pretty much at the "level-1/2" intensity riding, tbh - lots of long steady distance stuff, and compared to the terrain around you, it's fairly flat around here - lots of rolling hills, but nothing over a couple of miles of up at a time, so I concentrate on keeping the miles up and the intensity steady - just keeping in the fat-burning area. Maybe in another 50lb or so, I'll start hitting the hill-intervals and get some power back into the riding, but as I've no real intention to race again (I'm 48, and haven't raced for nearly a 1/4 century!), it's only going to be for my own satisfaction I guess :wink:
  • arwenselvenlight
    Around where I live there are a lot of hills. Going North there are lots of Up hill trails to take;but going South it's mostly downhill riding. So I usually go north on my bike rides. I wish I had more options than Uphill or downhill, but I do my best =).