Females, early 20's height and weights?

Hi all!

I'm 21, female, 5'2 and around 69kg (152lbs)
I'm hoping to get to around 55kg (121lbs)
and I'm just interested to know other girls weights and heights at this age and what you're doing to lose the weight.
I have a small-medium frame, and the weight shows on me due to my height and frame size.
I'm a triplet, (me, my sister and my brother) and my sister is the same height as me, and is about 53kg I think.
She's perfect, where I want to be. She's my absolute motivator and I'm proud to call her my sister.
I want her to think the same about me.
But it's so hard when she's the exact same age as me, and height, and we're so different - I think that's what I struggle to grasp.

I'd just like to know other peoples exercises and what they've found most useful.

Thanks :)


  • unicornpoop
    unicornpoop Posts: 178 Member
    Hello there! I'm 23 and 205lbs currently, with a goal weight of 150. I am lifting weights 2 times a week. I have noticed a lot more toning with my body and I seem to consistently lose weight when I am lifting like I should. I don't do anything crazy, but I have a circuit my old bootcamp instructor set up for me and I do a weight lifting class my gym offers. (LesMills Body Pump, I think they have dvds for home) I really like it because it's a totally different workout than cardio. You can actually feel yourself get stronger over the weeks and you can really push yourself.

    Good luck!
  • amolina0810
    amolina0810 Posts: 106 Member

    I'm 23, female, 5'5" and 158lbs!
    I'm hoping to be around 140-145lbs.
    For me to lose weight, I am running anywhere between 5-7 miles mostly every night and doing strength training about 4 days a week as well. I have a very athletic frame and everyone says I do not even look close to looking like I am 158lbs. But, I am very muscular. Currently, I am working on reducing body fat and bringing out my abs. I have seen such amazing results already! Good luck!
  • Julieelliott12
    Julieelliott12 Posts: 68 Member
    Hey- I'm 5'0 and 112.2lbs I've been doing the p90x for about 3 weeks now which I find is a good motivator to eat better, even though I've gained weight since I started. I was hoping to get to about 105-106lbs but I think I could be happy around my current weight if I can see that I look better. I've already lost 3 inches since day 1, so the weight gain doesn't bother me AS much.
  • Dozrzz
    Dozrzz Posts: 245
    Hey! I'm 22. (23 in August) and I am 5'10". Currently I weigh 250 and I amm trying to get down to 180. Its always funny to me how 180 sounds like such a high number but for me it works. It is where I feel my healthiest. Anything below that and I honestly feel too thin and I look sick. I guess that is just part of being so tall and having a large frame. Currently I am seeing a personal trainer twice a week to help me with my strenth training and then I am going to the gym on my own three times a week for cardio. It has been verrry sllooowww progress but hopefully I can stick it out.
  • 9cj8
    9cj8 Posts: 17 Member

    I'm 20, 5'6 and started MFP at 170 lbs, after gaining around 17 lbs in 1st year University. I am currently 143 lbs and lost this weight by counting calories, eating healthily, snacking less and working out. I did 30 day shred in November and LOVED it. I am doing it again now with my Mum to motivate her and I will probably go on to Ripped in 30 afterwards. My goal weight is around 135 lbs but I'll play it by ear!
  • GabrielleZelda
    GabrielleZelda Posts: 190 Member
    I'm 20yrs old,
    and around 150lbs. (Down from 220!)

    I know what you mean about the sister thing! My sister is 5"7 and 120pounds, as well as my mom. It's definitely a motivator to stay in shape. I wish you much luck!
  • maddiedog22
    maddiedog22 Posts: 116
    Hello, I'm
    Madeline age 22 my current weight is 120lbs but my starting weight was about 140lbs. Just trying to lose about 5lbs more. I do about 20-35 mins or running,walking, or HIIT running a day( just depends on my energy levels or soreness) I lift 5,10lb weights and squat 20lb weights, i try to luft for 20 mins a day but sometimes more or less time. And do a mix of pushups, lunges, crunches, planks, reg squats, (and a bunch if just random stuff that gets my muscles worked and my heart rate up) for about 15-20mins a day. I eat at 1300-1400 cals a day eating most of or all my exercise cals back. I do one cheat day a week!:)
  • Jenene88
    Jenene88 Posts: 281 Member
    I'm jenene, 23 and 5'3. 147lbs goal weight is to be 120-135lbs.

    I been doing insanity p90x, turbo fire, chalean extreme and as of right now brazil butt lift, RevAbs an the treadmill. I want to add more running an weight lifting to my workouts.
  • katykosto
    katykosto Posts: 80
    Just turned 23 Im 5'9'' my heaviest was 204lbs, I didnt look it but you could tell I was over weight just not that much, Healthy Thin weight for my body type would be 150-155lbs and thats my goal.
  • klynn08
    klynn08 Posts: 151 Member
    Im 22 and weigh 116 right now, my goal weight is 105-110.
  • EmmyRose
    EmmyRose Posts: 54 Member
    Thank you so much everyone, this has helped heaps, it's great to know everyones workout regime's and what works for you!
    I'm excited to get underway :)
  • kdiment
    kdiment Posts: 31
    I'm 22, 5'4" and I weigh 136 pounds. I started at 145, and I'm hoping to get between 120-125. I have a really small frame and I tend to look emaciated when I'm too thin, so I'm definitely going to be stopping once I hit the mid 120s.

    I run between 5-6 days a week, and that's pretty much all I do. I'll do sprints some days (walk 3 minutes, sprint one, repeat for 35 minutes). I also eat as clean as possible (no processed foods, etc.).
  • fitnessfashionista17
    fitnessfashionista17 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm 5'7, currently 124 and trying to get down to about 110-115, I'll see when I get there :)
  • GreenTeaForDays
    GreenTeaForDays Posts: 166 Member
    Hey! I'm 23, 5'10" and 146 lbs. I want to get down to 135 but I am focusing on fitness and measurement goals. I want to run a half marathon and the do the new rules of lifting for women program in the fall. I just love how I feel when I am fit. I crave runner's highs and toned arms and legs.
  • theresmynapkin
    theresmynapkin Posts: 183 Member
    I'll be 20 in June. I'm 5'4" and 135. I'm trying to get to about 115-120. I've gotten a little to much jiggle in my step since high school!

    I run a lot and do yoga and pilates... sometimes I hit the stationary bike or use the weight machines at the gym. I'm hoping to overhaul my diet so that instead of just gaining muscle I can burn some of the excess!
  • mariaschlimper
    Hi, I'm 25, currently 119 lbs (54 kg) and 5'9''. Already had 141 lbs showing on the scale. What really helped me to loose weight as I'm lazy with workouts.. :) Eating less, around 1400 calories a day. Also I try to eat as much fruit and veggies as I can- this means I rarely eat pizza, burgers or ice cream. Trying not to eat as much fat.. And not to eat late at night.. 6 pm is the perfect time for my last meal of the day. My goal weight is 109 lbs.. I'll see how fast I'll get there..
  • IamJacksColdSweat
    IamJacksColdSweat Posts: 106 Member
    Well, I'm more mid to late 20's but I will join in anyway :P

    I'm 26 (27 in July), 5'4" or 5'5", I get different heights quoted to me by doctors every time, lol and 251lbs. My first goal weight is 160 because I have a large frame and I'm athletically built. I've been around 170 before and I looked good but I lost that weight from diet & cardio, so my muscle tone wasn't great. This time around, I'm doing lots of work with kettlebells and body weight exercises, as well as walking and golfing (without a motorized cart!).

    As of Monday, I stopped counting calories. I eat mostly clean and I aim for 60 mins of cardio activity per day and strength training 3 days per week. I've been obsessed with calories for almost all my life and its detrimental to my mental health so I am trying to eat more intuitively, and so far, it seems to be working well :) I took measurements and weight on Wednesday, and I am planning to weigh in every Wednesday and measurements once a month. I already feel less stressed and more "normal", rather than obsessed :)
  • LyndsieLovejoyyy
    I'm 19 but close enough ;)
    5'4 and started at 150
    I'm down to 130 now and my goal weight is HAPPY! :D

    generally speaking, i would like to aim for 115,
    but i'm getting more comfortable in my own skin as time passes
    so we'll see!

    feel free to add me<3
  • KnR2210
    KnR2210 Posts: 17
    I'm 21, female, 5'2 and around 154lbs
    I'm hoping to get to around 120lbs

    I started going to the health club with my aunt who is my new fitness buddy. We keep eachtother motivated to go at least 3 days a week. Although I will be hitting the gym 6 days a week and taking a class 2 days a week. And let me tell you this fitness class i take called Butt and Guts is a butt kicker! I count my calories and watch my fat and carb intake. I really just try to be as active as possible. I lost 30lbs around this time last year but I gained it all back so this time around I am shooting for my goal weight but more just getting healthy!
  • rjams
    rjams Posts: 48
    I'm 20, female
    around 165 lbs
    My highest weight was around 184 lbs
    My goal is 145-150 lbs ( depends how I look at 150)
    I have a naturally large frame my bones are sturdy.

    I have a sister a year younger than me and I completely understand she is the same height but has always managed to be much thinner despite having a large frame as well.

    Anyone willing to motivate please add me :)