Not enough calories?

MST318 Posts: 11 Member
I've been having this problem for quite some time. I cannot seem to get enough calories in each day. And I swear with my water consumption and eating all day to stay full, I cannot think of any way to get those calories in without it being "junk." Part of the issue is not being able to log my food in until the end of the day due to my hectic schedule. So often times I will find that I am under when it's too late.

Today is a perfect example; it is 8:40 here (Florida) and I've eaten 1403 calories, but burned 607 at the gym today. What can I do?? Any suggestions for nighttime?


  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    I used to have that problem too. Lately I've been making an extra effort to eat enough all day, and eat higher-calorie but still healthy snacks. For example, I had almonds as a snack at work today - I took a very small amount (2 servings) and it was 340 calories! Little things like that throughout the day help me make sure I don't end up with hundreds of calories left to force down at night. Consider peanut butter, almonds, avocados, etc. for things that are healthy and high in calories. Add those things into your breakfast, lunch, and daily snacks and you should be good!
  • 1DayMarathonRnner
    1DayMarathonRnner Posts: 120 Member
    I wish I had the answer for you. I am in a similar situation... I work out in the morning and burn about 600 calories, but my mom needs someone to go swimming with her in the afternoon, so I burn more there. I am a school teacher and tutoring so I have extra time during the summer, so I burn more during the summer. I end up eating even if I am not hungry, just to balance out, I try to eat something every two hours. Maybe eat a chocolate gooey protein bar? I wish you luck!
  • KC3003
    KC3003 Posts: 11 Member
    Fruit is high in calories. Try a smoothie, a bit of skim milk, a couple of eggs and some fresh or frozen berries.
  • 1DayMarathonRnner
    1DayMarathonRnner Posts: 120 Member
    I used to have that problem too. Lately I've been making an extra effort to eat enough all day, and eat higher-calorie but still healthy snacks. For example, I had almonds as a snack at work today - I took a very small amount (2 servings) and it was 340 calories! Little things like that throughout the day help me make sure I don't end up with hundreds of calories left to force down at night. Consider peanut butter, almonds, avocados, etc. for things that are healthy and high in calories. Add those things into your breakfast, lunch, and daily snacks and you should be good!

    Okay, she had a much better answer!!!
  • wookiemouse
    wookiemouse Posts: 290 Member
    One key I've found is to pre-plan. I usually log in all my meals for the next day the night before. Now and then, things change, but for the most part I'm spot-on. And if I know I'm going to have a busier than usual day (ie, more intense workout), then I make sure to add in an apple with peanut butter or an extra Luna bar in the afternoon.
  • marybsalmon
    marybsalmon Posts: 46 Member
    I like to add snacks to my day to get in extra calories. Some good choices are plain Greek yogurt with berries, whole grain crackers with peanut butter, reduced fat cheese sticks (I like Sargento's provolone mozzarella). Also I keep baggies in my purse with almonds and chocolate covered goji berries (fine them at Whole Foods) -- they are very high in antioxidents. You can also prepare snacks the night before and keep them in the fridge -- things like carrot & celery sticks with a little low-fat ranch for dipping. I try to keep my snacks to 150 calories twice a day.
  • ninajackson1
    ninajackson1 Posts: 4 Member
    Try making a protein shake with fruit and ice. Will add good calories while giving your muscles more protein.
  • Fruit is actually quite low in calories. I would suggest going with the fats like others have said; avocado, nuts, nut butters. A tablespoon or two can give you up to 300 calories, and it's a small snack on an apple or banana....
  • mommyweighless
    mommyweighless Posts: 192 Member
    One thing I have learned on MFP is that it does not matter how late you is entirely a myth that if you eat after 8:00pm your body will turn it into fat. So do NOT be afraid to eat after you log things for the night. Easy and high calorie but healthy foods that I use to up my calories for the day are natural peanut butter on whole wheat/multi grain bread with a banana. Its an easy 300-500 calories and not too heavy. Also protein shakes are great too...especially after a hard days burn.
  • Ekboriqua
    Ekboriqua Posts: 43 Member
    I have the same problem too, my problem is that i am normally so busy at work i don't take lunch, my breakfast is normally very small too cause I get up & bike for 11/2 hour then have to rush the kids to school and get to work on time. Now am trying not to over eat in the evening and either walk on my treadmill or bike again. I just started on MFP and so far for two days it keeps telling i will gain weight at this rate. I also need help on how to figure this out.
  • katykosto
    katykosto Posts: 80
    I am also in Florida and have this problem ever since I started using this again, instead of snacking and eating whatever I check it first to see if its worth it (because I might really want something else later) and then I never end up eating enough "later" tuesday I was over 1000 cal UNDER and yesterday i only ate approx. 800cal. My cal is 1200 a day + im now doing vigorous bike riding.....I use to have an issue with snacking so im afraid to cont. to do it now that im on a mission =[
  • katykosto
    katykosto Posts: 80
    It always tells me if everyday were like today Id weigh 172lbs (ish) in 5 weeks and thatd be AMAZING lol thats 20lbs so I worry it might be getting my hopes up...are you drinking plenty of water? im always over 10cups of water (only beverage i drink other than milk now) and what is a typical food day for you?
    I have the same problem too, my problem is that i am normally so busy at work i don't take lunch, my breakfast is normally very small too cause I get up & bike for 11/2 hour then have to rush the kids to school and get to work on time. Now am trying not to over eat in the evening and either walk on my treadmill or bike again. I just started on MFP and so far for two days it keeps telling i will gain weight at this rate. I also need help on how to figure this out.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    One thing I have learned on MFP is that it does not matter how late you is entirely a myth that if you eat after 8:00pm your body will turn it into fat. So do NOT be afraid to eat after you log things for the night. .

    If you eat less than 3 hours before you go to bed, you WILL have the Iguana dream. The Iguana dream will haunt you until your dying day. So eat late if you dare.
  • mommyweighless
    mommyweighless Posts: 192 Member
    One thing I have learned on MFP is that it does not matter how late you is entirely a myth that if you eat after 8:00pm your body will turn it into fat. So do NOT be afraid to eat after you log things for the night. .

    If you eat less than 3 hours before you go to bed, you WILL have the Iguana dream. The Iguana dream will haunt you until your dying day. So eat late if you dare.

    Is that what's causing it??????? Last night it was a zombie Iguana!
  • MST318
    MST318 Posts: 11 Member
    That's awesome :laugh: