body Measurements?

jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
I think I'm starting a new phase... 35lb lost since july-but starting to be concerned about lost muscle mass. I still feel 'fat' but realistically parts of me are too thin, so I joined a gym-PT session today, if al goes well. My question is, should I be keeping measurements and if so, WHICH ONES? thx


  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    and if you use an 'ideal measurement' chart, which do you use? greek??
  • marymickaela
    marymickaela Posts: 190 Member
    Do it now. I just dp the usual. Breast, waist, abs, hips, thighs, upper arms. I did decide to add under my breast as I was looking pregnant and seemed to be losing there. I wished I'd done measurements when I started last year as I'd love to see how much I'd lost. I swear I did do some measurements, but there in the twilight zone of my house or pitched. So far I've lost 4 1/2" in May.
  • Penelope2Plyr
    Penelope2Plyr Posts: 166 Member
    I keep exactly same ones Mary, and I lost 5" total in month of May. I stupidly did not take measurements before starting and I am very sorry that I didn't.
  • monroe61
    monroe61 Posts: 620 Member
    I also take measurments.

    Above belly button
    Below belly button

    I do my waist in two section like that because I have a weird dented belly it's a fat roll above my belly button and then it dents and then I have that "baby" belly below my button!! LOL

    I started doing slim n 6 and in the first 8 days I lost 10.5 inches it was crazy but I only lost 3lbs. So YES you should measure!!
  • RedFeffer
    RedFeffer Posts: 25 Member
    I do:

    -Narrowest point of the neck
    -Ribcage under breasts
    -narrowest point of my waist
    -Waist at navel
    -Upper thigh(exactly where my thumb rests, so it is in the same place every time)
    -Above knee
    -Upper arm relaxed at my side (at the widest point)
    -Upper arm flexed
    -Lower arm at the widest point

    You get a really good overview of how the entire body is shrinking! :)

    Congrats on your loss! :)