What do you think of fitbit?



  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    Fitbit is AWESOME! I've had mine for about a month. I wear it 24/7, you know unless I'm showering our something. I wore it to zumba today and it tracked pretty well. The fitbit tracks your movement 3D, so its pretty accurate. I love that it sync's with MFP and I don't have to log my exercise it just does it for me. The fitbit website tracks my every move and breaks it down into all these graphs for me to see my day. Oh, and if your sitting for too long, the display will flash stuff like, "you rock" or "vamos" to motivate you. I think its totally worth the money
  • Lay821
    Lay821 Posts: 73 Member
  • SteffieMark
    SteffieMark Posts: 1,719 Member
    I never thought of the activity log to get rid of stairs climbed. Thank you very much for the idea SteffieMark. I really appreciate it.

    You're welcome. I'm pretty OCD too and it was bugging the Hell out of me! lol
  • Vanilladays
    Vanilladays Posts: 155 Member
    I've had my fitbit since Mother's Day... and I really like it! I had a polar HRM already but wanted to get a real look at how active/non active I was on a daily basis. It has helped me to eat what my body needs based on what I ACTUALLY burn in a day.
    It's fun to challenge myself to get more steps in at the end of the day. Also, I like the added sleep analysis. It's kinda cool to be able to see how my sleep habits are and maybe if there's a correlation between that and weight loss.
    The only negative is that it has taken me awhile to get used to checking both MFP and fitbit to decide how to work the numbers....but I like analyzing data (I'm a weird like that).
    I think it has helped me keep moving forward while I'm at the last 15 pounds.... well worth it!

    I agree with most posters...I am finding it REALLY good. The sleep analysis is making me think though. I knew I had a bad pattern but oh boy.....I'll have to work on it some! AND the best is I was actually underestimating my daily activity and now using the correct figures I have MFP synced an I have started losing weight again. I'm very close to goal and have been building muscle but my weight had stabilized for the past few months. I am now eating more and have lost weight in just the first three days of having it!
  • Thanks for all of the great feedback about the FITBIT!! I've been eyeing it for awhile and I think I just might pull the trigger and buy one this afternoon! Now the big choice...black and blue or black and plum?????
  • gypsydreaming
    gypsydreaming Posts: 8 Member
    I absolutely love my fitbit. It challenges me to keep going when i don't feel like actually doing exercise. I push myself to hit at least 15 flights of stairs a day and to walk 12,000 steps. I check my fitbit at least a few times a day and love the immediate knowledge of how much work I have left to do to hit my goal. Last night, I'd managed 36 flights of stairs (I take my laundry upstairs 2 items at a time) and my fitbit pushed me on to hit 40 flights. Its the most I've done in a day and I was so proud. When was the last time you managed to sit and count how many flights you've done.
    Its also great for recording sleep patterns. I see immediately what nights I've had a rougher sleep. I'd encourage anyone and EVERYONE to get one! So easy to use and worth every penny spent!
  • jojomia
    jojomia Posts: 18
    I love my FitBit! Had it about 2 months and wear it constantly (except in the shower). I got the plum one and wear it on my bra and don't even notice it working 12 hr shifts as a nurse. It is amazing how many steps you can put it. I love that is automatically syncs with MFP and the sleep monitor function is cool too.
  • Amabuela
    Amabuela Posts: 24
    I love it! It makes me much more conscious of the effect of what I eat during the day. If I go overboard, I eat more lightly at night, or I exercise more to make up for the extra calories.

    As to the syncing with MFP, you DON'T have to log activities on MFP if you have a Fitbit. The Fitbit will automatically track the calories you burn and factor them into your calculations. If you separately track activities, you will actually be tracking twice, and will get a skewed result.

    One other thing - when MFP calculates your activities calories, it adjusts according to your BMR/BMI and your weight goal settings. So, for example, Fit it told me I had burned 300 calories this morning. But only 177 counted toward the extra calories I had earned, because of my personal settings. So don't assume if you burned 300 calories that you can eat 300 more calories. You have to have a certain number of calories just to stay alive, and if you want to lose weight, you have to have a deficit.
  • RuralShutterbug
    RuralShutterbug Posts: 18 Member
    I have had mine since January and LOOOVE it! it has definitely motivated me to be more active and aim to achieve daily and weekly goals. You can set your weight loss goal intensity and it syncs with MFP as many others have said. Tacking my sleep has been very useful also.

    I wear mine in my bra and have had no issues of it recording flights of stairs if I have not actually done it. I am losing more weight each week now that I am using it properly and can see that it IS possible to meet my goals. Go for it, it's brilliant :-)