Anyone on 1200kcals a day?



  • roseantoinette1
    roseantoinette1 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi there and welcome to the forum!
    I am currently doing the 1,200 calorie/day diet. It seems to be the only amount that actually helps me to lose - any more and I either stay the same or gain (over 1,400 I think I gain). It's an individual number I think - I have to eat less because I have an "underactive" thyroid and am on med's for it. I'm hoping once I get down to my goal weight (anything under 145) my thyroid will reactivate! lol

    I've found some great foods that really keep my cravings under control such as eating a lower carb. diet (Joseph's Flax or Whole wheat pita's/5 net. carbs & only 60 calories) are my "go to" bread for all sandwiches. Liquid egg substitute is also another genius food if you're really hungry - make a huge veggie omlet for under 150/calories!

    Good luck to you and never give up!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I'm short, petite and my bmr is under 1,250 so I try to stick with 1200 a day plus I'll eat anywhere from 0-300 of my exercise calories but only if I'm truly hungry or I want to fit in something that's not so healthy. My body tells me if I need to eat more. It's not that hard, if I'm hungry I eat.

    If I eat more exercise calories than 'I' should, my weight loss stalls.

    Experiment and see what works for you. I had to instead of listening to all the 'hype' of starvation mode.

    5ft 2" - SW 179 -CW 144- GW 125
  • BuckeyeLife
    BuckeyeLife Posts: 313 Member
    These posts make me SO thankful my girlfriend doesn't have these issues. 5'1" and eats 1400 calories on down days, like 1900 on workout days.
  • sj41018
    sj41018 Posts: 5
    I have been on a 1200 calorie/day diet that was recommended by my doctor. I started mid March and have lost 14 lbs so far. I don't work out that much. If a doctor recommends it, it can't be bad. To maintain your weight he recommends 1400-1600. Sometimes I have to force myself to eat to get in 1200 calories.
  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
  • Marie047
    Marie047 Posts: 240 Member
    I agree with Tdee7777.

    I am on 1200cals per day and I never eat back my exercise cals burned. I have lost weight easiliy, initally when I started I droppped about 4-5lb a week and this stopped after 3 weeks. I know drop about 2lbs a week. I am also doing the insanity workout programme as well as the gym 3 times a week, running twice a week and also body pump once a week.

    If you feel hungry on 1200 cals a day look at why, and adjust if need be. I eat a lot of protein and low carbs generally. This works for me and I stick to 3 meals a day and no snacks, occasionally a beer or starbucks but not that oftern.

    Just do what your body wants. Also drink plenty of water as well
  • MILFdoesabodyGd
    MILFdoesabodyGd Posts: 347 Member
    Hi Everyone! I am 5'4 and currently weight 137lbs, looking to get to 126lbs for my holiday in July (profile pic is my inspiration).

    My question is, how many of you out there are on 1200kcals a day and how are you finding it? Many people on here say it's unhealthy and your body is in "starvation mode" etc but I feel fine and often go under my goal for the day.

    I currently don't do any exercise (other than walking, cleaning etc) and when I do start to exercise I plan to increase my kcals just like everyone says to do on here. The one day I worked out and ate my 1200kcals plus a bit more for the exercise I put on 2lbs so I dont understand how it works!? All I know is it obviously doesnt work for me eating slightly more and exercising. Am I alone here?!

    Confused :smile: x

    to answer why you gained after eating 1200 and working out :: muscles retain water when they've been worked, to repair themselves. I learned this when I first joined MFP..I started the 30 day shred and gained 3 or 4 lbs right off the bat. Keep up what you're doing it'll come off along with the inches.
  • kducky22
    kducky22 Posts: 276 Member
    I find weekends really difficult as that's when my boyfriend comes over so I don't have time to exercise and end up going out for dinner and going over my calories. I've asked him if he'd like to go on dates to the gym at weekends but he's surprisingly never very enthusiastic...

    :laugh: I'm soooo right there with you!
  • MILFdoesabodyGd
    MILFdoesabodyGd Posts: 347 Member
    ** and yes track your sodium and drink LOTS of water!!!
  • Doreent11
    Doreent11 Posts: 17
    I have a 1200 cal a day goal, but I do not eat more even if I exercise because I wouldn't loose anything either. Obviously there is a couple days a month I allow myself to eat those extra calories.

    I am working out six days a week, four of them for 90mins of water aerobics and the other 2 days 60 minsof walking and bicycling.

    I would suggest staying at the 1200 but would break your meals down into 5-6 per day. I usually eat about 1/2 of what I would normally eat at a regular meal at each of them. My program suggests that you always eat a protein and something else. If the meal is before I work out I add a carb - like oatmeal, potato or yam, or rice. This is working for me. I must say I am staying away from sugar, salt and flour. Cooking in a ceramic pan without oils helps keep my calories in check.

    Best of luck,
  • Doreent11
    Doreent11 Posts: 17
    If you go into the setup, you can have your daily tracker show the sodium levels in food. I am very affected by the sodium and try to stay under 500grams per day. The program allows 2200g and I never loose if I have that much.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    You know I was on 1000 a day and the first few months I know I lost, but then I stalled (I don't believe Starvation Mode exists, from everything I've read it's a made up term for stalling so it sounds worse than it really is) so I cut those calories in half. And I lose about 15lbs a month....again. Now I go a little higher in calories because I'm walking and Zumba'ing but still within my cal intake. You have to go with what you feel good with. I feel good with my calorie intake although others are having issues with it, but I pretty much ignore them. So far this week I have lost 4lbs (With Monday being my main weigh in day) 2 of those lbs were one's gained by mother natures visit and had to lose them again :(. Read up on Starvation Mode and understand what it really is, then when you stall you can take action right away by changing things up so your body get's back to doing what you want it to do.
  • onikonor
    onikonor Posts: 473 Member
    I'm on a less than 1,000 diet but have to take vitamins since not getting enough in my diet. Upping your protein definitely helps make you feel satisfied and not like you are starving. However, if you heavily exercise with this calorie intake you will lose muscle. Just do light exercise like yoga or walking.

    The main thing for this diet to work is:
    - make sure you are getting enough vitamins and minerals through supplements,
    - eat healthy protein to fill satisfied and add a protein shake to your daily routine (also to help maintain muscle)
    - reduce sugar (your body burns sugar first before any other source of energy)
    - reduce carbs
    - drink lots and lot of water

    You will feel tired for first couple of days but then it passes once your body switches to using fat for energy.
  • KSCarnivore
    KSCarnivore Posts: 37
    I started doing 1200 calories almost 3 months ago. Now I'm eating 1250-1450 calories per day but doing a combination of walking and elliptical for as much as 100 minutes a day. I use a FitBit and strive for 15,000 steps a day...I don't go to bed until that thing reads 15,000. If I burn 500-800 calories, I certainly don't eat back those calories.... so my "net calories" are easily under 1,000 every day.

    I watch my protein intake carefully and strive for 90 or more grams per day. My protein sources are typically from Zone Bars, EAS Advant Edge Shakes (very low calories/ high protein) and beef jerky (watch out for sodium). I graze throughout the day rather than sitting down to a meal. I eat one meal replacement (Lean Cuisine) mid-day.

    I'm conscious of carbs, but not strict in limiting them. I still eat goldfish crackers, triscuits, toast, a sandwich from time to time. Really, there's nothing that I completely avoid. If I'm going to "cheat," it's mid-day and I adjust my calorie intake for the remainder of the day accordingly. I don't drink any sugar drinks or juice and no caffeine, only Vitamin Water Zero, Propel Zero, Crystal Light, etc.

    I'm down 22+ lbs in less than 3 months. I'm planning to lose 40 more and feel like a million bucks. My point would be, I've been doing this low calorie diet for awhile now and I'm satisfied... no starving. Yes, I still daydream about a big meal at my favorite Mexican restaurant, but there are plenty of food choices in my grocer's freezer to give me a portion controlled taste of what I like.

    These things are working for me. I can't say it's right for you or anyone else.
  • You know I was on 1000 a day and the first few months I know I lost, but then I stalled (I don't believe Starvation Mode exists, from everything I've read it's a made up term for stalling so it sounds worse than it really is) so I cut those calories in half. And I lose about 15lbs a month....again. Now I go a little higher in calories because I'm walking and Zumba'ing but still within my cal intake. You have to go with what you feel good with. I feel good with my calorie intake although others are having issues with it, but I pretty much ignore them. So far this week I have lost 4lbs (With Monday being my main weigh in day) 2 of those lbs were one's gained by mother natures visit and had to lose them again :(. Read up on Starvation Mode and understand what it really is, then when you stall you can take action right away by changing things up so your body get's back to doing what you want it to do.

    Wait--You're eating 500 calories/day?

    I advise the OP to NOT take this advice. The only weight you would lose with kind of massive calorie restriction is muscle and water. I have a pretty extensive history with eating disorders, and I ate between 600-800 calories/day for 5 years. I maintained, then BAM gained 10 lbs and it wont come off. No matter what. You will destroy your metabolism eating this little. I don't know much about starvation mode, but I do know from personal experience that it's fine for awhile, until you've ruined your body...
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Hi Everyone! I am 5'4 and currently weight 137lbs, looking to get to 126lbs for my holiday in July (profile pic is my inspiration).

    My question is, how many of you out there are on 1200kcals a day and how are you finding it? Many people on here say it's unhealthy and your body is in "starvation mode" etc but I feel fine and often go under my goal for the day.

    I currently don't do any exercise (other than walking, cleaning etc) and when I do start to exercise I plan to increase my kcals just like everyone says to do on here. The one day I worked out and ate my 1200kcals plus a bit more for the exercise I put on 2lbs so I dont understand how it works!? All I know is it obviously doesnt work for me eating slightly more and exercising. Am I alone here?!

    Confused :smile: x

    You're not likely to reach the goal you've set--losing 11 pounds by July--without exercise. There's just not enough time and you can't create a big enough deficit. And even if you could, it wouldn't be a good idea to lose at that rate. And without exercise you absolutely won't look like your profile pic. That girl works out--a lot.

    You'd be better served, since you're not overweight now, to do some strength training and build some muscle while eating near maintenance or at a ~250 calorie net deficit, which is likely to make you look more like what you want than the weight loss you're aiming for, is more sustainable, and healthier.
  • chantalb20
    chantalb20 Posts: 132
    You know I was on 1000 a day and the first few months I know I lost, but then I stalled (I don't believe Starvation Mode exists, from everything I've read it's a made up term for stalling so it sounds worse than it really is) so I cut those calories in half. And I lose about 15lbs a month....again. Now I go a little higher in calories because I'm walking and Zumba'ing but still within my cal intake. You have to go with what you feel good with. I feel good with my calorie intake although others are having issues with it, but I pretty much ignore them. So far this week I have lost 4lbs (With Monday being my main weigh in day) 2 of those lbs were one's gained by mother natures visit and had to lose them again :(. Read up on Starvation Mode and understand what it really is, then when you stall you can take action right away by changing things up so your body get's back to doing what you want it to do.

    Wait--You're eating 500 calories/day?

    I advise the OP to NOT take this advice. The only weight you would lose with kind of massive calorie restriction is muscle and water. I have a pretty extensive history with eating disorders, and I ate between 600-800 calories/day for 5 years. I maintained, then BAM gained 10 lbs and it wont come off. No matter what. You will destroy your metabolism eating this little. I don't know much about starvation mode, but I do know from personal experience that it's fine for awhile, until you've ruined your body...

    I agree. Don't take this advice! i have an ED and i eat less than 500cal a day but i certainly would never advise ANYONE to do this - it's not healthy and it can set you on the path for an eating disorder, which can be hell to overcome.
  • megelis81
    megelis81 Posts: 6
    Im at 1250 a day. Its not hard to maintain, some weeks I go over 1200 a day some weeks I go less, but no big deal I DONT STRESS about it!

    I eat the same things I did before MFP, the only thing I changed was I cut out the Fast Food and Sodas! That made a world of difference for me. Another thing that has worked for me, on Saturdays and Sundays I try to just drink juice until lunch or dinner time, and cut the calories out at breakfast that seems to make me feel "lighter" and drop a couple of lbs on the weekends. And Yes Yes Yes I know how important Breakfast is....
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    You know I was on 1000 a day and the first few months I know I lost, but then I stalled (I don't believe Starvation Mode exists, from everything I've read it's a made up term for stalling so it sounds worse than it really is) so I cut those calories in half. And I lose about 15lbs a month....again. Now I go a little higher in calories because I'm walking and Zumba'ing but still within my cal intake. You have to go with what you feel good with. I feel good with my calorie intake although others are having issues with it, but I pretty much ignore them. So far this week I have lost 4lbs (With Monday being my main weigh in day) 2 of those lbs were one's gained by mother natures visit and had to lose them again :(. Read up on Starvation Mode and understand what it really is, then when you stall you can take action right away by changing things up so your body get's back to doing what you want it to do.

    It doesn't matter if "starvation mode" exists or not. Eating 500 cal/day is a bad idea, as is losing 3-4 pounds/week.

    And BTW, any water you retain during menstruation isn't weight you have "to lose again." It's not fat, it's water, and you'll pee it out without effort or cutting calories as soon as your period ends.
  • Heather2784
    Heather2784 Posts: 124 Member
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