Anyone on 1200kcals a day?



  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Im at 1250 a day. Its not hard to maintain, some weeks I go over 1200 a day some weeks I go less, but no big deal I DONT STRESS about it!

    I eat the same things I did before MFP, the only thing I changed was I cut out the Fast Food and Sodas! That made a world of difference for me. Another thing that has worked for me, on Saturdays and Sundays I try to just drink juice until lunch or dinner time, and cut the calories out at breakfast that seems to make me feel "lighter" and drop a couple of lbs on the weekends. And Yes Yes Yes I know how important Breakfast is....

    There is nothing "important" about breakfast. If you don't want to eat it--don't. There is nothing magical about what time of day you eat.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    For God's sake, people, eat and exercise.

    I have no idea how I ever got by on 1200. Like, really. I can't even wrap my head around it. I know there was a lot of stress and sadness involved, though.

    I'm on 1700 now. Haven't gained a pound back. Will start losing again as soon as life calms down and I'm able to exercise regularly again.

    I want to be strong, not skinny. I want to be lean and sexy, not a stick, always concerned about what I eat because my body is so ill-prepared and lacking muscle.
  • hebenn01
    hebenn01 Posts: 43 Member
    MFP set my goal at 1250 a day and honestly in 2 months I have eaten more than just a couple of times. I've lost 9 pounds. We will see what the coming months bring though!!
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    You know I was on 1000 a day and the first few months I know I lost, but then I stalled (I don't believe Starvation Mode exists, from everything I've read it's a made up term for stalling so it sounds worse than it really is) so I cut those calories in half. And I lose about 15lbs a month....again. Now I go a little higher in calories because I'm walking and Zumba'ing but still within my cal intake. You have to go with what you feel good with. I feel good with my calorie intake although others are having issues with it, but I pretty much ignore them. So far this week I have lost 4lbs (With Monday being my main weigh in day) 2 of those lbs were one's gained by mother natures visit and had to lose them again :(. Read up on Starvation Mode and understand what it really is, then when you stall you can take action right away by changing things up so your body get's back to doing what you want it to do.

    Wait--You're eating 500 calories/day?

    I advise the OP to NOT take this advice. The only weight you would lose with kind of massive calorie restriction is muscle and water. I have a pretty extensive history with eating disorders, and I ate between 600-800 calories/day for 5 years. I maintained, then BAM gained 10 lbs and it wont come off. No matter what. You will destroy your metabolism eating this little. I don't know much about starvation mode, but I do know from personal experience that it's fine for awhile, until you've ruined your body...

    I agree. Don't take this advice! i have an ED and i eat less than 500cal a day but i certainly would never advise ANYONE to do this - it's not healthy and it can set you on the path for an eating disorder, which can be hell to overcome.

    ^^^^ this, 100%
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    I'm on 1200 a day. I'm also 5'2" and very sedentary.
    I think 1200 is a bit low for taller and more active people.
    On 1200 it's also very important to eat your exercise calories.
  • andimlovegalore
    andimlovegalore Posts: 10 Member
    I am =] or there abouts I'll add you!
  • bugtrain
    bugtrain Posts: 251 Member
  • eal12_00
    eal12_00 Posts: 23 Member
    hey i am 5'1 i was using the 1200 a day and loved it but i also work out. Your goal is to lose one to two pounds a week. also weigh yourself the same time once a week. for me it is Monday morning....remember water weight can add or subtract 2lbs or more. i truly do not even eat 1200 calories a day and i eat all day. in the past year i have lost over 50lbs and still going. right now i zig zag calories becuz before i would stop losing weight but the majority of the time is 1200. I work daily though i just started with a walk around the block or the treadmill and worked up. if you need help please ask i would love to help u.
  • steamyhott
    steamyhott Posts: 71 Member
    Awesom post really great information!!!!!!
  • steamyhott
    steamyhott Posts: 71 Member
    To temp666777 awesome information thanks....:)
  • Morgaine_on_the_move
    Morgaine_on_the_move Posts: 228 Member
    Oh wow, why would you NOT exercise. I know it makes me a lot hungrier, but I've gotten strong from exercise! I love the feeling when I dance for hours or run for miles.

    And more than that, it makes me feel better psychologically. I NEED to exercise or I feel mopey and sad.

    My social life is also built around exercise, as most of my friends are either in my Zumba class or are runners like me. It's a great way to connect with other people.
  • Warley_x
    Warley_x Posts: 62
    Thank you for this, at least I know there are doctors out there that don't consider it unhealthy. Well done for your loss, hopefully i'll hit my goal as well!
    I have been on a 1200 calorie/day diet that was recommended by my doctor. I started mid March and have lost 14 lbs so far. I don't work out that much. If a doctor recommends it, it can't be bad. To maintain your weight he recommends 1400-1600. Sometimes I have to force myself to eat to get in 1200 calories.
  • faryewing
    faryewing Posts: 3
    Just started a couple of weeks ago and am on 1200 cals. Had a hard time staying at/under at first, but have done better in this past week. I get pretty hungry before meal times and have to put a lot of thought into what I am going to eat. I eat the exercise calories - don't think it's healthy to net less than 1200 per day on a regular basis. Am working out 3-4 times per week (cardio) for 45 - 60 minutes. I plan to add in more strength training, right now I am doing "the line" at the gym twice per week.

    Honestly, I don't get dieting without exercise - not only do I think it won't maintain in the long run, but also you are completely missing out on the myriad of health benefits associated with regular exercise. Yes, I want to get from 138 to 126 pounds - but I also have numerous risk factors for heart disease so decreasing that as much as possible is just as important.

    So far, I have actually gained two pounds - started at 136 - pretty sure that's not muscle weight in this short period of time -but I'm giving myself a bit of a break while I get a handle on how I eat and make the exercise a regular part of my life.

    Back in 2007 I lost 20 pounds doing cardio 3-4 times per week 45 min, the line twice per week. For diet, I cut out almost all meat and desserts. At that time I did not count calories at all. It probably took 5-6 months to lose the weight. Gained it all back in a matter of a few years when I stopped doing the above.
  • tomhancock
    tomhancock Posts: 100 Member
    I am a fairly fit 5'9" 180 pound man on 1400 - I don't think that is terribly different from a smaller woman trying to eat 1200. I work out 4-5 times a week for about an hour, but don't "eat back" the calories burned in exercise. My job is relatively sedentary but I do walk about 30 minutes at work every day (going to and from another building five blocks away)

    People who talk about starving, or their metabolism shutting down, or the infamous "starvation mode" are probably not eating the right stuff, or are VERY active. On 1400 calories I'm stuffed most of the day, and some days I struggle to get enough food in my mouth. My diary is open if you want to look at what I am eating. Take note that some of it looks odd because I switched my profile to record five meals, so last week's dinners now look like lunches, etc.

    So my point is that a 1200 calorie diet for someone of your size is completely do-able, and can be very healthy, but you must eat the right stuff. If you are eating whole (not quick) oatmeal, lots of veggies, lean protein like tuna and chicken, things like that, 1200 calories is a ton of food. If you are eating processed carbohydrates, fatty meat, too much cheese, etc. then 1200 calories is like a starvation ration.
  • tomhancock
    tomhancock Posts: 100 Member

    So far, I have actually gained two pounds - started at 136 - pretty sure that's not muscle weight in this short period of time -but I'm giving myself a bit of a break while I get a handle on how I eat and make the exercise a regular part of my life.

    It probably isn't muscle fiber, but is probably a result of a good workout. Your muscles will hold onto water if they are under stress (like being sore from a workout). Keep going and I bet that two pounds melts off.

    I see similar cycles if I have a crazy workout day- like last saturday, I jog/ran/walked 3 miles then later in the day we hiked for like 4 hours. I gained two pounds, but three days later I lost those two plus one more - Almost all water weight from being properly hydrated during exercise.
  • Warley_x
    Warley_x Posts: 62
    For me, I have both knees which require key hole surgery and I chose the alternative to build them up instead to try and make them better. This means no running, weights, jogging etc (basically anything that puts pressure on the knees) so I have a step up to build up the strength in them but obviously these things take time and time isnt what I have for my holiday goal. In the future once built up I will exercise but for now i'm looking at diet & low amounts of physical activity.

    Would love to do Zumba when I can though, it looks brilliant fun!
    Oh wow, why would you NOT exercise. I know it makes me a lot hungrier, but I've gotten strong from exercise! I love the feeling when I dance for hours or run for miles.

    And more than that, it makes me feel better psychologically. I NEED to exercise or I feel mopey and sad.

    My social life is also built around exercise, as most of my friends are either in my Zumba class or are runners like me. It's a great way to connect with other people.
  • kimber_av
    kimber_av Posts: 98
    I'm 5'6 and 134. wanting to be 125. similar goals. I have mine set for 1200.
    try and stay around there, which I have good days and bad days. But It works for me. I had started at 138. now i'm adding workouts because its going slow. every body is different. just listen to yours
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    And in time when you all stop losing and can't figure out its because you're starving yourself, we'll see you in the other discussions.
    This starving yourself thing only works for so long --- and is not a long term solution. Learn your BMR, Learn you TDEE, learn healthy habits and stop starving.

    I am 5'4" like the original poster and my daily is now 1720-1800...after months at a plateau trying to starve at 1200 I'm finally losing again and feeling better.
    SEDIMATTEO Posts: 12
    I'm on 1200 a day. The only time I eat my exercise calories is when I do my long hikes or bike rides that burn 800+.
  • ajohn252
    ajohn252 Posts: 158
    What I've been doing is eating 1480 a day and working
    out enough to get down to 1200. I don't find myself hungry or
    tired ever so it has been working nicely for me.
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