Hello, discouraged, need support

Hi all,
I have at least 80 lbs to lose, but would like to lose 100 lbs.

I was pretty thin and cute until I had lots of babies.

I think I "detached" from my feelings about my body and weight for several years.

Now I find myself 100 lbs larger than when I got married.

I want to do it now and for good, but am so scared of failure.

I really dislike who this extra weight has made me become, physically and emotionally.

How's that for an introduction???



  • jodymcadam
    jodymcadam Posts: 24
    You can never fail as long as you continue to try, but you've definitely come to the right place for support. Feel free to add me to your buddy list if you're looking for one more person to cheer you on this journey!

    Good luck!
  • Well, you took the first step and recognized it, and now you're taking action. When I first started I just made sure I was at my calorie goal every day and did light exercise. I get discouraged easily so I didn't want to work out so much that my muscles were sore because that would give me a reason not to. I started with Just Dance on the Wii, I even play it with my sister to make it more fun and competitive and walking a mile or so. Build yourself up to it, and watch your portions, and you'll succeed. Good luck! :happy:
  • Flyboy583
    Flyboy583 Posts: 7
    You CAN do it.. Just set small objectives and cross them off as you reach them.. Never loos sight of your goals and when you feel low, come on here for some inspiration!! You are never alone!

    Best of luck!!
  • Reese61477
    Reese61477 Posts: 53 Member
    You know, what helped me was having mini goals. I too had a large amount to lose when I first started. My first goal wasn't even weight related exactly. The goal I had initially was to make exercise a habit. Once I did that I was then better able to focus on my food. :) Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • you can do it you have definately come to the right place for support, try to take it one day at a time and dont aim for a huge weightloss in one go do it gradually i want to get down to 13 stone from 18 but i decided to try for 16 stone first so i dont get discouraged when it takes so long. try finding a nice easy exercise thats also fun for you to do!! i recommend Zumba which is a latin-american dance fitness regime which is amazing!! i do it every other day though not as regually as its been so hot over my end of the pond and if you ever feel bad talk to us on here and we will keep you on track :)

    feel free to add me if you would like xx
  • Well when you ask you shall receive, you will get tons of support here as well as tips and healthy eating tricks...We love to hear about goals set and once you take the first step we will help in any way we can...this community here is all about helping you be the healthy you, you set out to be.. Don't be discouraged be encouraged!:happy:
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    I want to do it now and for good, but am so scared of failure.

    What have you got to lose? The only thing I can think of is the pounds!

    For a start, lets take the word TRY out of our vocabulary and instead of 'trying' to lose the weight - DO IT.

    Before you commence this journey though, you need to be in the right mind set - as all this is a mental game, more so than physical (or at least that's what I have come to find and believe).

    Ask yourself why you want to lose the weight, find someone to support you 100% (your partner, a close friend, etc.) and then let nothing get in your way. This is your life, you need to take control of it. You're the only one who can change this and failure is NOT an OPTION. TRYING is NOT an OPTION. DOING is the ONLY option.

    We believe in you, as long as you believe in yourself.

    Good luck.
  • LittleLightShine
    LittleLightShine Posts: 123 Member
    We're in the same boat! 80 to lose but should lose 100. I've learned that it is going to take a long time to lose this weight and I'm happy now with .5 or more each week. When I started, I was shocked at how slow and hard it was to lose one pound. Now I'm looking at the big picture. It might take another 12-18 months but I'm going to get there and you can too!
  • Mommypeanut
    Mommypeanut Posts: 34
    Thanks everyone for the kind welcome. I appreciate the support and encouragement.

    I do need to get there mentally. I need to set goals . And I just need to do this!

  • Welcome,
    Don't let fear stop or discourage you. Just do one day at a time. I too am at least 50 lbs heavier than when I first got married. I can relate about the detaching. You can do this, day by day. Best of luck and feel free to add me for support and encouragement.
  • UsaJewels05
    UsaJewels05 Posts: 229 Member
    Just take it day by day, and keep out it!
  • jwlav
    jwlav Posts: 31
    Just start today!!! no matter how small the accomplishments are they add up! It takes time but you can totally do it! We are all in this together! Feel free to add me if you wish.
    Its time to kick some *kitten*!!!!
  • TamAD48
    TamAD48 Posts: 387
    Welcome! You can do it, there is a lot of support and encouragement here. Feel free to add me if you would like.
  • Gorussell
    Gorussell Posts: 18
    Hi and Welcome. I gained weight between having children. My total weight loss goal is 101 pounds. You CAN do it. I'm almost 80 lbs down with about 20+ to go. Feel free to add me as u will see from my diary how family still impacts my workouts and eating habits. My husband is skinny and ALWAYS has multiple snacks in the bed.. Lol
  • srenglish1993
    srenglish1993 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! :smile:

    I am in a "similar" siutation; however, I gained 63 lbs in 9 months due to medication. I know exactly how you feel and am very critical of how I look. However, you have taken a very good step. If ever you need to talk, feel free to write. The community is here to support you. Btw, I need to introduce myself as well! Thank you for reminding me. :wink: Have a good day.
  • Xena03
    Xena03 Posts: 12
    Hi Mommypeanut!

    I'm fairly new as well. I joined several weeks ago but this week I finally started losing the weight. I started walking/jogging with a friend but I was still bingeing and emotional. My husband, who is on here too, suggested my goal be to log every day and keep my weekly goal close regardless of what I do day to day. Like so many people I would eat something high calorie and (without checking) assume that I have ruined my entire day and use that as an excuse to binge and start over a day (or 3 days) later. I was convinced when my husband told me that one day he skipped lunch and because he was starving ended up eating 3 big donuts. Guess what, he still lost weight! He kept the weekly goal in sight. I would have blew the whole weekend and hated myself!! I decided to make it my goal to track for 13 weeks without missing a day. Without doing anything else different I lost 4 lbs in one week! Even though on Wednesday we went out to lunch and then I came home and had a couple sweet snacks! Get the daily perfection out of your head and you can totally do this!!! BTW I had a lovely white chocolate macadamia nut cookie with my lunch yesterday and was down a full pound this morning! Add me if you like and you can do my 13 weeks with me and another friend I found on MFP.

    BTW my profile pic is from several years ago. I have about 70-75 I need to lose.
  • tabithaanne
    tabithaanne Posts: 38
    The first step is deciding to do something and you took it! We are all in the same boat here..it's gonna take time but you can do it! My mantra lately is "Trust the Process". The scale might not always move in the direction you want, but if you are eating the right things and working out it will all fall into place. Add me for support if you like :)