I completely lost it last night.

I did a great job yesterday and then I just completely fell off last night. I didn't make it to the gym and wound up eating dinner 7 hours after lunch; therefore, I was so hungry, I overate. It showed up this morning on the scale. UGH!
I have got to stop this vicous cycle. I keep doing this!
I know what I need to do. I just have to commit to it.


  • JanetParks
    That was last night....:ohwell: today is a new day !:flowerforyou: Do you take snacks with you when you are out and about? I know it's hard to remember to take them (been there done that). maybe buy some to keep in your car. Slimfast and Kellog have some that are good. :smile:
  • shinybonnie
    Thank God for new mornings! Go ahead and go to the gym NOW. All that other stuff you have to do today can wait. You can do it! When you feel tempted to overeat or eat what you should not, "flee from temptation," and put your mind to something else.

    Good luck today; I know you can do it!
  • pniana
    pniana Posts: 254 Member
    ME TOO!!! Except the exercise and waiting too long to eat thing so I had NO EXCUSE. I took the kids to DQ after dinner, at which I made totally wise choices. But this DQ had Chocolate Softserve! That is rare so I couldn't resist a chocolate dipped chocolate cone! Double chocolate. :tongue: THEN, we went to my mom's house because my sissy-in-law is in town and my mom had made her chocolate chip cookies. I LOVE my mom's chocolate chip cookies. So, I had 2. Yes, 2 cookies after a DQ cone. With a glass of (2%) milk.

    I went over. To make things worse, today is my day off of exercise, which I haven't given myself in close to 2 weeks and I need it. It is harder to stay within calorie range on these days. Wish me luck! Today is a new day and we have to forgive ourselves. One day of failure does not make our entire plan a failure. Pick yourself up and start over!
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    Sadly, I understand completely. I was doing great, got to the gym and had a vicious workout, and then the next thing I know I was at a friend's house with pizza and ice cream sundaes. I was not strong enough. I am still beating myself up a bit, but am going to just try and focus on today.
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    The only advice I can give is that you have to become a planner. I'm obsessive about it - I always carry good food with me that I can eat as a snack - fruit, Kashi bar or crackers, whatever. My daughter gets irritated now because I always have food, but of the good variety.

    I know it seems counter-intuitive - that you'd always have food around, but unless I eat every few hours, I will over eat. I even force myself to eat every three hours, even if I don't feel like it.

    So, back on the wagon! :) It's a new day and you can do this!!!
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Sadly, I understand completely. I was doing great, got to the gym and had a vicious workout, and then the next thing I know I was at a friend's house with pizza and ice cream sundaes. I was not strong enough. I am still beating myself up a bit, but am going to just try and focus on today.

    Don't feel bad! I've got a feeling that pretty much EVERYONE, INCLUDING ME, would NEVER be able to say "NO" to pizza and an ice cream sundae! :noway: :laugh:
    Just get right back on track and you'll be just fine! :wink: :smile:
  • vdpal
    vdpal Posts: 64 Member
    Thanks to all of you! I do appreciate all your support. I just got back from the gym. I got in a pretty good workout, so I am back on track.
    What a great support team you all are!!! KUDDOS!!!!!!!!!!! :) LOVE it and this site!!