Anyone on 1200kcals a day?



  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    how on earth is 1200 calories starving yourself?! lol

    It is providing inadequate nutrition to build muscle and a healthy body. That's the definition of starvation.

    no it's not. for someone who isn't that tall, or active, 1200 calories a day is plenty.
    sure, it's not a lot of calories, but it provides adeuqate nutrition if you're getting it from the right foods - not if you're getting it dfrom icecream and chocolate.

    1200 calories won't even feed your metabolic rate. So if you are only eating 1200 calories and your body needs 1300+ calories to run your metabolic rate, guess what your body will do... will it repair your muscle or run your organs?

    OP, do you want to lose fat or muscle? Muscle is what makes you look like the person in the photo. If you want to cut fat, you need to eat more. What you should do is estimate your TDEE and then cut 20%. YOu do this and start doing heavy weight training (which you can do while injured as I did it with a tore MCL), your bod will cut fat. And to add a cookie on top, here is a response from a person I am working with. She lifts 4 days a week, 36 years old and eats 2100 calories on workout days and 1800 on non workout days.

    "I just wanted to thank you for your help. You helped me a few months back and I just wanted to give you an update on my progress. 12 weeks ago I started at 154 and 28% bf. I got my bf remeasured last Friday and it was 24%. But I only lost 1 pound. It is crazy to me but I have learned to ignore the scale. You were right that keeping consistent and not giving up my body would finally adjust.

    Thanks again for your help!


    So you want more proof. Now lets look at a girl who gained 20 lbs of muscle and eats 3000-4000 calories a day. Below is a link.

    And to add a little more icing on the cake, HMMM, I love cake, we have the below.
  • zukkiz
    zukkiz Posts: 362 Member
    Holy cow people, eat already! Why make your body suffer more.

    We put the weight on over time but expext it to come off overnight! Sure that can work, if you just want to continue doing the on off cycle your whole life!

    Mine may come off slower, but I will be fit, get all my nutrients, and be able to maintain. I would rather be 160 in a size 6/8 with a body fat percentage of 24%. Than be skinny fat! I have six kids to raise and I need to be strong and healthy, not paper thin!
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member

    Plus, I'm alive and functioning on a lot less than that - is it healthy? no, and i'm not advocating anyone should develop ED tendencies. But I work out, parent, breastfeed, study, cook, clean, etc on a lot less. Should i eat more calories? Most probably. But to say that 1200 calories does nothing more than keep you alive is going a bit far i think.


    OP, 1200 cals a day is a quick fix. Plain and simple.

    My suggestion to you is to take a look around the forums or search for friends on here that have HEALTHY bodies and live in a healthy balanced manner and have maintained this for a good long time. Ask them about what they do.
  • chantalb20
    chantalb20 Posts: 132
    how on earth is 1200 calories starving yourself?! lol

    It is providing inadequate nutrition to build muscle and a healthy body. That's the definition of starvation.

    no it's not. for someone who isn't that tall, or active, 1200 calories a day is plenty.
    sure, it's not a lot of calories, but it provides adeuqate nutrition if you're getting it from the right foods - not if you're getting it dfrom icecream and chocolate.

    1200 calories won't even feed your metabolic rate. So if you are only eating 1200 calories and your body needs 1300+ calories to run your metabolic rate, guess what your body will do... will it repair your muscle or run your organs?

    my BMR is 1100. i had it worked out properly when i was in recovery
  • BuckeyeLife
    BuckeyeLife Posts: 313 Member
    how on earth is 1200 calories starving yourself?! lol

    It is providing inadequate nutrition to build muscle and a healthy body. That's the definition of starvation.

    no it's not. for someone who isn't that tall, or active, 1200 calories a day is plenty.
    sure, it's not a lot of calories, but it provides adeuqate nutrition if you're getting it from the right foods - not if you're getting it dfrom icecream and chocolate.

    1200 calories won't even feed your metabolic rate. So if you are only eating 1200 calories and your body needs 1300+ calories to run your metabolic rate, guess what your body will do... will it repair your muscle or run your organs?

    my BMR is 1100. i had it worked out properly when i was in recovery

    So if you only put in 1100 calories of fuel but then workout for 30 minutes... Your body is going to opt to run your body and ignore the muscle repair leading to lean body mass loss. Not that hard.

    As for people thinking 1200 is good, girlfriend is 5'1", <120, looks pretty good, and eats plenty. 1400-2000/day depending on activity. She actually even hit a new low weight after a couple weeks of diet change and working out and her stomach disappeared a little. Clearly water weight, but she can feel and see a difference and loves eating!
  • chantalb20
    chantalb20 Posts: 132
    Thought I'd point out that I'm definitely not saying that she should drop below 1200 cals, develop any ED tendencies or anything, and I even said that if it's not working out for her, she should try upping her calories. I'm just saying that I have an eating disorder, i eat less than that and I function. I *don't* think what i'm doing is healthy etc etc, but that's the way it is. Personally, I feel healthy, have lots of energy but we'll see what happens. I was in recovery for 2 years, (before i got pregnant, during the pregnancy and for the first 11 months breastfeeding) and the only time i went above 1200 cals was when i was pregnant. Everyone's different. But the only point i was trying to make was that I don't think 1200 calories is starvation for someone that size.
  • I am also doing ok on 1200 cals a day. I feel great( finally got rid of my heatburn) . Having a great deal of trouble keeping my sugar count down but I think when you only have a small amount to loose this is ok. Good luck.
  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    I am 5'3", weigh 135 and am at 1200 calories. I've lost 10 pounds over the past two and a half months and have 15 to go. I eat back every single exercise calorie with relish and lots of those calories come from carbs.

    I think it's interesting that temp666777 says to be wary of anyone giving strong, immediate opinions, then he goes on to do just that.

    There's lots of conflicting "evidence" about what types of foods do the best and worst things for you, overall. Most medical professionals will tell you that balance is key and that you should listen to your body. Personally, I cannot function without a decent (not over-the-top, but more than temp666777 would advocate) number of carbs in my daily diet. (Not enough carbs and I get headachy and slightly nauseous.) I also think it's crap to say exercise is meaningless. Much of the battle here, at least for me, is mental. I can't imagine trying to lose weight without taking getting truly healthy seriously -- and you can't get healthy by sitting on your behind and just eating some low-carb gimmicky diet.

    I also cannot function if I don't eat back my exercise calories. I work out daily, which makes me feel strong and in control -- but if I don't eat back my exercise calories, I cannot make it through my workouts without feeling weak and puny. Plus, I really love to cook and to eat! So exercising and eating back those calories lets me enjoy meals with my family and friends -- plus have a few cocktails now and then -- without blowing my overall progress.

    For me, this is about how to live my life from here on out in a balanced, healthful way that will work for the long term. It's about finding a way of life that will keep me balanced until I'm an old, old, OLD woman who dies peacefully in my sleep after a full and happy life.

    Good luck, and remember, no ONE source is enough -- read lots and listen to your body!
  • scorpion19
    scorpion19 Posts: 2
    All I gotta say is that you all must be doing something right and I have to be doing something terribly wrong. I have been on 1200 calories a day (with out a problem or hunger pain) for the past 4 weeks, and I am miserable to say that I haven't lost an ounce. Why cant I even drop one stinking pound?? :-(
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    1200 calories won't even feed your metabolic rate. So if you are only eating 1200 calories and your body needs 1300+ calories to run your metabolic rate, guess what your body will do

    Burn my fat !

    Yay - result.
  • fattofit20
    fattofit20 Posts: 86
    I am also on 1200 calories a day. I started about 3 weeks ago. I lost 5.5 pounds as of last Friday and this Friday I got on the scale and gained 2 pounds back! I've been doing cardio walking with Leslie Sansone at home (fast paced 4 mph walking) for most of the days for the last 3 weeks. I've just started with light hand weights to tone. Most days I don't make it to 1200 calories because it adds calories when you exercise. I'm wondering why I'm gaining weight rather than losing it? I am a 51 year old female, 5 ft, 1 inch and began this at 136 pounds. Way too much weight for my small frame. Last weekend I was 130.5 and today back up to 132.5. I'm beginning to get discouraged. My goal weight is 115 but I feel like I'm never going to get there. Does anyone have more info on what I should/should not be doing?
  • Warley_x
    Warley_x Posts: 62
    I'm building them up with the "exercises" my physio showed me, using my step up etc but I don't class this as exercise, this is purely building up the strength in my knees before I am able to use them properly. The woman in my profile picture is airbrushed anyway so no of course I wont look like her, but without actually seeing me don't pass judgement on how I look or how I plan to look estimated on my kcal intake and weight.
    For me, I have both knees which require key hole surgery and I chose the alternative to build them up instead to try and make them better. This means no running, weights, jogging etc (basically anything that puts pressure on the knees) so I have a step up to build up the strength in them but obviously these things take time and time isnt what I have for my holiday goal. In the future once built up I will exercise but for now i'm looking at diet & low amounts of physical activity.

    Would love to do Zumba when I can though, it looks brilliant fun!
    Oh wow, why would you NOT exercise. I know it makes me a lot hungrier, but I've gotten strong from exercise! I love the feeling when I dance for hours or run for miles.

    And more than that, it makes me feel better psychologically. I NEED to exercise or I feel mopey and sad.

    My social life is also built around exercise, as most of my friends are either in my Zumba class or are runners like me. It's a great way to connect with other people.

    You can lift weights without putting "pressure" on your knees. A licensed physical therapist can show you what exercises are safe for your knees. Also, bicycling and swimming are great cardio that don't damage the knees. How are you going to get "built up" unless you exercise? In this magical future your knees will only be weaker. Your profile says you want to look like the woman in your profile pic. You cannot look like her doing what you are doing now, no matter how low you cut your calories. You won't look even kinda-sorta like her. You are not even a little overweight as you are now. To look like her you need to build muscle, not lose it due to inadequate calories.
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    1200 calories won't even feed your metabolic rate. So if you are only eating 1200 calories and your body needs 1300+ calories to run your metabolic rate, guess what your body will do

    Burn my fat !

    Yay - result.

    and your muscle...much faster.
  • jdploki70
    jdploki70 Posts: 343
    I'm on 1200 cals a day, and manage to eat really well. I usually have at least on salad a day (100 cal, with dressing), as well as two servings of meat, at least 5 of vegetables (I count popcorn as a veg, since it's just corn in a different form), and at least 4 of grains (rice goes in almost every dinner). By the time I get off work I've already eaten 3 times, and managed to stay under 500 calories more often than not. Just remember, something as small as a couple of mini chocolate bars pack as many calories as 3.5 cups of popcorn or a salad with tomatoes, feta cheese, light dressing, and 2 cups of greens. It's all in the choices you make as to how hungry you are.
  • jdploki70
    jdploki70 Posts: 343
    1200 calories won't even feed your metabolic rate. So if you are only eating 1200 calories and your body needs 1300+ calories to run your metabolic rate, guess what your body will do

    Burn my fat !

    Yay - result.

    and your muscle...much faster.
    According to most of the literature I've read, fat gets burned first because it has more calories and isn't being used (9 cal vs 4 cal). If you are in a coma, or otherwise sedentary, then yes, you are likely to lose muscle mass. But if you are active and work out more often than not, your body will remove calories from your fat and not your muscles, as you are using the muscles, not the fat.
  • bricktowngal
    bricktowngal Posts: 206
    1200 cals a day and I work out/walk 5 - 6 days a week:happy:
  • Warley_x
    Warley_x Posts: 62
    Thank you for your thoughts & advice. That last picture link is very interesting, what type of foods do you have to eat for that though? I'd find it difficult to eat that many kcals in a day! Yes overall I would prefer to be toned thin not thin thin but I wanted to drop weight first (while building my knees) to start toning after I've got my weight/fat to where I want it.x
    how on earth is 1200 calories starving yourself?! lol

    It is providing inadequate nutrition to build muscle and a healthy body. That's the definition of starvation.

    no it's not. for someone who isn't that tall, or active, 1200 calories a day is plenty.
    sure, it's not a lot of calories, but it provides adeuqate nutrition if you're getting it from the right foods - not if you're getting it dfrom icecream and chocolate.

    1200 calories won't even feed your metabolic rate. So if you are only eating 1200 calories and your body needs 1300+ calories to run your metabolic rate, guess what your body will do... will it repair your muscle or run your organs?

    OP, do you want to lose fat or muscle? Muscle is what makes you look like the person in the photo. If you want to cut fat, you need to eat more. What you should do is estimate your TDEE and then cut 20%. YOu do this and start doing heavy weight training (which you can do while injured as I did it with a tore MCL), your bod will cut fat. And to add a cookie on top, here is a response from a person I am working with. She lifts 4 days a week, 36 years old and eats 2100 calories on workout days and 1800 on non workout days.

    "I just wanted to thank you for your help. You helped me a few months back and I just wanted to give you an update on my progress. 12 weeks ago I started at 154 and 28% bf. I got my bf remeasured last Friday and it was 24%. But I only lost 1 pound. It is crazy to me but I have learned to ignore the scale. You were right that keeping consistent and not giving up my body would finally adjust.

    Thanks again for your help!


    So you want more proof. Now lets look at a girl who gained 20 lbs of muscle and eats 3000-4000 calories a day. Below is a link.

    And to add a little more icing on the cake, HMMM, I love cake, we have the below.
  • chesneyfan01
    chesneyfan01 Posts: 51 Member
    I'm on 1200 but I exercise every weekday for 40 mins - 1 hr. I don't think I'd be able to do it without my exercise as I need those exercise calories to not feel hungry.

  • melinda_great
    melinda_great Posts: 33 Member
    i'm on 1200 calories a day and it's definitely doable. it takes some planning at first, but now it's a breeze. feel free to add me for support if you'd like :)
  • AmelodyAngel
    AmelodyAngel Posts: 152 Member
    I am 5'2 and 190 and my calorie intake is 1200. I usually eat 1350 and exercise off the other calories so I net 1200 or lower. I just started and have been doing this for a week and so far it has been really good. I do 20-40 mins of exercise everyday depending on whether it is the weekend or not. I try to eat healthy, but have little treats here and there. I eat when I am hungry, but always to make it healthy. We will see how it goes in a few weeks.
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