
So last year I had joined a gym through work and went 5 days a week during my lunch break and walked for 45 minutes at a good rate: heartbeat up, sweating 3 of those days and the other 2 I did weights. Did this for 3 months and didn't feel or see results so I stopped out of frustration. Now that I got laid off I have started walking again but outside around my city and since it's been awhile I have started out slow: 2 days a week about 2 miles a day (sometimes a tab more but 2 is my minimum). As I was walking today I was thinking about people who lose weight because they walk and I didn't have that success before when I did it so am wondering what I am missing? Does walking really have benefits? I know I can Google "benefits of walking" and get a million reasons but want to hear from real people here: what changes did you see if you are a walker? Any tips?


  • mommyweighless
    mommyweighless Posts: 192 Member
    i had about 10 lbs come of just walking. but along with that i completely changed my eating habits. I'm boy sure what you eat or how much but it plays a very large role in your weightloss. as I built ny endurance walking I progressed to.running, swimming and other activities. and joined a gym. I found MFP after I lost that initial 10 and.have lost 10 more since. hope it helps.
  • asalikin
    asalikin Posts: 19 Member
    I am planning to start walking to work now that I've moved to a closer office (3.5kms from home) so I have been wondering the same thing... Will I see (PHYSICAL) results walking 45mins twice a day?? I know there are plenty of health benefits, but I've had the same issue with working out at the gym. I did the same thing, I think I went about 6 months, even hired a trainer, and saw almost no physical changes, only endurance improvement. that's great, but I wanted some inches gone! I ate pretty good too...

    I would love to hear of actual personal success stories from walking to help motivate me with my idea of walking to work!
  • Pammi6
    Pammi6 Posts: 2
    In a previous job, I walked home from work (about a mile) 3 times a week. I did not change my eating habits at all, and found that after 4 weeks I was getting home earlier than I had when I started. I didn't walk with headphones in or using a mobile phone. I just walked and after 3 months I had lost 10lbs.
    So I guess if you exercise more than I did and manage your eating as well you would lose weight a little faster. Saying that 1-2lb a week is recommended.
    Also walking to work builds up stamina and endurance without you noticing it - I was totally surprised when I had to run for the bus not only did I actually catch it and wasn't out of breath when I got on!
    Another way of observing the effects is to measure yourself on the 1st of every month and watch the numbers decrease! :)