weight from stopping smoking:(

audtod Posts: 12 Member
I have been off the cigs for almo t two years now, the benefits are amazing apart from putting on 28lbs, I am seriously finding it very difficult to lose anything, feel hungry most of the time and afraid of putting on alot more :( anyone in a similiar situation) would be good to buddy up:smile


  • tipadoo
    tipadoo Posts: 104 Member
    I'm in exactly the same boat!!! 7 months of no smoking...two months on MFP and I've lost 3-5 pounds depending on the day! Huge disappointment. I was hoping that the Champix was part of the problem with not losing weight...but I'm one month off champix and haven't lost enough to talk about! I guess I'm just destined to be chubby!!
  • lynrjkel
    lynrjkel Posts: 1
    I quit 4 years ago and I sometimes still crave it I think commitment to staying healthy helps alot. The willpower to quit is huge so if you can do that you can lose weight and remain healthy.
  • bear73000
    bear73000 Posts: 52 Member
    I am trying to quit and lose as well. I try to do something else to take my mind off it when cravings start. Going to the gym or walk during my cravings seems to help. If I can't do that, I get a mint or gum.
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    Buy an ecig. they work great. Pm me if you want more info
  • AlexanderK1994
    AlexanderK1994 Posts: 243 Member
    I smoked my last cigarette about two hours ago. Meh, I'm trying to quit (only started again around Septemberish after 4 years of not smoking).
  • natvanessa
    natvanessa Posts: 230 Member
    I quit smoking recently and also find it's harder to lose weight than before. I think it is true that smoking increases your metabolism or whatever.

    BUT, I have started running and working out more since I quit. See, now I can exercise harder and longer without getting out of breath!! So that's a plus! I am slowly dropping the weight, and I will never consider smoking again, even for the weight effects. No way! Just stay strong and be patient :-)
    MAJINTA Posts: 13
    Quit 9 weeks ago today. Gained 10 pounds. Started MFP last Sunday and lost 3 pounds already. You can do it!!!!!
  • babyshme
    babyshme Posts: 310 Member
    Smoke free for 2 weeks. Quitting cold turkey. I the last week, I have lost 2lbs. Yes,I want to eat every thing I see in sight but I know that if I do eat every thing, then I will gain the weight back. That is not my goal. Sugar free hard candies (Life savers and some others) are like 5 calories a piece. I have also been told to get a box of drinking straws and chew on them when a craving hits. So far for me when a craving hits, I brush my teeth. My issues is the more hand to mouth movements. So I drink a glass of water and brush my teeth.
  • mbajrami
    mbajrami Posts: 636 Member
    I quit September of 2010 (cold turkey) after over 15 years of a pack a day or more. I gained about 8 lbs from eating more fruit (the hand to mouth thing) and lost it back in about a month. Have you all had a metabolic panel done by your doctors to make sure it's not a medical issue? I had one done and was diagnosed with underactive thyroid, which slowed my metabolism down to a crawl. Since being diagnosed and starting medication, I have lost and kept off quite a bit, and am still losing with proper diet and exercise.

    A lot of people I know at work are just now being diagnosed with thyroid conditions in their adulthood. It's worth looking into. Huge relief for me to find out. I had almost resigned myself to just being a failure at being healthy.
  • Same here, very frustrated....I lost 45lbs a year 1/2 ago and then quit smoking 5 months ago. I am up 13lbs and gotten a lot of belly fat back. I can't seem to drop the pounds again!!! I'm exercising like normal, if not more and trying to eat ok. Annoying!!!
  • mandapanda67
    mandapanda67 Posts: 1 Member
    I've been cigarette free for a month and 4 days now. I've quit smoking for longer than this many times. 6 months was the longest, but it only takes one unfortunately. I've been using MFP for a month now and have lost 12 pounds. I'm glad I'm making this healthy lifestyle change now when I decided to quit smoking because I believe it is helping with the weight I would have put on from stopping. The hardest time to resist a cigarette is drinking with friends. ALL of my friends smoke. Ha. But so far so good. :) Anyone can do this, just gotta be in the mindset. :P
  • WAM777
    WAM777 Posts: 15 Member
    I started on my weight loss on January 6 this year and by 5/12 lost 60 pounds. Quit smoking 5/14 and gained and lost 3 pounds several times but this morning I'm at my lowest so far at 62 pounds lost. It is doable, but I know first hand how eating can replace smoking too easily. I am on my 12th day of no smoking and I'm determined to lose another 38 pounds and stay non-smoking!
  • RikkiDominey
    RikkiDominey Posts: 134 Member
    Same here! I lost about 50lbs last year doing the P90X & INSANITY (which I swear by) and I decided my next step to being healthy was to quit smoking.... I in return gained about 20lbs after quitting. :(
    I've found that if you carry gum on you and every time you would normally smoke put in a piece of gum instead of eating, which is where most people gain the weight from, since it is a oral fixation.
  • Xena03
    Xena03 Posts: 12
    Wow!! Congratulations! Stopping smoking is an amazing accomplishment! If you can do that this should be a breeze!!

    Ok, so if you're feeling hungry all the time I have a couple suggestions.

    First, of course, discipline. You know what it's like to have a major craving and deny it. Think of it this way, now you don't have to say no, you get to say not yet. Can't do that with cigarettes! Remind yourself there is another meal coming and then get busy doing something you can get absorbed in. Paint, organize a closet, better yet go for a walk. It's really hard to binge when your 10 blocks from the fridge. Also, there is something comforting about planning your meals ahead of time as well. If you know what your gonna eat AND that it will be under your calorie goal you'll be less tempted to stray by digging in the fridge for whatever might fill the immediate craving.

    Second make veggies a major staple. Everyone know veggies are filling and low calorie but I find when I have a big salad I'm hungry again soon after so I need to combine it with whole grains and protien to make it last. A read a trick that if you serve 3 different veggies in one meal you can trick your mind into eating more veggies total. So if you serve steamed cauliflour, salad and canned corn, a slice of whole grain bread and an apple you'll struggle to over eat that lasagna! Bonus, experts say increasing veggies will curb cravings for sweets!

    Finally, you don't need to give up the foods you love, just work them into your calorie allotment. This is easier than you may think. I thought I had blown it last week when I went out and had a burger for lunch. After a couple hours I was hungry again and had a couple snacks. But I promised my husband I would record everything anyway. At dinner I had 4 pieces of bacon and a big salad and (because of the snacks) wasn't hungry after and stayed below my calorie goal! When you are determined to record everything good or bad you find a way to make it work or at least balance it out for the week!

    Hope I've given you some helpful tips!! Good luck!!!
  • I quit smoking about 2 years ago, cold turkey, and the weight has really piled on since then. It's a great source of motivation for me, though, because if I was able to do that, then I feel I am able to do this as well, now that I am really trying.

    Keep your head up! Stopping smoking isn't an easy task at all, so you're obviously quite strong.
  • Koshkaxo
    Koshkaxo Posts: 332 Member
    I smoked my last cigarette about two hours ago. Meh, I'm trying to quit (only started again around Septemberish after 4 years of not smoking).

    Ive smoked on and off since highschool. I started again last fall after being quit for a year, got mad at myself and stopped. Then 2 months ago I started again. In the past 2 weeks Ive bought at least 3 packs, smoked a few and then threw the pack out, disgusted with myself. I am currently at... 18 hours smoke free! We can do it! Keep trying :)


    My name is Daniela

    The best thing to do if you love to eat is, eat 5 -6 small meals a day , i never tried it .

    So i decided what the hell let me give it a try , i started 2 weeks ago and already lost :D its amazing and its so much fun , check out my blog i found that it keeps me motivated posting my meal plans and recipes :) everything is so good and low in calorie and very healthy :)

    especially if you love peanut butter i found this amazing peanut butter for 2 tbsp only 45 calories , 1.5 fat amazing :) and so goooddd !!!!!!!!!!!

    let me know what you think , and also message me with any questions
    im still new at this blogging stuff but i want to help everyone who struggles with weight loss , ive struggled and it wasn't easy but it is possible :)

    Happy Healthiness everyone :)

  • audtod
    audtod Posts: 12 Member
    How are you getting on, are you going cold turkey? I just want to say what you already know, it's so worth it, I found after three days I had broken the back of it, all the best.
  • audtod
    audtod Posts: 12 Member
    You go girl, that sound well cool. also new, dont know how to get onto your blog?
  • tammisr32
    tammisr32 Posts: 38 Member
    I quit six years ago... then my mom died... then I was on steroids for 2 years due to illness. If I can lose weight, so can you! Keep remembering that it's just one day at a time. Keep your head up!