can't shake the blah mood...

i had been stuck at a certain weight for about 3 days... i weighed myself this morning and i'm +2.6 pounds :cry:. i seriously feel like crying. yesterday was a really bad day for me- i ate 5 pieces of pizza...once i started eating it was so good that i didn't want to stop. i knew i would regret it while i was eating but kept right on... i realize the gain is probably just my body reacting to the unhealthy food & the salt retaining water (i can feel it in my joints) but i can't help but wonder if i would have gained had i not eaten the pizza. i also hope that when i use the restroom that will help too... does anyone know of any good "natural" body cleansers that work fast?! i've already eaten two apples in hopes that it will help...


  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Drink lots of water, and get back on track today with healthy eating. You can't be weighing yourself every day and expecting change...that's just setting yourself up each day to be disappointed.
  • sikorak
    sikorak Posts: 13
    I feel just like you do. I exercised for an hour all week and I usually don't so I figured my weight have decreased. It didn't. It just stays the same or get a little worse. :sad:
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    Cherry and Cranberry juice, not the sugar filled, the natural kinds.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I feel your pain::::!! So far today I have eaten { 4 } p-nut butter cookies beside the roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy (OMG it was ALL soo yummy)! BUT as of right NOW I am going to go do my max cardio workout to burn some of it off! As for the BM, you've had your oil from the pizza, the fiber from the apples, drink a tall glass of warm water and go for a long walk, but make sure you are walking where you can stop and use the biffy!!! Hope all come out all right! LOL
  • 1Sweets
    1Sweets Posts: 395
    Must be the weather change...going into Autumn. That's my reason for my new found Blah mood too.

    I've eaten Donuts today:sad: :sad: :sad: so don't feel bad. Good News is....just log it in & keep Exercising.

    You can have what you like...sometimes.... just work it off now.:smokin: :heart: :smokin:
    JDHINAZ Posts: 641 Member
    Probably the salt in the pizza. Yesterday I burned off almost 1500 calories riding my bike, and had 1143 calories leftover (seems like a lot, I know...) anyway, I had a salty stir fry last night, and this morning I'm up 1.2 pounds. Now tell me that's not just the sodium talking. Anyway, don't fret. And don't get caught up in the day to day number. It's the week to week, and month to month number that counts.

    So chin up and focus on being glad you're doing the right things for yourself. The weight loss will follow! Enjoy your Sunday!! :wink:
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Must be the weather change...going into Autumn. That's my reason for my new found Blah mood too.

    I was just thinking about this all this morning. It is sooooo much harder to lose weight in the colder months than in the summer! I tried to go for a bike ride this morning (as the sun acted like it wanted to come out) before church and it was so cold I cut my excercise short. :cry: The trees are beautiful but the weather this fall is really cold.

    In the fall and winter all of the foods turn from light and healthy to warm and filling. Portion control is my only weapon!!! I am hoping to actually learn **how**to eat! (wish I could bold the word "how) I want to train myself to eat for the rest of my life not just for this diet.

    So, you ate too much pizza. Excercise, drink lots of water and thank God for this website!!!! Without it yesterday might have been the beginning of the end but with it and the encouragement of all of these wonderful people it can be the beginning of learning to eat "normal" and healthy!:flowerforyou:

    Best of luck!!! Stay the course and then after a couple of good days the scales will never tell your secret!:laugh:
  • sara1786
    sara1786 Posts: 101
    drink lots of water and thank God for this website!!!!

    yes- thank God for you all!!! & you're right- after yesterday (without this website) I may have just given up! Thanks so much for all the support!!

    I had to stop on the treadmill b/c i had such bad cramps. Apparently, apples make people constipated. When my mom found out I had eaten two apples today she said that's why I was in so much pain... its just not my day. Tomorrow's a new day!!
  • 1Sweets
    1Sweets Posts: 395
    Must be the weather change...going into Autumn. That's my reason for my new found Blah mood too.

    I was just thinking about this all this morning. It is sooooo much harder to lose weight in the colder months than in the summer! I tried to go for a bike ride this morning (as the sun acted like it wanted to come out) before church and it was so cold I cut my excercise short. :cry: The trees are beautiful but the weather this fall is really cold.

    In the fall and winter all of the foods turn from light and healthy to warm and filling. Portion control is my only weapon!!! I am hoping to actually learn **how**to eat! (wish I could bold the word "how) I want to train myself to eat for the rest of my life not just for this diet.

    So, you ate too much pizza. Excercise, drink lots of water and thank God for this website!!!! Without it yesterday might have been the beginning of the end but with it and the encouragement of all of these wonderful people it can be the beginning of learning to eat "normal" and healthy!:flowerforyou:

    Best of luck!!! Stay the course and then after a couple of good days the scales will never tell your secret!:laugh:

    So True!!! :noway: Thanks MFP! :glasses:

    and how does a person eat for the Blah Winter months approaching. With Halloween candy lurking around the corner too... When you have kids you can't say NO Candy. I need to be trained for the cold months when the "feel good" foods come out to play.:laugh: :laugh: Keep the water & pics on the fridge I guess:sad:
  • sara1786
    sara1786 Posts: 101
    I felt pretty good about myself this morning when I woke up so I weighed myself and I'm back down 2 pounds!!! :drinker: