women with curvy torso or "love handles"

so i started at 190 now currently at 148 (150 at the moment becuase its that time of the month) but anyways i've lost quite a bit of weight and i notice it everywhere except my dreadful hips. my goal weight is 120 then i know i want to tone and work on the things that i still have issues with but did any of you start with big hips or curvy ribs and hips and now that your at you goal weight are they good sized? if so i would really apprecaite some before and after pictures i really just need some hope that they will go down by 120 even if i have to put in that extra work to get them where i want them. i guess a little motivation is key or any good work out tips that might help. i swim 2 or 3 days a week and do the elpictal, treadmill, and the bike while in the gym. anything works please & thank you! (:


  • ammorris89
    ammorris89 Posts: 1
    I've also been wondering the same thing!!
  • mrsnathanandrew
    mrsnathanandrew Posts: 631 Member
    My hips are horrible! When I started they were 55 inches around, now I'm done to 44, still pretty wide though haha. I'm also no where near my goal weight. Soo, bump :)
  • suppmandaa
    suppmandaa Posts: 14
    yeah i made the mistake of never measuring my hips or taking a before pic with a bikini on or something done get me wrong i love curves! but i would love to be able to wearing a fitted dress and not see crazy curves with my ribs and hips hahahahaeven more annoying because i have a pretty flat tummy for the most part i guess it just worse cause im only 5'3'' with extremly short legs and a super short torso
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Lift Weights starting now.. don't wait until goal.

    Cardio can only get you so far.. you need to the weights to help retain what muscle you have and burn body fat.

    P.S Look at my profile pic. I'm 5'9, 151 pounds and size 4... and I have big hips/thighs/*kitten* that got smaller thanks to a nice combe of cardio, weights and eating a deficit.
  • Sometimes your body shape just is what it is. A lot of people say that as an excuse to be lazy, but you've clearly been doing the work, so that does not apply to you! I'd just keep doing what you're doing and try not to beat yourself up about not seeing that specific change. You've had so much spectacular success! Don't get hung up on one itty bitty thing. And judging from your picture, you are lovely just as you are. :) My thighs will always be bigger than I'd like, but that's because they can take me on a 13-mile run and because seriously all the other women I'm related to also have bigger legs, even if they're at a healthy weight.
  • 1Kristine1
    1Kristine1 Posts: 697 Member
    I have the WORST love handles! Its the only part of my body that I truly hate.
  • 1Kristine1
    1Kristine1 Posts: 697 Member
    I have seen some before and after pictures of girls with the same problem. I think areas just get smaller, so they likely wont disapear. We will still have that curve there, but smaller. Unless I am wrong, it could be just a matter of BF%
  • suppmandaa
    suppmandaa Posts: 14
    you all are great! (: i think im going to start adding sets of crunches into everyday i do the gym again and really focus on the hips rather than my tummy hopefully with the last 28 pounds they get a bit smaller!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    you all are great! (: i think im going to start adding sets of crunches into everyday i do the gym again and really focus on the hips rather than my tummy hopefully with the last 28 pounds they get a bit smaller!
    Hold up their chick.. You can't spot reduce. You can't just focus on one area and poof it's gone.

    If you really want to work your core, do planks, leg lifts, dead lifts, squats, walking lunges. All force you to hold your core in, and really work the abs. Plus they will help retain muscle, which in turn will help with the fat loss.
  • suppmandaa
    suppmandaa Posts: 14
    Your totally right! I think I'm going to add those in beginning of July my main focus at the moment is to lose as much as possible before I go to Mexico august 3-13 a few of my family member from there saw me at my heaviest so I want to go their and make them super proud and feel comfortable to put on a bikkini and tan! Hahahaha I'm at 148 possibly less cause of the false reading cause of my time of the month unfortunately! But I want to be at 130 by the time I leave so we will see!
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Strength training

    I started out only doing cardio, lost a lot of weight, but wasn't happy with my shape, particularly my upper body. Found myself a PT and now do strength training 3 times a week and have seen a big improvement to my muscle tone and am very happy with my shape. Even seen a dramatic improvement to my a*se, which I was always ok with.
  • Jigglebewie
    Jigglebewie Posts: 336 Member
    When I lost weight when I was younger, I didn't tone up and my thighs and hips and arms didn't slim down much.

    Last year when I was losing weight I added toning sessions regularly and everything was slimming down quite nicely.

    I have recently lost 5lbs in 7 days and my hips were 43 1/2 inches and now they are 42 1/4, waist was 36 and now 34 and thighs were 26 1/2 now 25 1/2. And that's all in a week!

    I find that adding a few toning sessions (whole body toning) a week along with daily cardio workouts has really helped and I only tone between 10 and 20 mins each time =]
  • dlpnrn2b
    dlpnrn2b Posts: 441 Member
    I've always had big hips and thighs. Since the 30 day shred ( I am on day 27) I have lost a lot of hip inches. so much my mother said she doesn't ever think she has seen my hips so small. I was happy to hear that although my thighs are still there. anyhow maybe it would help, or I have also been told to do the heavy lifting :)
  • suppmandaa
    suppmandaa Posts: 14
    thanks your all wonderful! im going to buy the 30 day shred by jillian micheals and plan on doing it all july in addition to my regualr gym schedule becuase i have heard wonderful things. so hopefully that last month before i go on my trip my hips will lose a couple inches and ill lose more wieght with doing the double days thanks again everyone (: