80 lbs gone (with pics)

kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
Hi everyone, I thought it was my turn to post a success story. I started in April 2011, and have since lost 80 lbs. I plan to lose another 10-20 lbs depending how I feel. I am struggling with 'twin skin' after having twins in 2005 so I am not sure yet what will happen. MFP has been my source of logging and support - thank you! Also, my neighbour Leanne (teeley) has been very instrumental in my success as well!! I went from dying at running for a minute, to doing 6k in 45ish minutes. I exercise (or try) 3x per week, and I mainly stick to 1300ish cals a day. I splurge 1-2 days a week, I need this becuase it's moderation/lifestyle change not a diet. We will all meet our goals, just keep plugging away... all those small losses add up to big ones!

After 50lbs lost

50 lbs down

61 lbs down

After 75 lbs lost

After 80 lbs lost, starting pants (size 18 now in an 8)


  • thinnydiaries
    WOW! Congratulations!!!!! :D
  • Sbehlmer
    Sbehlmer Posts: 464 Member
    You look great...congratulations!!!!! :)
  • danread
    danread Posts: 2
    good job, looking great!
  • _AllieCat_
    _AllieCat_ Posts: 515 Member
    You look like a completely different woman. You're so inspirational! :)
  • bikinibeliever
    bikinibeliever Posts: 832 Member
    Wow, great job, you look fantastic!! Thanks for the inspiration.
  • asiavenetia
    asiavenetia Posts: 31 Member
    You look amazing! Congratulations!
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
  • cheann1978
    cheann1978 Posts: 9 Member
    Awesome!!! Great work!!!:smile:
  • purplejoecool
    Good job, you look like a different person!!!!
  • healthy1215
    healthy1215 Posts: 54
    Good job! Please share your words of wisdom - what worked and what didn't?
  • LesaDave
    LesaDave Posts: 1,480 Member
    WOW!! I don't know what else to say but...WOW!! You look AMAZING! Congrats!
  • parkermegan
    parkermegan Posts: 167
    WTG!!!!!!! You look great!!! I know all about the twin skin, hoping my body decides to suck mine back up LOL
  • Jessaustx
    Jessaustx Posts: 130
    Wow!! You look incredible, all that hard work has definitely paid off
  • DarwinChick95
    DarwinChick95 Posts: 144 Member
    WOW You look amazing!!!
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    Good job! Please share your words of wisdom - what worked and what didn't?

    I had to change things around some.. I was eating 1200/day and kind of stalled, so I bumped up to 1300.
    I notice when I don't exercise or drink my water my loss struggles. I decided never to deprive myself. I 'cheat' every Friday... and honestly sometimes Saturday.... my loss has slowed a bit as I am closer to my goal but I decided this is LIFE and we need to LIVE it... I am still quite strict the other 5 days. You just need to fiddle around to find something that works for you and adjust as you see fit. Remember every loss is a LOSS and even a gain isn't the end of the world. I gained many times and probably still will, its a nice reality check. Good luck

    ETA - I don't eat my exercise cals, becuase I hope they will balance out my cheat days. Thats only me though.
  • BriskisGrl
    BriskisGrl Posts: 461
    Wow amazing job.. What an inspiration!
  • jkleman79
    jkleman79 Posts: 706 Member
    You look incredible and quite HOT now. NIce work!! CHEERS!!! =0)
  • aftergypsies
    aftergypsies Posts: 248 Member
    Wow!! Way to go. You look amazing. =)
  • v_snowdrop
    v_snowdrop Posts: 59
    Truly inspiring. thanks for sharing and congrats on your success.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    You look incredible and quite HOT now. NIce work!! CHEERS!!! =0)

    WOOHOO :) thx!
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