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New & Down

nothing1994 Posts: 1,936 Member

First off - I know my username says "motivated" but I'm not so sure when i joined and made it... today is the first day i'm actually going to start logging anything. I heard of this website and how its very useful and many people succeed through it. Therefore, i created an account and due to some circumstances that came up, ended up never coming on.

I'm a 18 year old girl, just turned 18 last week, who is still in my senior year of high school. I feel very self conscious about the fact that I'm extremely overweight for my age and height. I'm 5'3 and weigh 262 pounds. Prom was just a few weeks ago and i didn't end up going. When my friend, yes i only have one friend, finally convinced me to go, i went to try on dresses. First, seeing how fat i was in the mirror and how the dresses revealed how huge i am made me want to cry and scream. So obviously, I didn't end up going to the prom because i couldn't look at myself in the mirror. I wear baggy clothes to hide all the fat. I tried many many diets and fitness programs but nothing really worked. I know i sound like some emo girl who just wants attention, but that's not the case. I cant talk to anyone in person about how i feel and it took SOME guts to type this up. There is a lot more "problems" than prom but i don't want to bore anyone who took the time to read this. Just needed to get at least some of it out.

My goal weight is 110 pounds. I'm hoping this website will be my savior. I hope to make some friends on here who also are looking for motivation and anyone else who just needs a friend or two.

Thank you for taking the time to read this!


  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hi :)

    The first step is to realize that you need to take a first step, and you've done that! Congrats! This site will help a lot, just the support and ideas here, as well as advice when needed, are amazing. Logging your food will keep you accountable, and maybe help you see any 'trends' that can be unhealthy.

    Good luck
  • L33TBl0nde
    L33TBl0nde Posts: 54 Member
    Hi, it's always good to get some of the stuff out in the open tbh. There's alot of people in here with the same problems DONT WORRY...

    Second, the way to a healthy weightloss and a new life is to be completely sure about this and not pressuring yourself, if it's shame issues or just overeating that brought you here, you have to stop being sad/angry with yourself. Take one day at a time.
    I know that it seems weird to write everything you ate down in the start, but it will be something you just do automatically :)

    Best wishes
  • suemoony
    suemoony Posts: 25 Member
    Don't beat yourself up!! there are obviously good reasons why you got to that stage in the 1st place.
    I've only been on here for 5 days but I truly believe that if you log down what you eat it is there in black and white and you don't want to let yourself down!!
    You need to start loving yourself a bit and get moving, go for a walk as far as you can manage, it does amazing things for your mind aswel as your body and it's totally free.
    I am 40yrs old, I wish I'd found this site years ago then I wouldn't have a weight that yo yo'd. Believe me , you don't want to add another 20yrs to your misery, get going today and make a few simple changes, like eating differently and moving a bit more ;))

    Good luck and I hope you stick around :))
  • SashThompson
    SashThompson Posts: 130 Member

    Hopefully you will find the support you need on MFP. As crazy as it sounds it can be a good thing to be emotional about your weight. Personally I use my emotion about my weight as motivation and drive towards my goals.
    Just keep focused and remember the only person that can alter you, is you.

    Good luck xx
    Message me if you need any support.
  • bobthesmogs
    bobthesmogs Posts: 58 Member
    I'm was so sorry to read your prom story. Being overweight can seriously deflate your confidence.You'll find most people on this site have similar tales to tell. MFP can really help. You've got to log EVERYTHING, the good, the bad, the downright ugly bingeing, and get some friends to support you. I'm old enough to be your mother, but feel free to add me if you like. With 150 pounds to lose this journey is going to be a long one. Be realistic with your goals because I think it will take you a couple of years to get there. Read all the success stories, they are SO motivating and get lifting weights, as heavy as you can. If you don't have or can't afford gym membership then search youtube for squats, lunges, push ups, crunches etc (there are so many on there). Get moving as much as you can. Daily walks in the beginning are excellent, and then there are apps like C25K that can push you harder. And no matter how many times you slide of track a little, (it will happen) just treat every day as a new one. Think of how you want to look for your 21st or college graduation, keep that picture of a slim confident you in your mind every day, and just keep taking small steps to achieve it. You can do this!
  • jadeb94
    jadeb94 Posts: 13 Member
    You've taken the first step now, so well done!

    Your journey won't be easy- no-one's ever is, but it will be oh so rewarding when the scale starts to move the other way!
    Not that I would know, I haven't lost any weight yet, but I have lost inches :)

    If you want support, feel free to add me. I am on here everyday to log food and exercise and try to comment on everyone's updates as much as possible.

    I hope we can support each other on this journey, god luck! :)
  • milleric
    milleric Posts: 25
    Hello! First step is always the hardest, from there on its enjoying it! You have a loott of time, so dont get discouraged!
  • nothing1994
    nothing1994 Posts: 1,936 Member
    Thank you so much for all the replies and motivation. I know it is going to take probably a few years to get there but it will be worth it in the end. I'm already feeling much better than I was when typing that up. Thank you again! :)
  • nothing1994
    nothing1994 Posts: 1,936 Member
  • This site may not be your savior, but it can definitely be a help. Each of us have come to this site with a goal of losing weight, but on the way we find out so much more about ourselves in the process. You have made a big step in joining and each step brings us closer to our goal. You are not alone and you can get lots of support and friends here. So proud you made the first big step. Welcome to MFP. feel free to friend me.
  • queenbcronen
    queenbcronen Posts: 158 Member
    Hey sweetie, just want you to know there is a lot of great support out there. You may come across some that is negative and just shrug it off.
    I'm 5'2 so I can relate. Nothing fits like it's supposed to right? I'm so very sorry. I'm glad you found this site. Make friends. Confide in us. Group support is the best. You have your whole life ahead of you sweetie! Grab the bull by the horns (so to speak) and go! :flowerforyou: You can do it!!!