*waves* New user from Manchester UK

Hey all.
Just wanted to say hello and introduce myself. I'm Mimi. I'm 26 and i live in Manchester.

I don't exercise enough, and have a monthly bus pass so its very much abused.

I'm also an office worker working late shifts so eating in the evening is proving difficult.

Any advice, support would be great. My doctor told me to use this app to track my food.

I suppose I'm in denial that i want to loose weight.

Mimi x


  • Slimmasaurus
    Slimmasaurus Posts: 141 Member
    Hello! Welcome to MFP :)
    I can totally relate with the bus pass. I had a yearly pass when I was in college and I would get the bus EVERYWHERE!
    You've made a great choice by joining this site, I hope you find it useful!
    Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • sabriel
    sabriel Posts: 44 Member
    Hey, I'm from near Manchester. I love this site. It really does work.
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    I was born in Manchester but we moved to Rhyl, North Wales 10 years ago...but I go back to Manc every Sunday to visit my Dad and my 2 sons.

    My advice is try to plan your day on the food chart each morning and do your best to stick with it.

    Walking is a great exercise to get you started, maybe get off the bus 1 stop early and walk the rest of the way to work?

    Good luck you can do it!
  • MrsCupCakeBoyle
    MrsCupCakeBoyle Posts: 259 Member
    im 25 and from warrington. feel free to add me
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Welcome to the forums! The most important thing to do is try to develop a good base of friends. Not only will they give you tips, and also you will feel accountable to those friends to keep towards your goal. Plus they make it fun!
  • __Stacy__
    __Stacy__ Posts: 10 Member
    Welcome!! This is the first step to changing your life. I am Stacy. I have to admit I don't use the site to it's full potential due to a busy life style ie: boyfriend, 4 kids, working full-time and college, but hey! I manage to log in once in a while lol. As of today, I've lost ****54**** lbs since February 3rd. This site really helped me the first few months, so If you need anything, suggestions, someone to talk to please feel free to add me. I always get notifications if my friends send me messages. Hope you have the best of luck with your exercising and weight loss.
  • pinkvanilla
    pinkvanilla Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! welcome to MFP! i hope this site is as great for you as it has been for me! feel free to add me if you want :)
  • taliesyn_
    taliesyn_ Posts: 219 Member
    Hi and welcome! You will get great support here. I'm from the south of England - feel free to add me if you wish.