Females, early 20's height and weights?



  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    5'2 110 lbs at my last weigh in, trying to get to 106-108 but mostly I'm trying to lower my bf. I'm about 20% according to my scale and I'd like to be at 18% but that last little bit takes some serious work! I'm currently doing P90X strength and Insanity cardio on alternating days and I feel like I look better but my numbers haven't budged! Frustrating...
  • Chameleone
    Chameleone Posts: 281 Member
    Hello hello
    I'm 22, 5'5" I started MFP at 171, but was at my heaviest (that I know of) about a year before at 180.
    I am currently 150, and trying to get down to 147 ish...
    ultimately 140, just to give myself some wiggle room...I'd love to reach that weight before my birthday in August!
  • miamigirl123
    miamigirl123 Posts: 16 Member
    Hey! I don't have much to lose. Just trying to cut some body fat. I'm 5'6, 126lbs and my goal is 118. I work out daily but my diet isthe problem.
  • 10833566
    10833566 Posts: 2
    Hi! I'm 22, 5'7" and 121lbs // 170cm and 54kg. I want to get back down to 50kg, but my body is taking it's sweet time!
  • hello :)

    i am 5'9, currently weigh 145 lbs (65 kg), wanting to get down to 125 lbs (56 kg). i run 4-5 times a week, and do weights 4 times a week. or at least i try, im not very consistent, hence the slow weight loss. i also love skipping, rollerblading and spinning, great cardio workouts that are also fun :)
  • Hi! I'm 26 and around 135ish. I have a really big frame (as I'm told by doctors and nutritionists), and a lot of muscle. I would love to get under 130, but it might not be realistic for me. I eat super clean, and lift heavy. I'm working on losing body fat and increasing muscle mass.
  • Shrinking_Xtina
    Shrinking_Xtina Posts: 478 Member
    I'm Christina, 5'3-185 pounds, been on this site for over year and started at 273 lbs. I mostly run and strength train. Not sure what I want my ultimate goal weight to be.
  • witchiipooh
    witchiipooh Posts: 42 Member
    I am 24, 5'6" and am at 203 (my high was 282) I would like to get down to 160ish, then maybe lower from there, I do have a large frame though and have been top heavy my whole life.
  • fels123
    fels123 Posts: 44
    I'm 19 (nearly 20 so close enough :P), 5'10 and just under 140lbs. I don't know what my goal weight is yet but probably go to 126lbs and then re-evaluate. Actually, I don't really care what I weigh, my aim is to get fit and toned for a tough mudder in july and then maybe a half marathon later on! Training 5-6 days a week (swimming/running/tennis/classes at the gym, mostly cardio but some weights days too) and eating around 1200 calories with a few higher days because I really like food :P
  • ScientistStudy
    ScientistStudy Posts: 249 Member

    I'm 5'7" and 153lbs but I started at 161lbs
    I have an identical twin sister!
    My goal weight is 126lbs :)
  • carriedoh
    carriedoh Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all,

    This has been an interesting thread, so I thought I'd throw in an older gal's two cents. In my early 20s, I was about 125 - 132 on a 5'6" frame. I kept my weight down by sticking to a vegan diet, running several miles a day and biking/walking most places. I was a scrawny thing with a flat stomach, flat chest and disproportionately big *kitten*.

    Then college, my first big-girl job, an additional big-girl job, a marriage and a divorce happened, and I packed on about 35 pounds. I was able to accept it because quite a big of it went to my already-big *kitten* and, for the first time, I had really big boobs. However, I also had high cholesterol, so something had to change.

    At age 28, I started working out with my little sister, who has a master's in exercise science and runs a gym. She's probably the hottest person I know. We talked about my goals -- I want to do one bikini show and one marathon before I turn 30, just to say I did them -- and she gave me a goal weight of 130 pounds. To get there, I've been running for fitness and biking for transportation. My dog gets to go on long walks every night now, and I have thrown some yoga into the mix. I'm not vegan; I eat mostly fish and vegetables and the occasional glass of wine. This morning I weighed 138.

    But here's the thing: I'm still heavier than I was when I was in my early 20s, but the clothes I kept from back then fit better. I've got more muscle now than I did then. Oh, and boobs. Let's not forget those.

    So here's my point: You ladies are making such great progress and should definitely be proud of that, but don't be a slave to a number.
  • britandryan6
    britandryan6 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm 23. 5'2. I weigh 125 now and would like to get down to 122!
  • emilymiesel
    emilymiesel Posts: 207 Member
    I'm 23 (24 on the 30th), 5'4 and my CW is 151. I had a baby 7 weeks ago and am trying to get back to my pre pregnancy weight of 130 (I gained 55-60lbs) while breast feeding.
  • karengetsfit
    karengetsfit Posts: 19 Member
    I'm 19

    Trying to lose my freshman 15 and get back to 110. I also want to tone up this summer :] feel free to add
  • obryanh
    obryanh Posts: 10 Member
    I'm 22, 5'9", and 120. At the risk of sounding abysmally, predictably ditzy, I'm trying to "tone up", not lose weight. I box, do The Bar Method, do Spinning, and lift free weights. You will not see me run for two seconds unless I'm chasing my nieces or being chased by a bear. Sadly, I'm not bad-*kitten* enough to have the latter happen to me.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    Just hit mid-20s, but I'm posting anyways.
    25, 5'3.5"
    141 lb

    Working towards probably 134, that should be around 18% body fat, nice and svelte lol

    ETA: I lift heavy 3x per week, do some HIIT and the very occassional real cardio on other days. Newly started Leangains (a protocol for intermittent fasting).
  • Strawberry09
    Strawberry09 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi, im 22 y/o and i'm 5'6 Current weight is 164.4 and my goal weight is 135-140 . I was on this site before and dropped 30ish pounds after my first pregnancy and now after my second I am back to lose another 30 lol. Feel free to add me :-)
  • Strawberry09
    Strawberry09 Posts: 14 Member
    Lol, this was a good read :-) I loved it! Gw on the muscle building.
    Hi all,

    This has been an interesting thread, so I thought I'd throw in an older gal's two cents. In my early 20s, I was about 125 - 132 on a 5'6" frame. I kept my weight down by sticking to a vegan diet, running several miles a day and biking/walking most places. I was a scrawny thing with a flat stomach, flat chest and disproportionately big *kitten*.

    Then college, my first big-girl job, an additional big-girl job, a marriage and a divorce happened, and I packed on about 35 pounds. I was able to accept it because quite a big of it went to my already-big *kitten* and, for the first time, I had really big boobs. However, I also had high cholesterol, so something had to change.

    At age 28, I started working out with my little sister, who has a master's in exercise science and runs a gym. She's probably the hottest person I know. We talked about my goals -- I want to do one bikini show and one marathon before I turn 30, just to say I did them -- and she gave me a goal weight of 130 pounds. To get there, I've been running for fitness and biking for transportation. My dog gets to go on long walks every night now, and I have thrown some yoga into the mix. I'm not vegan; I eat mostly fish and vegetables and the occasional glass of wine. This morning I weighed 138.

    But here's the thing: I'm still heavier than I was when I was in my early 20s, but the clothes I kept from back then fit better. I've got more muscle now than I did then. Oh, and boobs. Let's not forget those.

    So here's my point: You ladies are making such great progress and should definitely be proud of that, but don't be a slave to a number.
  • hey im 21 and im 4'8" yess short!!:p my current weight is 179lbs:O

    my dream(goal) weight is 100 - 110lbs! hopefully!!

    well im doing this because i dnt feel good about myself and
    i have health problems as well! its hard because i dnt have support what
    so ever.. but its okay!! I WILL SURVIVE!!

    Everybody is free to add me:) i dnt bite:p
  • MariaOoo
    MariaOoo Posts: 4
    I'm 19,i started with 175 pounds
    I'm 168 now and my goal weight is 140