BMR, deficit and weight loss.

They say, that to loose 1lb a week, you need to burn 3500 calories a week. Now I have burned 4761 calories this week already and there are still 2 days left for the week. If I'm not loosing anything, what am I doing wrong. I will do official weigh-in tomorrow. I was curious as to what you all think about this scenario? My BMR according to MFP is 1767, so with today's burn, I have burned a total of 2737 calories. I've already logged my food for the day, which shows that I have eaten less than I burned. My calorie deficit is (if I'm doing this correctly) -1250. It's been pretty much in the same vicinity all week long. So, just out of curiosity, what is wrong if I'm not loosing weight? I've never dissected weight loss like this, but it makes you wonder though, doesn't it?


  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    Opening your food diary would help us understand and give advice a bit better!
    If I'm understanding correctly you're netting really low each day?
  • Anmri2Win
    Anmri2Win Posts: 17 Member
    You should be able to view it now.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    They say, that to loose 1lb a week, you need to burn 3500 calories a week. Now I have burned 4761 calories this week already and there are still 2 days left for the week. If I'm not loosing anything, what am I doing wrong. I will do official weigh-in tomorrow. I was curious as to what you all think about this scenario? My BMR according to MFP is 1767, so with today's burn, I have burned a total of 2737 calories. I've already logged my food for the day, which shows that I have eaten less than I burned. My calorie deficit is (if I'm doing this correctly) -1250. It's been pretty much in the same vicinity all week long. So, just out of curiosity, what is wrong if I'm not loosing weight? I've never dissected weight loss like this, but it makes you wonder though, doesn't it?

    You keep saying "I burned".... This confuses me.

    I looked at your diary and you are netting extremely low. This is likely why you have not lost.


    TDEE- (assuming you are sedentary)


    Deficit to lose 1 pound per week (500 calories a day)

    The equation
    1767 x 1.2 (sedentary) = 2120.4
    2120.4 - 500 calories per day (or 3,500 calories per week((500x7 days)))= 1620.4

    You should be NETTING 1620.4 calories a day to lose 1 pound per week. This means that you eat 1620.4 calories per day, PLUS any calories burned with exercise (to bring your total net calories to 1620.

    You are consuming 1,400-1500 calories and burning 900-100 calories with exercise. Your net calories for the day is 400-500 calories.

    I hope this makes sense... It's not wonder you are not losing weight with so little calories! You're body needs enough energy to fuel itself!

    Good luck!
  • Anmri2Win
    Anmri2Win Posts: 17 Member
    It does help, thanks. I need to go find about 200 more calories for today. I will make it healthy cals. :smile:
  • jephry
    jephry Posts: 55 Member
    Folks will tell you to eat back those exercise calories so your body will burn them off. It doesn't make sense to me, but it seems to work, as tons of people preach it as gospel. Just sayin'
  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    Hi jephry! It doesn't really make sense does it? Exercise then eat away what you burned...almost makes it seem like there was no point in exercising. Your TDEE is how many calories you burn each day doing everything from breathing to exercising. To lose weight we take a cut from this number...burn more than you eat and you lose weight. This is your deficit. BMR is how much your body needs to run itself without you even moving. Basic functions. It's not healthy, long term, and especially as we near our goal weight, to eat below BMR. Giving our bodies what they need to function properly while in a caloric deficit is the best overall way to do this. If we net below our BMR we should eat exercise cals back. If not, you're good.
  • Anmri2Win
    Anmri2Win Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks for the tips!!