Looking for healthy friends!!!

bratneyjo Posts: 18 Member
Recently had to de-friend a ton of people due to them eating under 1200 cals a day and trying to lose by starving themselves!! Looking for new HEALTHY friends who eat food to lose!! I comment and help encourage! Hopefully we can be friends!!!


  • I am not so healthy but trying to be. I don't starve myself just need to be more discplined on watching what I eat. I could use a friend on here if your willing to accept me as one. Motivation will help
  • jesscod
    jesscod Posts: 98
    Add me! I'm so not starving myself :)
  • kylejh
    kylejh Posts: 221 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm losing weight through moderation and exercise.
  • Add me! I do good to stay below 2,000 becuase I eat some that I earn from exercise!
  • miniwelshy
    miniwelshy Posts: 1 Member
    I have joined today so feel free to add me, I do not believe in silly weight loss programs which lots of companies advertise, I have lost 12lbs so far and that is down to spinning and eating healthily, making the right choices.

  • RunnerFive
    RunnerFive Posts: 67 Member
    I am absoluetely healthy! If you need proof, my diary is open :) Add me!
  • Friend request sent
    Congrats on your weight-loss so far and my diary is open and i'll encourage u as well
  • jvansyckel
    jvansyckel Posts: 45
    Hello, Sometime I don't eat all my daily calorie limit, but that is because I don't eat all my exercise burn calories. I am definitely not starving myself,I eat healthy, and totally believe that you need to eat to feed your body and get your metabolism going. I am a lifetime Weight Watchers member and apply their values here.

    I totally believe that community and support is key to success!! Feel free to add me as a friend and view my logs.
  • mibrewer413
    mibrewer413 Posts: 78 Member
    You can add me. I base my calorie intake on TDEE minus 20% and not what MFP says. I'm still at a calorie deficit, not starving and still losing!
  • cpottss
    cpottss Posts: 4 Member
    You can add me! I've been trying to focus more on eating quality foods lately (most of the time) and watching my intake. My diary is open :)
  • healthyamberB
    healthyamberB Posts: 47 Member
    I sometimes forget to log things but my calorie goal is about 1500 so i never go below 1200. I'm trying my best to be healthy so add me if you like :smile:
  • hotjava9
    hotjava9 Posts: 19 Member
    Moderately healthy. I do the occational puniment day or week with low calories and lots of exercise. Lost 65 lbs so far and 5lbs away from my ultimate weight goal, now just to cut a bit more.
  • tryinghard71
    tryinghard71 Posts: 593
    You can add me. I am set at 1200 min. When I work out I eat BACK my exercise calories. Which puts me at more like 1600-1800 a day:) = down 17 pounds in a safe and healthy way and gaining muscle.
  • SavageRabidBeast
    SavageRabidBeast Posts: 481 Member
    feel free to add me if you like. I had actually reached my weight goal but then lost an extra 7lbs because of being sick. So I am still working on gaining that extra 7lbs back and then maintaining. Best of luck to you :)
  • Mydnyte_Ryder
    Mydnyte_Ryder Posts: 248 Member
    I'm add-able if you want, just about where i need to be weight-wise which means I will be in Strength and Maintenance soon. Probably will eat more in that phase. :P