Looking for more friends!



  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member

    I'm 25 years old and a huge nerd (I like anime).

    There is nothing wrong with enjoying anime... We are diehard fans of Rumiko Takahashi and have just about every anime collection she has ever created. Im 38 years old and anything Sci-Fi goes VERY well with me! lol!
  • collywot
    collywot Posts: 16 Member
    I've already added you, but I need more people.....man you lot are a tough crowd, or I'm socially awkward.
  • pinkvanilla
    pinkvanilla Posts: 8 Member
    Feel free to add me :) I'm 24 from Singapore :)
  • TXPaul
    TXPaul Posts: 74 Member
    I would be happy to add you. I am on here daily and have no plans to stop. We can all use additional support!
  • Inconceivable
    anybody can add me if they like.. I haven't been on everyday, but that's simply because I don't really have any friends on here to support me... Good luck to you all.
  • garfield2099
    Please feel free to add me - I make sure to at the very least comment on all active things that friends are going through. I would happy to support any and all that add me!!!

    This is a journey that we are all in together and I promise two things - I will be honest to all and I will cheer you on!