Whats your Ab routine/workout?



  • bga008
    bga008 Posts: 90
    I dont have defined ab mucles or a flat stomach but I am getting there with the help of doing turbo jam and some videos on youtube,
    Every move you do in turbo jam works your core. Here are some youtube videos I found that left me sore:

    =TiffanyRoTheWorkout- 10 min booty shaking waist workout
    =TffanyRoTheWorkout-- Get flat sexy abs with Tiffany Rothe
    =Zumba fitness flat abs workout
    = Zumba fitness dance party

    I love you tube workouts~! They are great for all areas of the body!! Thanks for the suggestions!
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I dont have defined ab mucles or a flat stomach but I am getting there with the help of doing turbo jam and some videos on youtube,
    Every move you do in turbo jam works your core. Here are some youtube videos I found that left me sore:

    =TiffanyRoTheWorkout- 10 min booty shaking waist workout
    =TffanyRoTheWorkout-- Get flat sexy abs with Tiffany Rothe
    =Zumba fitness flat abs workout
    = Zumba fitness dance party

    I love you tube workouts~! They are great for all areas of the body!! Thanks for the suggestions!

    ps im going to try these youtube vids in the morning :) thanks!
  • eva_lawlor
    eva_lawlor Posts: 81
    eating right
    reverse crunches
    dead lifts
    eating right
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    Barbell standing overhead press/military press
    Decline crunches/obliques
    Leg raises

    Usually only chuck the last 2 in when I've got a few minutes left at the end of a session and don't want to get any weights out or jump onto a machine.
  • zosia141
    zosia141 Posts: 44 Member
    I do pilates 2x/week. It's great for strengthening my core and I found that I was out of balance in other areas. That is, one leg stronger than the other.. Pilates seems to be "evening" me out.
  • lickmybaconcakes
    lickmybaconcakes Posts: 1,063 Member
    Currently I do this once a week:

    weighted crunches (10-12 reps)*3 sets
    captain chairs (10-12 reps)*3 sets
    hanging leg raises with weight between legs (10-12 reps)*2 sets
    weighted bicycles (10-12 reps) *1 set
    cable pull downs but with ab movement only (10-15 reps)* 3 sets
    weighted decline crunches (10-15 reps)* 3 sets
  • JustineMarie21
    JustineMarie21 Posts: 438 Member
    I know ehh. And there freee :) So I dont have to spend alot of $$ on videos that i`ll get sick of !
  • ster81
    ster81 Posts: 249
    If you're already doing some form of compound lifts, you're already doing more than enough. Now just eat at a slight deficit to burn the fat and let them abs show.
  • seamonkey789
    seamonkey789 Posts: 233
    Have you considered joining some sort of adult ballet or jazz class? I took those in addition to my regular technique classes and they are generally a lot of fun in addition to a good work out. There's usually many different ages and levels in the classes.

    I'm finally able to go back to class and went to an adult class and all the older ladies welcomed me back and wanted to see my new tattoos