Another Person looking for help and guidance....

So 12 weeks ago I started New Rules of Lifting for Women. Within 4 weeks I was quite pleased with how much my midsection had deflated!! Since then it appears as if no changes have been made. My measurements haven't really changed and my clothes fit the same as they did 8 weeks ago.

I follow the "heavy" lifting program 3 days a week and then try to get an hour long cardio in 2 other days of the week (nornally a walk/jog combo).

According to the book I was eating at what he says if I am not looking to lose weight which is 1706 on nonlift days with more on lift days 1950. I have my macros set at 35 carbs, 35 protein, 30 fats.

I am starting to get discouraged bc I haven't seen any changes in so long. I don't care about the number on the scale but want the fat in my midsection and thighs to disappear.

I am not sure what to do. Up my calories, reduce my calories?!?!

My BMR is 1350 and my TDEE 2092.

I know there are a lot of knowledgeable people on MFP and I am hoping you can give me some guidance. My food diary is open (there is a week of nonlogging due to being out of town and at a home that had dial up...took too much time to log)

Thanks in advance!!


  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    I sent you a LONG pm back...Just wanted to warn you!! I hope that you get some great advice on here!! :)
  • kmorris246
    kmorris246 Posts: 312 Member
    Bump...... anxious to see answers to this as well! I swear- we are both on the same track.
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    One other thing I thought of....I did this & actually saw the scale go down (I know it's not all about the scale) but I took a week off from exercise just to give my body a good rest...Maybe still walk, etc but no lifting or anything strenuous...I have heard others & Chalene Johnson (CX) say that you should give your body a good rest every 3 months at least...Let it know that you aren't going to work it like that ALL of the time...Just a suggestion... :)
  • bloodoner
    bloodoner Posts: 9
    I recently ran into this problem myself and looked around for some articles on the subject. I am male but I think the advice will work for many people. I am in ending my second month of my cutting phase but started seeing a flattening of my progress. I read that changing your ratios could help. I reduced my carbs and increased my protein intake and lowered my fat a bit. I also lowered my total calorie intake. I am also lifting 3x a week and doing cardio 3x a week. I do not think I can handle an increase in my workouts. Anyway, this week I started losing again. I don't think it matters too greatly how much you reduce your numbers. Not too much of course or you won't have the energy to workout. If you don't see changes after a bit, reduce them a bit more.

    Also, as I was typing this I thought of something else. You should change up your workouts to keep your body from acclimating to the regimen. Any changes made can create a new enough experience to increase the effectiveness of your workout. Here are some possible changes:

    # of reps
    Change to barbells
    switch machines
    Try cable resistance
    incorporate hill training
    Add interval training
    try circuit training

    That is what helped me. Hope it helps.
  • tlhorsley
    tlhorsley Posts: 141 Member
    In doing the New Rules of Lifting Program he has it to where you start a new stage about every 3-4 weeks or so with the goal to continue to increase your weights as you go. With each stage change I am doing new exercises.

    So with that said, I am thinking it is all about how much I should or should not be eating.