A question about Power 90

I just started Power 90 and plan to stick with it for 90 days. The thing is I really hate the yoga part. Can I just leave it and how does it will affect your overall result?

I dont expect to hv ripped body, not yet, am still obese. hwvr, I expect I can get 20-40 lbs weight loss w/ Power 90.



  • paxpixpux
    paxpixpux Posts: 12
  • Javajunkie67
    Javajunkie67 Posts: 167 Member
    Are you asking about the original power 90 or P90x?

    I did the original years ago and didn't like the yoga at first either. Maybe keep trying it to give the program a fair chance. I started to like how I felt after the yoga. Calm and flexible.
  • paxpixpux
    paxpixpux Posts: 12
    original power 90. at my weight, am not able to do p90x.

    my plan is start w/ power 90 first, then move to turbofire or p90x.
  • dan95130
    dan95130 Posts: 78 Member
    I just finished week six of thirteen of Power 90. Give the yoga a chance, it will get easier and it is a good core exercise and improves flexibility.
    Keep your weight loss goals realistic, you will only get out of it what yu put into it. That is, if you do the modified versions of every exercise and use light weights you'll only see modest improvement. If you put in a lot of effort you will see a bigger weight loss.
    In any case if you are someone like me who hasn't been regularly exercising for a few years, Power 90 will get you back on track. I feel great and I'm getting toned. I hope to move on to P90X or something similar when I finish this.
    Congratulations on your commitment and good luck with your goal.