Girls.. aunt Flo =(

She is 'on her way to town'.. I've been preparing, taking Ibuprofen and stuff.. but I'm worried. How has exercising affected you 'aunt'? I'm hoping mine wont hurt as bad this time.. I bet anything it will come tomorrow and the next day will be hell.. how should I deal with this? I'm a big baby and have put off exercise for a week because of it before. I don't wanna do that this time, I want to keep going. I'm just worried.. any advice about staying on track while 'the curse' is here would be great =)


  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    I have never postponed working out or anything because of TOM. In fact, working out helps me with any cramps I might have. Maybe I never experienced the "so painful I can't move" TOMs.

    I will say take some advil if it is too painful and do your routine. I might sound insensitive but I just can't wrap my head around stopping your normal activity because of your period.
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    In the past I have experienced cramps bad enough that I landed I emerg thinking something was terribly wrong, when they did an ultrasound they equated my cramps with labour contractions lol so I know it can be brutal sometimes, first, have you mentioned to your doc? Sometimes they can help! (I for example was put on a different birth control and told to start taking naproxen 2 days before its due) might be worth seeing if they have suggestions if it affecting your day to day life.

    Second, if I'm having a particularly bad day I take something then go for a walk or a bike ride, doesn't have to be anything intense, at least you're still out there! I have found that since I started exercising it has become lighter and less painful.
  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member
    I was surprised to find that my cramping significantly reduced with exercise. My personal non-pharmaceutical formula for cramps is to keep my abdomen warm, extra cardio, and 1-2 extra glasses of water per day.
  • zoegator
    zoegator Posts: 165 Member
    I never let it get in my way. If it's a particularly bad day or something, then I take an ibuprofen and make sure to drink extra water throughout the day, but other than that I don't really make any big changes to my routine.
    Also, keep in mind that with exercise comes endorphines and those always make you feel good!

    And I don't know if this is in the same ball park, but exercise helps people get over colds faster, so maybe it will help that TOM be less inconvenient?
  • fluffysexyme
    fluffysexyme Posts: 104 Member
    Yeah, my cramps were equal to my labor pains. Matter of fact I only got a epidural to keep from killing innocent by standers(my mother) but labored 24 hours and 6 cm before hitting that point. Just like with labor, I grit my teeth and deal. I can't let it stop my and movement does make it feel better. Just push through it even if at half speed.
  • nas24
    nas24 Posts: 880 Member
    I have been working out through my TOM and its been going really well. My periods are usually very painful, but i think due to my increase in physical activity and water, its helps LOTS. I actually got my period about 5 days early this month and i think its due to my new lifestyle. I had a little bit of cramping on the first 2 days, but took my vitamins and motrin. It may take a while for aunt flow to get with the program, but i think you should continue to workout through this time. Swimming and yoga are GREAT ways to still get fit durning that time.
  • JenAiMarres
    JenAiMarres Posts: 767 Member
    Just go...and if u aren't already..u need to be using insertable protection vs pads....very important.

    Good luck and show your aunt who's boss!!!
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    Thanks =) I really do hope the exercise helps.. That would make my day if cramps disappeared from working out =p
  • MicheleVer2
    MicheleVer2 Posts: 76
    Exercising definitely helps with my period. It helps with cramps and it helps with making it shorter. Before I started exercising and losing weight my period was never regular and when it did come, the cramps were awful!

    Basically.. use a tampon and get in that workout!
  • wendiann2222
    here's a thread a started a while ago regarding the food/hunger/cravings aspects of that TOM. Perhaps have a look?
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    Exercising definitely helps with my period. It helps with cramps and it helps with making it shorter. Before I started exercising and losing weight my period was never regular and when it did come, the cramps were awful!

    Basically.. use a tampon and get in that workout!

    I can't find any good info on this.. I've always been overweight but they have always been 7 days and HURT like Hell the first 2, and the 5th. It is very regular, I'm rarely ever late or early.. I'm hoping like you when I get farther into my new lifestyle that it will chill out and shorten! When I got my first one I was 11 and overweight.. =/
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    here's a thread a started a while ago regarding the food/hunger/cravings aspects of that TOM. Perhaps have a look?

    Thanks! =D
  • klwells08
    klwells08 Posts: 158 Member
    There was a point in my life where I could not get out of bed, let alone exercise due to the pain I was in. I would go through a bottle of Midol in two days just to get myself upright. Not healthy and not normal. At the insistence of my husband, who was tired of finding me in tears, I finally went to my gyn and DEMANDED something be done. Finally, life is tolerable during that week. My recommendation is if it is so bad you cannot function, which it was for me, be insistent with your doctor and get help. There is no reason that you should be out of commission for a week.

    Now, I workout through it. It takes me a little more effort to get motivated, but I feel better once I'm done.
  • jmlynch502
    jmlynch502 Posts: 23 Member
    try calcium supplements! has been shown to help with pms symptoms.
  • Erihppas
    Erihppas Posts: 121 Member
    I was hoping exercise would help with my cramping, but it doesn't. I've been working out consistently for the past several months, close to a year and no change. I've upped my water and everything... so or some women, like myself, exercise doesn't help. When I have my period, I may not go to the gym as regularly as I like to, but I'm okay with that! It's only 5 days out of the month.
  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    The exercise you do helps relieve the pain from cramps, and helps you to flush the extra fluids from bloating because you drink more water after exercising!
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    I don't exercise on my first or second day. Pretty much ever. And I workout 5-6 days a week normally.

    Women who say exercise helps cramps and they always exercise when they have theirs DO NOT have really severe cramps. I do, and after 17 years of it I do not buy that line of bull anymore. Because it has never proven true in my case. Not once. It always makes them worse. Because it's a muscle. I mean...hello.

    I wouldn't recommend a week off, but day 1 and 2 are absolutely understandable.
  • edsgotguns
    edsgotguns Posts: 6
    For whats its worth, you all have my admiration. Its easier for a guy to lose weight than a woman. And even easier to forget how woman have to contend with this issue. It sounds like exercise makes the body work better in general.

    I new to this site but I'm amazed at how supportive most people are.....This can only help
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    There was a point in my life where I could not get out of bed, let alone exercise due to the pain I was in. I would go through a bottle of Midol in two days just to get myself upright. Not healthy and not normal. At the insistence of my husband, who was tired of finding me in tears, I finally went to my gyn and DEMANDED something be done. Finally, life is tolerable during that week. My recommendation is if it is so bad you cannot function, which it was for me, be insistent with your doctor and get help. There is no reason that you should be out of commission for a week.

    Now, I workout through it. It takes me a little more effort to get motivated, but I feel better once I'm done.

    I cannot believe Midol is still being sold as a solution for cramps. It literally CANNOT help cramps because it is acetaminophen and caffein. Neither of those things has any kind of significant mechanism to help cramps whatsoever. You might as well take two Skittles to help your cramps. Ibuprofen is a prostaglandin inhibitor, which is why it works.