FAIRYTALES and Happily Ever Afters

Jessicaruby Posts: 881 Member
Do they exist? Like the real, true, undying love you read in fairytales and see in movies like "the notebook" or "the vow"? im starting to think its just a set up to get young girls all whimsical and hopeful only to have them grow up and be utterly disappointed!! :sad:


  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    I am sure there are many who would say that their lives are which is fantastic.

    Your question is a chicken and egg one...did movies/stories make ladies feel that or in response to unrealistic hopes that existed in the first place.
  • astroub
    astroub Posts: 289 Member
    Do they exist? Like the real, true, undying love you read in fairytales and see in movies like "the notebook" or "the vow"? im starting to think its just a set up to get young girls all whimsical and hopeful only to have them grow up and be utterly disappointed!! :sad:

    Oh how I wish sweetie!!!
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    I'd consider my love perfect, but is it fairytale? Not a chance.

    There's a lot to work through, a lot to discuss in detail, there are lots of things to fix and a lot to compromise on. Both of us are hard to live with, and both of us have our many flaws, but you work through that because of true love.

    It's not all dancing around, singing and being romantic every second of every day. It's doing everything we can because our love is so strong that we want to be together for as long as possible - and hey, those dates and gentle kisses and moments running around laughing like children DO exist and they're special moments.
  • LindaLou252
    LindaLou252 Posts: 106
    I say "YES, DEFINITELY!" My husband is the most amazing man in the world! :flowerforyou: I know I'm one of the few lucky ones, though. I thank God everyday for bringing us together. Sometimes, I think... maybe that's why we can't have kids. We are already so blessed to have each other and a wonderful marriage... maybe only allowed so much happiness. All in God's time.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    I think life is mostly what you make it. Art is simply magnification of life. Drugs can make you believe in fairytales for a while... but reality is much more subtle.

    What I've noticed is that a pretty damn good real thing is equal (in my mind) to an amazing piece out of a great book.
  • BriskisGrl
    BriskisGrl Posts: 461
    True love? Absolutely. I found mine at 18.. Fairytale no. Like everything in life it takes work. We grow, we mature, our paths change, children, finances, death, etc.. It just depends on the people how much they want to make it work etc.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I'd consider my love perfect, but is it fairytale? Not a chance.

    There's a lot to work through, a lot to discuss in detail, there are lots of things to fix and a lot to compromise on. Both of us are hard to live with, and both of us have our many flaws, but you work through that because of true love.

    It's not all dancing around, singing and being romantic every second of every day. It's doing everything we can because our love is so strong that we want to be together for as long as possible - and hey, those dates and gentle kisses and moments running around laughing like children DO exist and they're special moments.

  • f1ctional
    f1ctional Posts: 235
    True love? Absolutely. I found mine at 18.. Fairytale no. Like everything in life it takes work. We grow, we mature, our paths change, children, finances, death, etc.. It just depends on the people how much they want to make it work etc.

  • tom1834
    tom1834 Posts: 34
    Not that i've ever seen.... but i still hope.
  • callmeBAM
    callmeBAM Posts: 450 Member
    Do they exist? Like the real, true, undying love you read in fairytales and see in movies like "the notebook" or "the vow"? im starting to think its just a set up to get young girls all whimsical and hopeful only to have them grow up and be utterly disappointed!! :sad:

    don't base your expectations for life on movies.
    girls watch The Notebook and guys watch porn and both end up disappointed with reality.
  • TheDudette
    TheDudette Posts: 174
    My husband is from Manchester, England and I am from New York. We met while he was on vacation, I told him within an our that I had a feeling I was going to marry him. I just new that it all ended and began in that moment. It wasn't about him or me, it was simply about us. He went back to England nine days later and we were apart for three months, with nothing but phone calls, a web cam, and a whole lot of trust. We met again he took me cross Europe on the trip of my life when he told me to think long and hard about how much I wanted this to work because he was willing to do everything it involved to be with me despite the distance, but I needed to be willing to do the same. I went back to New York and did exactly what he asked, and I decided that nothing mattered but us and the life we could have together. He came back to New York two months later and we went and bought a white cocktail dress and nice suit went to Niagara Falls and eloped. We got married right next to the falls. We had physically spent all of five weeks together before getting married. Going on six years later we have a beautiful daughter and are still blissfully happy together. We've moved over an ocean twice, left jobs, went back to school, lived on pancakes and cereal and we are even more in love than we ever were. I feel like we are a fairytale come to life. However, with all great stories whether about love, self-worth, or an amazing journey it all starts with the willingness to take a chance.

  • TheDudette
    TheDudette Posts: 174
    Do they exist? Like the real, true, undying love you read in fairytales and see in movies like "the notebook" or "the vow"? im starting to think its just a set up to get young girls all whimsical and hopeful only to have them grow up and be utterly disappointed!! :sad:

    BTW, The Vow is based on a true story.

  • Meg_78
    Meg_78 Posts: 998 Member
    Based on my life I do believe in it, As tacky as it is, my friends used to tease me that my life was like a Meg Ryan movie...Graduated from uni, meet the gorgeous Swedish back packer and have a unbelievably HOT 6 month fling in the Aussie summer, Then decided to follow him back to Sweden (with out a visa), got deported after 3 months, and had him follow me back to Australia,Than back to Sweden (with visa's) after a year.

    13 years and 2 little blond babies later, still living happily ever after. LOL!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I think there is such a thing as true love but yeah, the movies make it a little too cheesey. True love and lasting relationships take time. You have to remain in love, remain friends, and remain passionate for each other for 40-60 years. That's not easy. It takes work. It's so easy to become complacent and let something slip.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Reminds me of a picture I saw on FB earlier today, about how fairy tails make women disappointed in any man they end up... and how porn makes men disappointed in any woman they end up with.

    Also reminds me of something a friend once said. "The difference between fantasy and reality is that fantasy has no smells." :laugh: But seriously... in a happily ever after movie, everything is tied up in a neat little bow and all problems are solved in 90 minutes. Real life don't work that way. No matter how well-matched you are, no matter how perfect someone is for you, no matter how much you love each other, life will throw challenges your way. At times, through no fault of either of you, things will... stink.

    It's how well you weather storms together that really shows the value of a relationship.
  • BriskisGrl
    BriskisGrl Posts: 461
    Do they exist? Like the real, true, undying love you read in fairytales and see in movies like "the notebook" or "the vow"? im starting to think its just a set up to get young girls all whimsical and hopeful only to have them grow up and be utterly disappointed!! :sad:

    don't base your expectations for life on movies.
    girls watch The Notebook and guys watch porn and both end up disappointed with reality.

    Then something is wrong.. b/c it can be reality just gotta be more creative and try :D
  • litatura
    litatura Posts: 569 Member
    Not that i've ever seen.... but i still hope.

    Me too. I'm more of a realistic as opposed to a romantic, so I'm not convinced that it's in the cards for me, but I can't help but get a yearning whenever I see those really cute old couples who still hold hands.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Do they exist? Like the real, true, undying love you read in fairytales and see in movies like "the notebook" or "the vow"? im starting to think its just a set up to get young girls all whimsical and hopeful only to have them grow up and be utterly disappointed!! :sad:

    don't base your expectations for life on movies.
    girls watch The Notebook and guys watch porn and both end up disappointed with reality.

    Then something is wrong.. b/c it can be reality just gotta be more creative and try :D

    My nakey-time is nothing like porn... because I'm not faking. :happy:
  • kristen11joy
    kristen11joy Posts: 114 Member
    Real true undying love -- is a lot of work, and commitment to working through problems, forgiving each other and sticking together. My 25th anniversary is coming up in July, and our marriage is better now than ever.
  • BriskisGrl
    BriskisGrl Posts: 461
    Real true undying love -- is a lot of work, and commitment to working through problems, forgiving each other and sticking together. My 25th anniversary is coming up in July, and our marriage is better now than ever.

    Kristen may I say congratulations!! Marriages like that nowadays is rare!!! My parents have been married 32 years this year. My grandparents 50 something and great grandparents 70 something.. Those kind of marriages are just inspiring.