30 day shred...work in progress

OK, im going to be brave and post a pic of my stomach. I started the 30 day shred, so before pics taken on day 1 and the after pics on day 8. I cant actually believe how much of a difference its making. Although it is still definitely not pretty it is working. I know i will probably never be 100% happy with my stomach but I hope it gives other mummies out there some hope...
I am a little gutted as i had to stop on day 8 after family commitments meant I wasn't at home for over a week but i am restarting day 1 tomorrow and hope i can get through to day 30 this time :-)



  • xxpinkcandyxx
    xxpinkcandyxx Posts: 29 Member
  • squared16
    squared16 Posts: 41
    Wow! That's awesome progress!
    I've been meaning to start 30DS for a few days now and your results are really inspiring! Here I come Jillian...
  • banananisme
    banananisme Posts: 60 Member
  • ajoy1332
    ajoy1332 Posts: 55 Member
    That's amazing!! Today will be my 5th day on 30DS and I have noticed my stomach's getting a little flatter..but this is a huge change! Awesome job!!
  • lmnosser
    lmnosser Posts: 43
    dear lord, that's amazing!

    thanks for posting! i'm on day 2 :)
  • mariannefick
    WOW! What a difference in such a short time!! I just started the 30 day shred last week. I don't think I'll ever be happy with my stomach (lots of stretch marks and some excess skin from pregnancies), but I will be thrilled if I get results like yours. Way to go!
  • Sullimom2
    Sullimom2 Posts: 8 Member
    That is awesome!! I too, on day 8 of the 30 day shred. It is a great work out for sure. I haven't really noticed any changes in myself yet. Just wondering, is there any particular diet that you are following?? GREAT JOB!!!!
  • xxpinkcandyxx
    xxpinkcandyxx Posts: 29 Member
    Thank you everyone.... I would definitely recommend the 30 day shred to everyone!!! i was a bit sceptical at 1st. But on some of the exercises when she tells you to pull your stomach in i couldnt.....not even slightly...it was like i had no control whatsoever over my stomach muscles but by day 8 i was able to do it. and i could actually feel my ribs again lol
  • xxpinkcandyxx
    xxpinkcandyxx Posts: 29 Member
    That is awesome!! I too, on day 8 of the 30 day shred. It is a great work out for sure. I haven't really noticed any changes in myself yet. Just wondering, is there any particular diet that you are following?? GREAT JOB!!!!

    Im not really following a diet...i decided not to as i never seem to stick to them so decided at the beginning if i was hungry i would eat something healthy....or have a glass of water 1st to make sure i wasnt thirsty. I also swapped tea and coffee for green tea and lemon. I did cut down on carbs too...some days i found i was having 2 slices of toast for breakfast, then another 2 for lunch with a sandwhich...then in the evening before bed i would have another 2 slices of toast...so now i limit it to just 2 slices in a day. But apart from that i am just trying to eat healthy :smile:
    P.S....I haven't deprived myself of chocloate either....otherwise i end up eating it anyway and more than what i probably would have in the 1st place. But if i find myself wanting to much junk i look at pics of my belly before and that puts me off straight away.