What I Did On My Summer Vacation

Hi gang - this is straight from my blog, but a couple of people have asked me to post it here, so here it is!

Remember that Cheech and Chong bit with Sister Mary Elephant?
What I Did On My Summer Vacation: the first day on my vacation, I woke up. Then, I went downtown to look for job. Then I hung out in front of the drugstore. The second day on my summer vacation, I woke up, then I went downtown to look for a job. Then I hung out in front of the drugstore. The third day on my summer vacation, I woke up... :laugh: :laugh:

Well, that was not my summer vacation! I actually had more fun this summer than I have had in years. I traveled more, felt better, gardened, went places with friends and generally enjoyed life. In the past, I was miserably hot all the time. Short of breath. Retained water. LOTS of water! Didn't go out in the sun much because the heat was so hard on me. Well, that was not this summer. Since losing weight, I have been reclaiming my life, and this summer was a wonderful example of that.

There was just one catch - I gained 10 pounds.

Yep, 10 pounds. Really, ten pounds. Absolutely gained TEN pounds!! HOW IN THE WORLD DID THAT HAPPEN!!?? Ok, lets back up. How it happened is really easy to figure out. I stopped paying attention. Thats right, got busy (or lazy) and stopped counting calories, stopped exercising formally (I was still pretty active, but not actually doing the formal put on the heart rate monitor and the gym shoes and exercise stuff.) Stopped drinking enough water, stopped checking in here at MFP. And, for three months, I let my eating and exercise sort of coast. And so I gained ten pounds.

Well, in September, summer was winding down and I was noticing that my clothing was starting to be a little tight again. HMMM. So, I got back on the scale, and then decided I can't just coast any more. So, I went to work on it. The difference this time was amazing. I was calm, not panicked. I knew I could lose those ten pounds, and I have. My self talk was different. I didn't beat myself up, make excuses, bury my head in the sand (thus exposing the largest target on my body for a good swift kick!) or any of my old dysfunctional fun and games. Instead, I just got back in the groove. Started measuring and counting calories again. Started formal exercise again. Started consciously drinking at least ten glasses of water every day again, and checked in with MFP - AGAIN. And the weight started to move again. I knew it would. I've got this. I know what I need to do. I own my lapse. I took a vacation. I got back on track. Its not a diet. Its life. I am doing life and I love it! So, that was my summer vacation - I coasted for a bit. Its good to be home.


  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    nice post, krist! thanks for sharing--and congrats for movin' forward. :flowerforyou:
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    You're a great writer and I enjoyed reading about your "Summer vacation" I also peeked in on your blog. Congrats on your journey so far- and to living and enjoying a healthy lifestyle!
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    thanks for your support both of you! You help make it a great journey.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Great stuff, thanks for sharing this.

    Think about this - if you skipped everything for 3 months, and only gained back 10 pounds, then you've adopted the "lifestyle" in a big way. That's less than a pound a week. Less than 400 calories a day over maintenance level, and a decreased maintenance level too - since you dropped the exercise. That's pretty good for not even trying.

    Good job, welcome back. :smile:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Thanks. Casper. Good to be back!

    And, I love your Robert Fulghum quote! He's one of my favorites!