Weighing yourself



  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    I weigh just about everyday but I don't let the scale dictate my mood for the day or whether or not I am having success. I am having success and the scale is simply another one of the tools I use in achieving my goal which is good health.
  • azwaa
    azwaa Posts: 81 Member
    I weigh every morning after I pee. That way I can see the weight coming done a couple ounces at a time, and I don't freak out when I have my TOM and gain three pounds overnight. I know that extra "weight" is really water and don't get discouraged. IF I didn't weigh as often, I wouldn't know if I actually was on track. Besides, I studied chemistry and more data points is important in any experiment ;)
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    I weigh EVERY morning....For me it just keeps me in line so I know if I am going up so I know to tweak my numbers or whatever...Here is a great site to use to figure out your weight trend...You log in your weight everyday if you want to & it keeps track of your trend...You also put notes like TOM, Lifted, Cardio, Etc....So you know what may have caused your gain/loss...

  • Jeneanhh
    Jeneanhh Posts: 16 Member
    I weigh everyday. I think it keeps me on track better when I do it. It gives me the mind set that I can't cheat on what I am eating if I am going to want the scale to go down
  • gertudejekyl
    gertudejekyl Posts: 386 Member
    I do it every day and I don't think it is a terrible habit-it is a good habit. It is not any more disappointing than doing it once a week.
  • thepanttherlady
    thepanttherlady Posts: 258 Member
    I weigh every morning and log every loss. I don't log the gains because I know it's from a variety of reasons (water, TOM etc).
  • lowash67
    lowash67 Posts: 33 Member
    I am curious to know how often everyone weighs themselves. I know you really only should weigh yourself once a week, but I have a terrible habit of doing it everyday. I am trying to break the habit, because I know when i see the number go up, it can be extremely discouraging.

    I use to do the same thing and like you said it can be very discouraging and upsetting. So what I have decided to do is weigh myself every morning before I eat breakfast and every Friday for my official weigh in. Every morning just keeps me on point.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    Daily, and I only record when it is down. I have had some longer term fluctuations of 1-2 pounds, but I don't bother logging those.
  • cpiccerilli
    cpiccerilli Posts: 2 Member
    i weigh myself a few times a week even though i want to weigh myself everyday, try putting the scale someplace you have to go out of your way to get to it(:

    It's so hard to resist jumping on the scale, especially after a day of bad eating in my case! I agree with putting it somewhere that is out of the way, or even putting it away altogether. I keep my scale in my bedroom, and I've found that it fits very neatly underneath a side table I have by my desk. This has helped me stop weighing myself every day, since I don't even see it so it just slips my mind. If you can't put it in an out of the way room (I have a friend who keeps her scale in the guestroom bathroom), try putting it in a closet or on top of something, so that it is inconvenient enough that you won't want to take it out every day.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    I'm a fair weather weigher. When I am losing at my normal rate, I weigh every day or two. When I start to stall I switch to weekly so I don't get myself all worked up on a daily basis. Amazing how those little numbers on a scale put me in a bad mood...
  • Ketomaniac9
    Ketomaniac9 Posts: 108 Member
    When i got my scale it said 417 then next day 412 then i thought that aint right haha so now it just says 412 for the past day.
  • I tend to weigh myself once a week, Sunday morning as soon as I'm out of bed - I try and do it the same time each week to get an average - that works best for me.
  • mommyrox05
    mommyrox05 Posts: 238
    I weigh every day twice a day...a little OCD I know...lol
  • davegruper
    davegruper Posts: 68 Member
    I weigh once a week, Friday mornings. I like to see the scale going down, but I am more concerned with forming good habits/a good routine. If I do that, I know the weight will come down eventually.
  • Tyeckia
    Tyeckia Posts: 19 Member
    I found myself checking it everyday because I was afraid of those numbers going up. I've changed it to checking/recording first thing every Thursday morning.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    i dont own a scale. i would be unhealthily obsessed with it if i did. i weigh myself when i go to my grandparents- maybe once a month or so. i can tell how im doing in general by how my clothes fit...

    also, for me, doing it once a month gives me a fairly good idea of how I'm doing long term, which is more important than daily or weekly (and another reason why i dont buy a scale, because i know it would be a huge distraction lol)
  • myak623
    myak623 Posts: 615 Member
    I weigh and take measurements once a month. The scale isn't always the best indicator of progress.
  • marktastic0
    marktastic0 Posts: 5 Member
    I weigh everyday, and record everyday. Works great for me.
  • paint_it_black
    paint_it_black Posts: 208 Member
    I weigh everytime i see my scales lol mainly because i still don't believe i've lost anything and i expect them to be back at start weight. I only record when its a new low though.
  • Suziq1023
    Suziq1023 Posts: 46 Member
    I do my official weigh in once a week..the same day of the week at the same time of the week in the same outfit..lol. However my scale is in my bathroom and I get on it everytime I see it. It is interesting to me to see how much it can vary in one day from morning till night. I do like to see that it is staying close to the same or going down so when I have my weekly weigh in I don't have any huge surprises. I am still learning how different foods effect my weight so it helps me to monitor it more closely. If it seems to go up a few pounds I stop and think of what I had to eat for the day to see why.

    ^^^. Yep, that's what I do too. I was amazed that I easily have a 3# fluctuation between bedtime and waking up. Where does it go? Also, I weigh in my nightie to save that pound.