suggestions on my eating/ getting started

I am at 190 pounds and have been eating way under in my calories. I want to eat healthy and set mini goals for myself in losing weight. I found mini goals to be more attainable then doing everything at once. here are some mini goal ideas

1. up my calories i eat under calorie eat between 1,000-1100 calories. many tell me at my height I need to eat at least 1200

2. eat more fruits and vegetables

3. I found I eat to many carbs so what is a good limit to carbs

4. drink water I don't nearly drink enough water

5. to go from sedentary to active get moving what are some things I can do to keep moving

for those who have had dramatic weight losses the natural way with no pills, surgeries etc feel free to add me. share your stories.
hope you don't mind the questions I am new and ready to begin my journey toward a healthy life and say hello to the new me.


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    You could make your food diary public so people understand what you're eating.

    2. I wouldn't bother eating more fruits if weight loss is your goal.

    3. Personally I do low carb eating, may not suit you but for a relatively "normal" diet that is lower in carbs I would say 100-120g per day (400 to 480 calories). That's probably going to mean eating more oils and fats, so get comfortable with that.

    5. Stand or walk about when you are on the phone, get off public transport at an earlier stop or park the car further way from your destination and walk the rest.
  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member
    Hi - welcome to MFP

    Its great that you want to start eating healthy, and I agree you should increase the amount of food you are eating a little.

    I do best when I focus my diet on meat, veg and low fat diary, with a few extras like cheese and chocolate every so often. I like to fill my plate with veg first - at least half, and then the rest with meat or any other accompaniments. (I like to stay away from sugary carbs, but I will have wild rice, quinoa, lentils and stuff instead of potatoes)

    Walking is one of the best ways to get moving - its free and you can do it anywhere. Just leave your front door walk for (say) 15 mins and then try and get back in ten.

    Good luck!
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    There is nothing wrong with eating fruit. If you enjoy it, eat it.

    Up your calories AT LEAST to 1200. You may experience an intitial gain, but it will do wonders for your health in general. I eat 1700+ and I'm still losing weight.... and no exercise ( broken ankle ). Don't be afraid of food. Food is fuel. Nothing is off limits in moderation.

    Water and fiber have really helped my weight loss. I drink upwards of 60 oz a day, sometimes over 100 oz. My skin is better, I have more energy, and the weight comes off much faster, personally.
  • LHudson53
    LHudson53 Posts: 126
    I eat some kind of berries every day. It helps my craving for sweets, gets me some good antioxidents, and adds a few calories. I get the Costco blend of three berries that is frozen...blueberries, raspberries, and something else. They are wonderful!!!
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    There is nothing wrong with eating fruit. If you enjoy it, eat it.

    How is eating more sugar, carbs and calories going to help her weight loss ? Please lay it out in easy to follow steps.
  • EternalJourney
    There is nothing wrong with eating fruit. If you enjoy it, eat it.

    How is eating more sugar, carbs and calories going to help her weight loss ? Please lay it out in easy to follow steps.

    So your advice is to not eat any fruit at all for the next few years of her weight loss journey?
  • babycook
    babycook Posts: 172 Member
    Everyone is going to give you different advice.
    Keep reading the forums. You will learn alot.
  • lizd0915
    lizd0915 Posts: 1
    There is a really good book about this called the "Skinny Rules". Some of it is just so fascinating.
    1. Don't eat carbs after lunch
    2. Drink lots of water before meals

    So on and so forth. If you are really interested go check it out
  • angeliqueib
    angeliqueib Posts: 24 Member
    Definitely keep drinking water. This was really hard for me, but I found an app on my phone that constantly reminds me to drink some. It has finally become a habit and I feel much better, and less hungry, because of it.

    As for activity, walking is great :) When I started trying to be more active I dug up a pedometer my hubby had gotten during a health promotion at work. Watching how many steps I took during a day made me realize that I wasn't as active as I thought. Now I walk while talking on the phone or reading a book, take the long way around the house while cleaning up, park farther away at stores, etc.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Good for you and wanting a new, healthier lifestyle! That's the hardest part. The rest you can do for sure!

    You asked about moving more.. here are a few things I do.

    I have a laundry room in my basement so I hang my clothes up and fold them on a huge table down there. Whenever I need clothes I have to go all the way downstairs to get them. That adds a few steps in my day.

    If you ever park in a parking lot, park as far away as you can.

    When you go to the grocery store, walk the perimeter before you put one thing in your cart.

    Take 2, 10-15 minute walks each day and increase the time and then speed over time.

    Take stairs instead of elevators.

    Walk whenever possible!

    Bike ride.

    Garden. If you don't have a garden, find someone who does or a community garden and volunteer to work in it.


    Fitness videos. There are hundreds of them!

    Go on a picnic where you have to 'hike in', then eat your pre-packed, healthy lunch and hike back out. I found a good sized, insulated backpack cooler at Target that I love! I walk 3.5 miles to my fav. spot to have lunch with my dog, then hike back out. I loveee doing that when I have time. Just make sure you take enough water, bug spray, etc., be safe and don't go alone if it's in a secluded area!

    If you watch tv, get up and clean house during commercials. Or do some exercises.. anything to be moving more than you would by just sitting there.

    Find an exercise partner with the same weight loss/fitness goals in common and exercise with him/her. It makes time fly when you have someone to chat with! I have a friend who noticed my weight loss and she decided to join me. We both weigh in together on Mondays and also measure.

    Put on a pair of gloves, pack some trash bags and pick up trash left behind by others at your favorite park.

    I hope that helps! Good luck, YOU CAN DO THIS!! Add me if you'd like. I'd be happy to encourage you. <hugs>
  • jennkain97
    jennkain97 Posts: 290 Member
    You could make your food diary public so people understand what you're eating.

    2. I wouldn't bother eating more fruits if weight loss is your goal.

    3. Personally I do low carb eating, may not suit you but for a relatively "normal" diet that is lower in carbs I would say 100-120g per day (400 to 480 calories). That's probably going to mean eating more oils and fats, so get comfortable with that.

    5. Stand or walk about when you are on the phone, get off public transport at an earlier stop or park the car further way from your destination and walk the rest.

    what?! fruits are an excellent low calorie source of NUTRITION. you may eat low carb, but that doesn't mean fruits are bad for weight loss for everyone. and if a person were to go low carb, they should be adding more PROTEIN -- not FAT.
  • jennkain97
    jennkain97 Posts: 290 Member
    There is nothing wrong with eating fruit. If you enjoy it, eat it.

    How is eating more sugar, carbs and calories going to help her weight loss ? Please lay it out in easy to follow steps.

    Fruit is low in calories, high in fiber, and rich in nutrients. She's already said she's eating too few calories, so I would think that adding something high in fiber and vitamins would be an incredibly beneficial way of getting those extras in.
  • twoboys2012
    twoboys2012 Posts: 352 Member
    There is a group called 'eat more to weight less' and if you have a look there they can answer all your questions. I wish i had started here as it is a great way to not feel deprived and still lose weight.

    Great bunch of really supportive people and you will feel a lot freer and less stressed about the whole thing.

    Definitely worth a read if nothing else.
  • twoboys2012
    twoboys2012 Posts: 352 Member
    There is nothing wrong with eating fruit. If you enjoy it, eat it.

    How is eating more sugar, carbs and calories going to help her weight loss ? Please lay it out in easy to follow steps.

    Fruit is low in calories, high in fiber, and rich in nutrients. She's already said she's eating too few calories, so I would think that adding something high in fiber and vitamins would be an incredibly beneficial way of getting those extras in.

    Agree with this ... there is weight loss and then there is healthy weight loss ... Your body needs all sorts of nutrients so i wouldn't listen to anyone who says you shouldn't eat natural healthy foods. Yes they are high in sugars etc but these are still beneficial to have in your diet. You want to be able to enjoy foods and continue on for the rest of your life and limiting good foods out of your diet is not doing your body any favours. Eat properly, enjoy good foods and enjoy the journey or you may not want to continue along with it in the long run. Fuel your body and look after it. You only have one!
  • MileyClimb
    MileyClimb Posts: 414 Member
    thanks for being so helpful. I will write all this down and making my mini goals from the suggestions given. I did set my diary to public so when I begin to start my calorie counting tomorrow you can comment give input. I have another week before I can do grocery shopping will for sure get fruits, veggies etc .
  • erneseeter
    erneseeter Posts: 22
    Welcome! I love these kinds of topics because it's great to hear what works for everyone else out there.

    If you like fruit eat it! Certainly none of us got fat eating fruit! Doritos yes - fruit no! I limit myself to 2 pieces a day but mostly that's because I find that eating a wide variety of foods helps me stay full longer and not get bored! Plus I find the fiber and water content super helpful for digestion - if you know what I mean.

    The biggest piece of advice I can give anyone is to try to avoid processed foods whenever possible. I know it's super tempting to eat "low-cal snack packs" of processed foods but honestly it makes weight loss sooooo much harder. We'd all be better off eating REAL food over processed food. I recently did 6 weeks of no processed food and no alcohol and lost 18 pounds. It required a lot more time for shopping and cooking but it's totally worth it.

    Good luck on your journey! Feel free to add me if you need support!