Skinny Fat



  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    I can't lift due to injury, so I guess I'm destined to be skinny fat. At least it's better than being fat fat.

    What kind of injury? I'm betting you can still lift, but not for certain body parts. PM me with your injury info and I'll put you together a program where you can get started safely.

    16 years Certified Personal Trainer and Group Exercise Instructor
    9 years Certified Sports Nutritionist
    Bachelors in Exercise Physiology with a Minor in Nutritional Science
    ACSM Certified Clinical Exercise Specialist
    NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    what, pray tell, is skinny fat?

    Generally speaking, someone who is skinny fat will look like a skinny person when fully clothed. When they take their clothes off, children run screaming, the plants wilt, dark clouds rapidly appear overhead, and whatever other punch line I can't think of.

    Basically, slender arms/legs, very little muscle mass, gut.

    lol I've never read such a great description. You, sir, are a literary genius.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    TrainingWithTonya: Thanks for the advice!! I'm def going to have to try this. I have a problem with leg lifting though. My gym goes by odd numbers only. I do 50lbs of 20 reps right now and it's like cake but i can't even do like 1 rep at 70lbs. Also, i didn't know i should do weight training first. Once again thanks!

    Can you go to free weights instead of machines with such high intervals? Also, ask your gym if they have Platemates, or some other form of adding smaller increments of weight to the machines. The gym where I go has the ability to add 2.5-7.5 pounds before having to go up to the next weight plate on a lot of the machines, so that might help you if they have those there but not out where you can see them.

    16 years Certified Personal Trainer and Group Exercise Instructor
    9 years Certified Sports Nutritionist
    Bachelors in Exercise Physiology with a Minor in Nutritional Science
    ACSM Certified Clinical Exercise Specialist
    NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    Common strategies for combating this ailment.

    Increase protein intake - somewhere in the ball park of .75 grams to 1.5 grams per pound of desired lean body weight depending on how your body responds. Determining this takes time and monitoring.

    Eat enough. No super mongo caloric deficits ( > net 500) here please. This is managed loss while retaining muscle, if not adding depending on your physiology and history.

    Separate your cardio workouts to different days than your resistance training. If you go all out on one (as you should) you will have no energy for the other.

    The previous point assumes your doing resistance training. This is how you develop a firm appearance and fill out the skin. Rule # 1 of resistance training; If the weight you are using could be confused for an accessory in the fitness clothing area, it isn't heavy enough. Major compound moves with significant weight should be the focus.

    The tape measure is a better gauge of progress than the scale. Muscle recovery inherently retains water. Their will be days you actually gain weight, particularly with a change of regimen.

    Finally patience and persistence are your two best tools. Stick to it.
  • arrow460
    arrow460 Posts: 28 Member
    ^^^ Agreed, always lift first for maximum effect and do cardio last to burn fat.^^^
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    I can't lift due to injury, so I guess I'm destined to be skinny fat. At least it's better than being fat fat.

    What kind of injury? I'm betting you can still lift, but not for certain body parts. PM me with your injury info and I'll put you together a program where you can get started safely.

    16 years Certified Personal Trainer and Group Exercise Instructor
    9 years Certified Sports Nutritionist
    Bachelors in Exercise Physiology with a Minor in Nutritional Science
    ACSM Certified Clinical Exercise Specialist
    NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

    I have compressed vertebrae in my neck. My doc says no lifting, no sports, no work outs, no running, just walking. I'll dig up the lab report, it's around here somewhere.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    Any suggestions on how/what to do if you are limited to exercise at home? I have a treadmill for cardio, but my knowledge of weight lifting is very limited. I do have a set of dumbells that my husband left here.

    Go here:

    That's the photo section of my Facebook fan page where I have put up several workout cards and a lot of them use dumbbells. There are several exercises there that use barbells or bands as well but you can modify them to use dumbbells if that is all you have available.

    16 years Certified Personal Trainer and Group Exercise Instructor
    9 years Certified Sports Nutritionist
    Bachelors in Exercise Physiology with a Minor in Nutritional Science
    ACSM Certified Clinical Exercise Specialist
    NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    I can't lift due to injury, so I guess I'm destined to be skinny fat. At least it's better than being fat fat.

    What kind of injury? I'm betting you can still lift, but not for certain body parts. PM me with your injury info and I'll put you together a program where you can get started safely.

    16 years Certified Personal Trainer and Group Exercise Instructor
    9 years Certified Sports Nutritionist
    Bachelors in Exercise Physiology with a Minor in Nutritional Science
    ACSM Certified Clinical Exercise Specialist
    NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

    I have compressed vertebrae in my neck. My doc says no lifting, no sports, no work outs, no running, just walking. I'll dig up the lab report, it's around here somewhere.

    Ask him about Pilates or Yoga. They both stretch the spine and will relieve some of the compression if done correctly. I've had arthritis in my spine from the base of my skull to the tip of my tailbone for years (13 years as a professional wrestler will do that to a person), and have herniated discs at T3 and T4. Through Pilates, Yoga, Massage, and Chiropractic care, I can squat 300 pounds with no problems. You can build back up to it but you have to work on keeping the spine elongated for the rest of your life. Also ask him if you can do seated arm work (biceps curls, triceps kickbacks, etc.) since those won't put a direct load on the spine. For legs, you may be able to do leg extensions and leg curls, but probably should stick to machines instead of doing the standard squats, lunges, deadlifts, etc. that will put compressive forces on the spine.

    16 years Certified Personal Trainer and Group Exercise Instructor
    9 years Certified Sports Nutritionist
    Bachelors in Exercise Physiology with a Minor in Nutritional Science
    ACSM Certified Clinical Exercise Specialist
    NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
  • bestbassist
    bestbassist Posts: 177 Member
    OP - just beware - this whole thing about lifting to get rid of "skinny fat" doesn't always help certain people. Some of us, when we lose weight, no matter how much we lift and add in cardio and proper diet, just don't build muscle. I'm not saying you shouldn't try - but don't have too many expectations going into it. Do it, rather, because it helps you to feel better emotionally and physically. Just don't expect a drastic change in your physique. Some people have abs and muscle tone regardless of what they do for diet and exercise. Then there are those of us who can work out every day and not look like we've ever been to a gym in our lives! The ability to have muscle tone is based much on genetics. The physical fitness industry is a business like all others - it markets itself with notions of grandeur. Physical trainers often make assessments and promises they just can't fulfill no matter how hard a person works on themselves.
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
  • poncho33
    poncho33 Posts: 1,511
    I wonder what woman's magazine came up with "Skinny Fat" to make you all feel like ****
  • xPOOKiEx
    xPOOKiEx Posts: 156 Member
    First time I went to a gym...I got a trainer to evaluate me. We talked about my food habits (at the time, horrible) and I never really exercised....

    After we measured me, she looked right at me and said "You're skinny fat" I was thinking..."uhhhh, thank you?"

    She explained to me how I needed to eat right and exercise more cause even though I was skinny, I probably had a lot going on in my body that was wrong. I had normal sugar levels and everything, but my RHR was too high.

    I've managed now to track my cals, protein and all of that..and exercise ensuring that I'm fueling my body properly :)

    I'd like to call myself skinny fit now :)
  • MadCheernGurl09
    MadCheernGurl09 Posts: 35 Member
    I can't wait for the day i can call myself skinny fit.
  • MadCheernGurl09
    MadCheernGurl09 Posts: 35 Member
    Also, no women's mag. made "skinny fat" up. It's a term used to indicate someone who has a small body frame, yet still has a high body fat percentage.
  • xPOOKiEx
    xPOOKiEx Posts: 156 Member
    Also, no women's mag. made "skinny fat" up. It's a term used to indicate someone who has a small body frame, yet still has a high body fat percentage.


    And I haven't checked my BF % since...but I know it's got to be down considering how much more toned I am! It's taken a lot of cardio (3.5 miles every other night + a half marathon, and circuit training) to get here...but lifting weights also has helped :) And it's been about continuing this healthy diet/exercise.

    You can do it!
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    OP - just beware - this whole thing about lifting to get rid of "skinny fat" doesn't always help certain people. Some of us, when we lose weight, no matter how much we lift and add in cardio and proper diet, just don't build muscle. I'm not saying you shouldn't try - but don't have too many expectations going into it. Do it, rather, because it helps you to feel better emotionally and physically. Just don't expect a drastic change in your physique. Some people have abs and muscle tone regardless of what they do for diet and exercise. Then there are those of us who can work out every day and not look like we've ever been to a gym in our lives! The ability to have muscle tone is based much on genetics. The physical fitness industry is a business like all others - it markets itself with notions of grandeur. Physical trainers often make assessments and promises they just can't fulfill no matter how hard a person works on themselves.

    If you are doing work in the gym, it will show.
  • honeydove
    honeydove Posts: 39
    what, pray tell, is skinny fat?

    Generally speaking, someone who is skinny fat will look like a skinny person when fully clothed. When they take their clothes off, children run screaming, the plants wilt, dark clouds rapidly appear overhead, and whatever other punch line I can't think of.

    Basically, slender arms/legs, very little muscle mass, gut.

    LOL thats me :(
  • ONE03
    ONE03 Posts: 125 Member
    you said in a previous post you were new to lifting. how long have you been lifting?
  • MadCheernGurl09
    MadCheernGurl09 Posts: 35 Member
    I always did a few leg mach. because i love my toned legs but i just started like actually lifting for other body parts two months ago and a lot of times i just watch other people when i do my cardio then just go do what they did. So, i'm not sure that's the most effective way to learn what type of lifting needs to be done. Although i learned earlier today, i need to do lifting before cardio.
  • MadCheernGurl09
    MadCheernGurl09 Posts: 35 Member
    I've also used google to research and all i ever get is lift heavy! never what type of lifts or what lifting heavy means. but i also learned earlier that the meaning of lifting heavy depends on the individual.