I know I'm not fat, I'm just not comfortable



  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    It's because it's not really weight that you are trying to lose. You are trying to lose fat and recomposition your body. I was in your shoes at one point. I was flabby, so I thought I need to lose weight. But it isn't that. I haven't lose a pound, but my body looks different. And it's also because people don't see the flabbiness that you see, so they don't understand. As long as your goal is healthy, then keep going because it's not about those people anyways. Good luck.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    I have never understood this either... What is wrong with wanting to be healthy? Next time some one asks you why, say "So I will live longer" How can anyone argue with that statement?
    Most people here are not eating right and working out solely to lose weight.... we are here to be and live healthy lifestyles--if the lifestyle change happens to make you lose weight, so be it.

    I use that one. Or I say I wanna prevent osteoporosis
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    It's about what you want, not what others think you need. Do it because YOU want it... and what they say won't have as much pull. We aren't immune to others' opinions... but the primary driving force should come from within when it comes to your health & body, imo.
  • 150930
    150930 Posts: 19
    by doing you are showing to others what they are not doing. people don't like that. misery loves company and it's always seeking. so keeping doing what makes you happy because you can only share with others what you have within you. be well.
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    5'4", 141. Technically not "fat" either, but I was definitely out of shape. But I don't tell people I'm dieting or trying to lose weight. I tell them I'm eating healthier because it makes me feel better and I exercise for stress relief.
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    Maybe it's not the weight so much as just needing to tone up? But you could just be built for a smaller size. Everyone's unique and while they can stick a number on a general idea of where you should be we are all different. Hoping you get where you want to be.

  • nailqueen74
    nailqueen74 Posts: 38 Member
    I have lost 20 pounds in the past nine months and am currently 139 pounds at 5'6". I would like to get to 130 and attempt to tone up my mid-section. I know I am a lot healthier now but I am still very self-conscious about my stomach area. No matter what I do I still have a "gut." I hate it. It is the worst part of my body. I don't know how to get rid of it! Great job to all of you who have strived to be healthier! We can do this together!! I am hoping to get a Fit Bit for my anniversary or my birthday. Any suggestions on losing the flab around my stomach. I have a couple friends using "It Works" wraps. Any experience with these?
  • vanishingirl77
    It used to make me so upset when people who were at a healthy weight complained about needing to lose weight or whatever- and it was all I could think of was that if they felt that way about themselves, what did they possibly think about someone like me, who was 100+ pounds overweight.

    But now I realize that what really matters is that each of us are comfortable in their own skin...so if you're unhappy, and you're working to change it- then go for it!!! I think it makes a big difference, for me personally, to view it as empowering myself by getting stronger & healthier than to view it as trying to lose weight & fat. I'm trying to lose weight out of respect for myself, not because I hate who I am.

    Anyway, my point got lost, but what I'm trying to say is that not all of us dangerously unhealthy fat chicks are going to criticize you for trying to improve yourself. Sure, I'd love to be where you are at right now, that doesn't mean I think anything bad of you for wanting to get even better. I hope that makes sense!
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    I was never "overweight" when I started this, technically, and I never looked *terrible* because I had gained ~25 lbs while still exercising frequently.

    That said, I was big for me. I was bigger than I personally had ever been, and I was sick of having to keep buying bigger pants.
    I enjoy being slimmer, but what I enjoy even more is having energy and being able to lift heavy things without batting an eyelash.
  • annaaa_diaz
    im in the same boat. :/ i dont NEED to loose the weight but im not happy with my body.
  • Anyaaaa11
    Anyaaaa11 Posts: 242 Member
    Wow okay where to start? I'm glad I came across this thread...
    I used to be very tiny, 103 for most my life and people always told me I was too thin... I wasn't happy with I looked then either. I listened to my peers after repeatedly hearing form everyone that I should gain.. Well I started gaining and I let myself get out of control and now Im constantly faced with a body I dislike. I'm not blaming others but when people put pressure on you, it really take a toll on you, especially when your still young. Now I'm up about 2 sizes from then which is a lot of extra weight on someone who's 5'2. But honestly i don't tell anyone I'm trying to lose weight because for one I don't want people knowing I have a problem with my weight/body. I don't want to hear about what others think about it. I just am doing it for me. It doesn't matter how "healthy" you already are it's about wanting to feel comfortable in your own skin. Someone said something like.. Being at a weight/size that you like is important to your quality of life. That is definitely true, my weight is always holding me back!

    I'm considered at a healthy weight, but for someone who is small framed it really just doesn't look right. I struggle with my appearance everyday & with that being said, it's perfectly normal for you to want to lose a little more.
    #rant over
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    I understand you!

    I'm 5"7 at 148lbs. I'm not overweight, and I fit into size small clothing and wear about a size 5-7 depending on the pants. But I'm still losing weight and toning. I'm not comfortable with my shape yet and I want to continue to work until I'm firm and have lean muscle.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    At almost 5'10 and 142Ibs last summer, I was not technically overweight, but I was unhappy in my skin, was not exercising, was eating a lot of microwave meals(although I always got in plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables), and was not a size I was used to being, but then I was anorexic so I suppose for me, I am always going to want to be a lower weight. I aimed originally for 133 Ibs, but ended up at between 123 and 126Ibs, and I am comfortable at this size, for the time being, or as comfortable as someone can be who has body image issues anyway.

    I think it is a personal choice, just because someone falls into the healthy range somewhere, doesn't mean they are going to feel comfortable at that weight/size. Exercise, of course, can help immensely to get the shape you want, and people tend to look smaller when they strength train as opposed to simply losing weight.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    People always tell me 'you're not even fat, why are you losing weight?'.

    If they ask you this again simply say "my goal isn't losing weight, it's improving my body composition" They will probably look at you blankly and their mouth will drop open slightly as they try and process the information...You can then smile sweetly and walk away.

    In reality I think your goal actually is improving body composition (the ratio of fat to muscle / LBM) as opposed to arbitrary "weight" loss.
  • nessvsgiygas
    nessvsgiygas Posts: 14 Member
    Completely agree. No one really understands me either. They just chalk it up to an insecure, thin girl complaining about her body when she doesn't need to.

    Not the case. I'm far from insecure. I just feel uncomfortable with having to deal with the muscle weight I once had turning into flab.

    I'm 5'1" and currently 117 lbs. Everyone I know tells me I'm thin and don't need to lose any weight or even be concerned with working out. But what the don't understand is that I am NOT as fit as I once was. Sure, I may LOOK thin, but I have flab and rolls where I used to have abs from about a year or two of neglecting exercise. I feel awkward, uncomfortable, and honestly, I can't stand it. I don't like having rolls, no matter how big, get in the way of me bending over or interfering with my yoga practice.

    It's awful! I don't want to be STICK THIN. I want to be FIT, FIRM, AND TONED again. That's all.
  • LyndsieLovejoyyy
    same here! i started at 150 and everyone said i looked good and shouldnt lose weight (i'm 5'4) but then once i got to 130 people said i looked so much better. people dont see your body like you do, if i had someones body that i thought was perfect i would find flaws in it. i think theres always room for improvement and anyone should do anything that makes them happy :heart: