Looking for buddies who need to lose 10-15 stubborn lbs

debcorky Posts: 11 Member
I am working out a lot and eating healthy but the lbs are not dropping....also taking measurements and not seeing movement there....I drop a lb one week and it finds me the next.:explode:


  • ha i know how you feel :) feel free to add me and hopefully we can lose the last lot together :)
  • Martin0524
    Martin0524 Posts: 59 Member
    i feel your pain... I have 10 pounds left to go..I'm working out like crazy.. but my cravings for bad food keep sneaking up on me.. Today I had to break and have some pizza.. but ate really lite for the rest of the day. I need a lot of support when it comes to how I eat.. Starting monday I'm going to try to do my meal replacements for dinner only to start.. and slowly work my way into replacing lunch and breakfast until I lose the extra weight. The I will have to deal with maintenance.. Which will be a whole different ball game.
  • dlbbs
    dlbbs Posts: 2
    lost 60 pounds on weight watchers, it took 9 months. I still have 15 more to go. I am at a stand still. It sucks but I do know that if I keep eating the right foods it will come off. I just want it to happen faster. I did read something about flax seed and chia seeds. i think I may add that to my diet to see if it help. doc. oz talked about it. what do you think.
  • dlbbs
    dlbbs Posts: 2
    last few pounds seem so hard. I am stuck and still need to loose 15 more pounds. any ideas?
  • mlk8604
    mlk8604 Posts: 56 Member
    I'm in the same boat - about 12 more pounds to go and it's not going very fast..... Feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • CourtneyB610
    CourtneyB610 Posts: 384
    I am in the same place right now too! Ugh!!
  • Tywana
    Tywana Posts: 135 Member
    I am with all of you. I lost 97 lbs and only want to be 160 lbs. I keep loosing the same 10 lbs. I am 20 lbs from where I want to be. 2 weeks ago I was 173, Now 180 again:explode: I work out like a DOG!! Eat right and loose the same 10 lbs and fall off because of feeling tired of not seeing the results I want:brokenheart: IDK.. Can you guys help me:sad:
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    Feel free to add me. I lost 40lbs relatively easily last year and then the weight loss just came to a grinding halt and nothing I've tried is working. For the past 5 months I've tried lowering calories more, raising calories, no wheat, no sugar, low-ish carb (I tried low carb but I couldn't do that for very long at all b/c it affected my running), less exercise, more exercise, blah blah blah. And yet I just go and up down the same ~5 pounds.

    I still have a lot of belly fat that I need to lose.

    eta: The next thing I think I'm going to try is to get a heart rate monitor and food scale b/c I use measuring cups/spoons but I'm not sure how accurate that is. And it seems like MFP's calorie burn estimates might be a little high.
  • Amairee
    Amairee Posts: 71 Member
    I am in the same spot myself also! Started off needing to lose 20, first 10 came off easy, now I'm about 7lbs away from my goal and I've been stuck here for months. It's like my body is just determined to hold onto that last bit. It's difficult, but I've been trying to change up my routine and the foods I eat to see what that'll do. It's all trial and error at this point, and almost all of it is specific to your body's needs alone. Feel free to add me though, support is key. I myself have just returned to ftp after feeling frustrated for a while.
  • marapalumbo
    marapalumbo Posts: 85 Member
    I'm there, too! After my daughter was born, I lost about 15 pounds fairly easily, but I keep bouncing around between 160-170 and my goal weight is about 150 (still haven't decided the exact weight yet). I'll add you!
  • moreno89
    moreno89 Posts: 210 Member
    i have 15 lbs to go add me if you like :) the first fifteen took me two month so yeah i feel you :)
  • beccacarlton
    beccacarlton Posts: 21 Member
    About 10 lbs to go too! Feel free to add me too
  • I have about 15 lbs. left too. Feel free to add me!
  • lindsy721
    lindsy721 Posts: 350 Member
    Oh my goodness I feel like I literally *just* posted exactly this same thread a few minutes ago!! Well, I guess add me into the group!! I'm looking to lose about 10 pounds of fat, and you're all completely right, it's the last 10 that are so stubborn!! Add me to your friends if you like, I totally know how it feels!

    I like to jog, take long walks, dance, and do some weights.
  • carenj1990
    carenj1990 Posts: 27 Member
    U understand...I'm so frustrated 2. I worked out an ate clean 85% of the time. I pretty much the same weight...may have lost some inches.
  • imsleepdeprived
    imsleepdeprived Posts: 82 Member
    same here.....keep hitting plateaus - feel free to add me!