Newby: Anyone doing this for fertility reasons?



  • I do not have PCOS but am having trouble getting pregnant ( we have been ttc for over a year). I have gained over 50 pounds in the last 3 years and am just tired of being fat. To think that it is interfering with our ability to start a family makes me cringe. We know there are other challenges surrounding our ability to conceive (age, medical history) but I want to make sure that we have done everything within our control to try to have a baby.

    Fertility is not the only reason I joined (just today!). I want to feel better and look better. In my mind I am still my "normal" size I just need to get my body on track with the image.

    I am new here and am really excited to see so many people who are supporting one another!
  • I have PCOS and want to lose weight to help improve my odds too. check out this group
    Good luck!
  • gendoll
    gendoll Posts: 67 Member
    I don't have any fertility issues that I know of. I don't have PCOS at least, I do know that. I am finally resolved to do this because I want kids really bad, but I will not, & downright refuse to try to get pregnant with this weight on. I know how dangerous it is, and I don't want to ask for any issues. Pregnancies can come with their own problems without my body and fat causing them.

    Frankly, I know I'm probably an oddball here, but I love my birth control and am not ready to be off it yet. My skin has never been clearer, my hair is shinier, my periods are not near as heavy or as painful. Sucks trying to remember it everyday and can't wait for that to be over.

    But yes, I am definitely on this journey with children in mind. It is my main goal. I'm tired of waiting, and my husband is 6 years older than me, and he doesn't deserve to wait any longer. He will be an awesome daddy. Although he will be an instigator and I will probably be having to put him on a time out as well. LOL!

    This SO sounds like my husband, lol. I have an 11 year old and he is constantly picking on her like he's a kid himself. He's 7 1/2 years older then me so I also don't thinks its fair to him to make him wait on children. Besides he'll be 40 next year and we'd really like to have started our family by then.
  • sdav1997
    sdav1997 Posts: 19 Member
    I had PCOS. I was weighing 205 lbs at the time when I started weight training 3 times a wk with a personal trainer. That and following Phase 2 of South Beach Diet did it for me. My daughter was born the following year. I was under the care of various fertility specialists and tried for five years.
  • kmpawley
    kmpawley Posts: 21 Member
    I had no idea there were so many of us!! My husband and I have been trying for just shy of 3 years. We are on are 3rd round of clomid. I am keeping my fingers crossed.. Wanting to get pregnant and being healthy are what made decided to join and start taking the weight off. I will def. add you as a friend. It is nice to have someone who understands what your going through:flowerforyou:
  • sexycheesemonkey
    sexycheesemonkey Posts: 196 Member
    *raises hand*
    Fertility issues seem to be a big thing...anyone feel free to add me...hopefully we can all overcome this and get where we need to be!
  • chemy9118
    chemy9118 Posts: 2 Member
    I am also doing this for fertility. I had my daughter two years ago. No problems getting pregnant. We have been trying to conceive a second baby for a year now. I never lost the baby weight. My periods started messing up after Mirena and BCP after having Katelyn. My period failed to come in Sept of last year So I had to take provera ugh! Just last month I thought my period was never going to start but refused to go to the doctor. It finally showed up a week ago and I lost 10lbs prior. I have take the Clomid treatment no success so I figured losing weight is my only way to go. I am 236lbs and 5'6". Oh and I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 16. Odd thing though, she just looked at my features and told me not the right type of diagnoses if you ask me. When I had Katelyn I did not sign my self in until another doctor went on call.
  • sarbu24
    sarbu24 Posts: 129 Member
    hey girls:) Reading these posts sure does bring back alot of memories for me. My husband and I had troubles getting pregnant too, unexplained infertility, for three years. i was on Chlomid for six months, then did hormone injections and artificial insemination with the sperm washing ( where they only put back in the good swimmers). After two tries, I was finally pregnant. I will never forget that moment, and I wish and pray that all of you will feel that happiness someday. I too was overweight during the whole process. I would guess about 225 lbs, and delivered at 258 lbs. I personally didnt have it in me to try to lose weight during the TTC process. I give you girls all the credit in the world!!! I know how emotional it can be:( Many nights I cried myself to sleep.

    After we had our son, I decided not to go on birth control and maybe have a miracle baby using the natural hormones in my system from just having my son. My OB advised me not to, and to give my body a rest. I didnt care, he wasnt the one that went through all those years of hell. Five months later I got pregnant:) No drugs, nothing:) Just good ole lovin:)

    Im not sure if this is ok to do here, but I belonged to a really good website "American Pregnancy Association", during my TTC years. There are thousands of women out there that are going through what you are going through, and they really helped me. MFP has helped me lose 20 pounds now, and I am currently at 215:) I hope it does the same for you guys. But if you have any questions about TTC or Fertility treatments, those girls are a huge help. I wish you all the luck in the world!! Feel free to friend me if you have any questions or just wanna chat:) Baby dust coming your way!!!