Late Night Binges

Need help! I can keep my calorie intake under control all day with portion control and snacks (carrots, peppers, salad, no dressing) but after dinner (8-9 pm) I go NUTS! Sometimes until my tummy feels bad. I have a rapidly growing tummy overlap issue that makes me want to just give up. Any ideas on how to stop sabotaging myself. I feel terrible! Thanks in advance!


  • 219DIVA
    219DIVA Posts: 1
    I had to keep reminding myself "No" when I went to the kitchen to have a snack. I would think "What is the harm" but realize that it would be harmful. The biggest cause of night-time snacking is not eating enough during the day. Skimping on breakfast or skipping meals = simple lack of energy. Make sure your calorie intake target is set appropriate to your age, size and level of activity.

    Are you getting enough calories during the day? Often eating too little during the day will lead to evening binges, especially high sugar binges.

    If you are eating enough during the day, maybe figuring out the reason you are turning to food and dealing with those underlying issues can help? What emotions are you trying to satiate with food?

    If you're surrounded by junk food at home as well as at work then you are making life more difficult than it needs to be. Literally go through your cupboards, fridge and freezer and throw away anything that you don't want to find yourself eating in the future. If it's not there, you can't eat it. Instead, fill up the fruit bowl and stock up on a few low-fat fruit yoghurts.

    FIND SOMETHING ELSE TO DO!!! You may just be bored, which is why I used to snack a lot at night. Read a book, or do something that will keep your mind occupied and not wanting a snack.

    And I would definitely get all of that junk food out of your house! It will win every time.
  • inverseofmissy
    inverseofmissy Posts: 114 Member
    I get the munchies really bad at night as well- once the kids are in bed and I sit down with my laptop or a book I just want to eat something yummy! I don't think it's terrible to have a snack then (I'm a night owl anyways so it's not like I'm eating right before bed- I snack around 9pm and stay up until 12-1am) so I save some of my calories specifically for my evening snack. Then I feel like it's okay to eat something, but I'm able to keep it within my calorie limit. Like tonight, I had about 500 or 600 calories left, so I had 8 crackers with some cheese and deli turkey on them. Also, drinking water really helps me at night when I want something I shouldn't be eating- just keep chugging the water, find a snack that may not be what I'm craving but will fill me up and get my mind off of food, and then find something to occupy my mind or go to bed!
  • LyndsieLovejoyyy
    leave sticky notes around your kitchen as a constant reminder :)
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    I remind myself that I can have a great breakfast when I wake up =]
    I also don't feel like the bloating and crappy feeling is worth it so I try to remind myself what the next day will feel like and how long it takes to get rid of the water weight.

    If all else fails eat some watermelon, strawberries, or grapes.
    All are fairly low calories and will fill you up long enough to go to bed.

    It'll get easier!
  • LindaLouLu
    LindaLouLu Posts: 271 Member
    I had to keep reminding myself "No" when I went to the kitchen to have a snack. I would think "What is the harm" but realize that it would be harmful. The biggest cause of night-time snacking is not eating enough during the day. Skimping on breakfast or skipping meals = simple lack of energy. Make sure your calorie intake target is set appropriate to your age, size and level of activity.

    Are you getting enough calories during the day? Often eating too little during the day will lead to evening binges, especially high sugar binges.

    If you are eating enough during the day, maybe figuring out the reason you are turning to food and dealing with those underlying issues can help? What emotions are you trying to satiate with food?

    If you're surrounded by junk food at home as well as at work then you are making life more difficult than it needs to be. Literally go through your cupboards, fridge and freezer and throw away anything that you don't want to find yourself eating in the future. If it's not there, you can't eat it. Instead, fill up the fruit bowl and stock up on a few low-fat fruit yoghurts.

    FIND SOMETHING ELSE TO DO!!! You may just be bored, which is why I used to snack a lot at night. Read a book, or do something that will keep your mind occupied and not wanting a snack.

    And I would definitely get all of that junk food out of your house! It will win every time.

    ^^^ This.
  • alphea
    alphea Posts: 1
    My problem is late, late , late night. I go to bed around 2-3oclock almost every night. But, on the weekend, I am up until 5-5:30. So, of course, I am constantly snacking. I had lost 6lbs, and in the last 2weeks, I have put 5lbs back on. My problem, I see the lbs that I am losing, then , I get back in the same habit. When, I did lose my 6lbs, I still stayed up late, but, I would snack on boiled eggs and pepperoni. I just need constant reminder that I can do this. I know I can, because I have done it before. I will start to drink more water before I eat a late, late snack! Its going to be hard, because, school will be out in a couple of days, and I will be up all night and sleep all day:sad: