From Smoker to Fitness Fanatic!!!

ZuzanaFan Posts: 47
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
After 29 years as a smoker I never thought I would just wake up one day and just quit cold turkey!! But I did and I am LOVING it! Its been 2 weeks and one day and I have not given in nor do I hardly have any urges to back track! I just joined this website yesterday and have been adamant about keeping it updated! Glad to be here and hope I learn some great tips, make new friends and get fit with every other fitness pal out there! Good Luck too all and keep on tracking!!!


  • Thats awesome! I only smoke when I have a few drinks. I have no desire to smoke otherwise. If I could curtail drinking and smoking, I would be doing a lot beeter with calories, energy and weight loss!
  • Wow, after 29 years, you have gone 2 weeks w/out a smoke?! AMAZING! Had you tried to quit before? If so, what made this time different? This is a fantastic site with so much information about fitness and nutrition.

    Great job on your success so far, and keep up the good work!!
  • Thank you!!! And I do understand! I have a twin sister that has never smoked, but she LOVES to drink! She can't figure out why she can't lose weight! lol He husband is always on her case, but I know that if he would just allow her to decide when to stop should it be important enough, that she will do it in her own time and be extremely successful! That is just what I did too! I just made up my mind that I was going to quit as soon as I finished my last cigarette out of the carton. As soon as I put out that last cigarette, which was Sept 27th, 2009 at 9:10 pm, I just did it! Now I just replace excercise with every urge! Good luck on your plans and goals and those two little ones on your ticker are adorable!
  • Hi Shinybonnie!!! No, I never wanted to quit before! I LOVED to smoke! I never looked at it as a habit but rather a joy! lol I just enjoyed it! Everyone in my life would just nag me about it! My two boys, my neice, my parents, sister, boyfriends, ex-husband, people I knew and then again had just met! And all they did was make me want another one everytime they said something. Then 2-1/2 years ago I met and amazing man and I told him to NEVER annoy me and ask me to quit! So he never has! Then out of the blue, where the desire came from, I just have no clue, but I went to bed on the 20th of September 2009 and when I closed my eyes, I just started repeating over and over in my head..."I'm going to stop smoking, start eating healthy and get fit! I'm going to stop smoking, start eating healthy and get fit! I'm going to stop smoking, start eating healthy and get fit! I'm going to stop smoking, start eating healthy and get fit! " So when I put out my last cigarette...wala!!! I am a true believer that it is ok to quit something, but it's NOT okay to be a failure! So I just refused to fail at my endevor! And I couldn't be prouder of myself! :o)
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Congrat on being an ex smoker and joining this awesome website .... good luck on your weight loss journey :wink:
  • Welcome....Omg! your so lucky that he didn't nag you. My fiance always nags me about smoking. I joined awhile ago and lost about 22 lbs. I quit and gained about 12lbs back. I started again October 5th, 2009. I need to exercise more. I smoke when I'm craving sweets. You influenced me to exercise everytime I want a cigarette. That is a great way to stop the urge. I moved my eliptical in my bedroom now. I have no excuses LOL. Thanks! Good Luck .
  • I applaud and admire you for having the strength to quit cold turkey after so many years of smoking. I myself smoke and having just started dieting and exercising I'm afraid to quit. At this point I feel like I need to lose the weight first, but gosh it sure would be easier to exercise if I didn't get so winded from being a smoker!!!
  • :flowerforyou: GOOD for YOU Iris!!!! When I drive is the hardest time for me as far as craving a cigarette! I now keep a bag of sunflower seeds next too me and that really helps. My first week I was so desperate for one that I started digging down between the seats of my truck, and I found one!! I puled it out, and sat there looking at it and then with complete and shockenly control, I crushed it up in my hand and threw it out! I have not been that desperate since and I actually just don't crave them anymore. I also just posted a great Low-Calorie Oatmeal Cran-Raisin Cookie recipe online for those sudden sweet ttoth cravings! I LOVE these and they are perfect! Also, you can go to the store and buy the low-fat Graham crackers (any flavor) and then the lite/low fat Cool whip. Go home and sandwich about 3/4 inch thick worth of the cool whip between two graham crackers and then wrap them in seran wrap and freeze them. They are perfect to subside any ice cream or desperate sweet tooth cravings! And they are very very low cal! I was eating one every night, but am in such control now that I only think about them once a week or so. If you are not into excercise, and need some motivation, go to and check out Zuzana! She is not a professional trainer but she has some easy to watch and learn fitness/exercise tips that you just don't need a lot of equipment for. I watch her daily and love her attitude and ideas! Good Luck with EVERYTHING and I am always available for support and chat!
  • Hi shaggardlpn, I feel your pain!! I NEVER actually EVER wanted to quit! I LOVED smoking just for the sake of enjoyment! :blushing: And my biggest fear was that I would gain weight like everyone told me I would! That's why I had to put the plan into place in my mind! Quit smoking, eat healthy and excercise! So that's what I did! I told myself that for a week and then when I put out my last cigarette, excercise, eating healthy, and mind control took over. I have a wonderful boyfriend who is my biggest supporter! The funny thing is that we are both in the military and he is currently stationed 1200 miles away! So I have no-one here to cheer me on other then myself and my dogs! But I have found great satisfaction in knowing that I alone (other then his words of encouragement and praise via email and phone calls) kicked the habit! So thank you for your support and kind words, but I know that when YOU are ready...not when everyone else is ready for you, that you too can accomplish this difficult feat too! Best of luck! And when you do, I will be here to cheer you on! :flowerforyou:
  • Thanks! I am certainly going to make it one of my top priorities. Just makes it that much harder because my husband smokes as well and I KNOW that he has no desire to quite (although he NEEDS to very badly). On the other hand, if I do, maybe he will follow suit....
  • :happy: I am keeping my fingers crossed for you and wish you the VERY BEST of luck!!! I was telling Iris earlier that if you are not into excercise, and need some motivation, go to and check out Zuzana! She is not a professional trainer but she has some easy to watch and learn fitness/exercise tips that you just don't need a lot of equipment for. I watch her daily and love her attitude and ideas! And her figure and body (not bulky but beautiful) is in perfect health! My boyfriend will retire around the 20th of November. He has been depression eating for the 2-1/2 years that we have been apart. He is returning home and has stated that he is going to pick up with healthy eating and excercise with me! He lost a lot of weight on his own prior to us meeting, but then, after a year of us being with eachother everyday, when he had to transfer, he changed from excercise to food. He is currently about 30 pounds larger then when we met. But to know that he wants to workout with me just makes me want to work even harder at my goals. I currently run every other day using my iphone and whats called the C25K (couch to 5k..3 miles) It started me out running for 30 seconds and then walking for 90. I am 3 weeks into it and am already, after quitting smoking, running 1-1/2 miles with little difficulty. I just grab the dog and go! And I don't let ANYTHING come between me and my excercise and eating schedule. And it is proving to work really really well! So I hope that some of my ideas will help you plan some great choices to follow for you! Again, good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    I too quit in Sept ........i was eating healthy and working out but was always out of breathe ...... so on Sept 3, 2009 i said NO MORE i am done smoking .... I WANT TO BE HEALTHY ALL THE WAY AROUND so the time is NOW ..... i quit cold turkey i smoked for 21 years .... if i can quit ANYONE can quit .. if you want it bad enough ...... GOOD LUCK :wink:
  • Thanks!! This has been a great help and motivater. It is so wonderful have this website with so many wonderful, caring people who know exactly what you have been through, are going through, and how you feel. Thanks again!!!!!
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