New York newbie!!!

Hey everyone, my name is Danielle. I have been looking on here for a while and decided to post. Since I started 4 weeks ago I'm down 3lbs!! Still have about 15 to go. My mother in law is a personal trainer and is helping me a lot!!! Just seems like a real nice community here. I'm always doing the want agh bike path if anyone ever wants to join!


  • Hey, I'm Sue and I just started this month. I also have been working out for 4 weeks and have lost 3 lbs. That's good, they say 1 lbs a week is recommended. I also have about 15-20 lbs to go...good luck I'm cheering you on here in CT.
  • Hey, newbie from NY here too...Good luck on your weight loss journey...I've been on my fitness pal for almost a week and am down 6lbs...Hope to continue with around 2lbs per week...
  • queenstatus
    queenstatus Posts: 267 Member
    welcome!!!! if you need friends you can always add me. i am from ny too. what part of ny are you from?
  • welcome!!!! if you need friends you can always add me. i am from ny too. what part of ny are you from?

    I'm on the island, u?
  • honeydove
    honeydove Posts: 39
    Welcome fellow New Yorker :flowerforyou:
  • lilfurson
    lilfurson Posts: 190
    Yay for New Yorkers! :bigsmile:
  • Diana7021
    Diana7021 Posts: 61 Member
    Hey, Great start on your weight loss.
    Feel free to add me Im from NY too.
  • dylsmom99
    dylsmom99 Posts: 32 Member
    woohoo for wantagh!!!!.. i do the mill pond lake path daily!!!!!!!!.. id love to try the wantagh path!!!!!!>.

    keep up the good work,,,,

    btw,, im in levittown!!!!!!

    Hi guys,,,,,,
    I've been using the iPhone app for a while now and love it so i figured id try it on line too.....

    im 60 days into my weight loss fight,... and a fight it is... and will be.,,,

    3 years ago i lost over 100 lbs... i looked and felt amazing,,, ran my first 5k and i was on top of the world,,, after all i had been the fat kid all my life and then the chubby one all my grown up life,,,, If i heard the statement * you would be so pretty if you lost weight* one more time I was probably going to hit someone. ... i have always felt so beautiful inside, but could never make the outside match... And just when i finally did it I came down with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from my work at WTC on 911... the treatment was medications.. and we all know the side effects of that..... yup,,, 140 lbs back on.....

    Well i have found my reason for living again and now its my turn to show him the person he sees on the inside can be the same on the outside.... Time to love me!,,, cause if i can't love me then who can!!..

    im not doing this all for me,, I'm doing this for us,, for a healthy future.. for longevity,,,,, i want to live to be loved for ever,...

    so in 60 days I've done 24 lbs so far.... grew a lot of muscle so the lbs came off slowly,,,,,, my goal is 175,,,,, i have incentives!,,, and they mean the world to me,,,,,,,,,

    i can do it this time,,, I've done it before and this time I'm gonna succeed! in the name of love
  • SeekingBacon
    SeekingBacon Posts: 6 Member
    Staten Island, NY here, looking for a few friends close to home to cheer each other on. Add me! Not so active on here as I would like to be having a hard time getting started.
  • Staten Island, NY here, looking for a few friends close to home to cheer each other on. Add me! Not so active on here as I would like to be having a hard time getting started.

    Hey, I added you as a friend...I'm from Staten Island too...