Hi newbies join a 60 day before N after PIC's Challenge

Alyshe Posts: 511 Member
edited December 19 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone! If you are reading this then you are in the right place! Everyone loves pictures!

Scrawny to Brawny, Fluffy to Lovely or hot to Pop!!! We all want to be healthy and to love our self. The first part is easy! Posting your current before pic on this thread. 2nd. Keep logging in and the hard part is achiving your challenge! Trust me its easier to get to your goal if you eneter a challenge like this and post your accountablity.

I hope that if you and as you enter this challenge that you achive your goals and meet wonderful people here on mfp like I have!

Here are the requirements; Simiple!
1.All pictures must be current and posted on group message bord by dates listed.
2.Your before picture needs to remain on group message bord untill winner(s) have been announced.
6/1 current before picture(s)
7/1 progress picture(s)
8/1 after picture(s)
A winner with most progress will be announced after 7/1 also the before and after winner will be announced after 8/1!

here's the group link. Join the group
*If you dont know how to join just ask me and I will add you!
God bless.


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