New and looking for support

aero0811 Posts: 30 Member
Hi everyone, I'm new to the myfitnesspal website, I've used the phone app for a while now but not really getting the results I was hoping for so I have decided to take it seriously by starting on here too.

I have always suffered with confidence issues and lack of self esteem. Since college/ university I have always tried to control what I eat, and as I result I lost a stone with just eating more heathily, however now i've hit that first plateau. It was my boyfriends dad last weekend who made a comment about my weight... I ended up in tears and felt even worse about myself but luckily that has had the right impact into sorting myself out, instead of turning to comfort eating. I knew I wanted to do something anyway, but hearing it from someone else has pushed me to actually achieve it.

My boyfriend is very fit,if I had the confidence he has always offered to take me running. I'm sure you can imagine though, someone so unhealthy running next to a super fit guy is the last thing I want to do! Instead, he suggested I do 40mins working my way up to 1 hour a day (5 times a week) on the cross trainer and then adding in runs/ swimming as I lose weight and gain confidence.

I have to admit, I do like a takeaway every now and again, however I have recently moved house and enjoy cooking homemade meals and plan to continue this and eventually ditch the takeaways.

Basically, I am looking for others for support and encouragement so I can finally shift this weight! Any advice or support you could give will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks :)


  • tscagg
    tscagg Posts: 11
    Hello and Welcome! You can do it! Just walking 30 minutes a day is going to give you the exercise you need, so if you can't do the workout then at least walk or do yoga. The number one thing you can do for yourself is to love yourself first and know that you are worth it! Believe in you!
  • Jennilynncoco
    Hi!! and Welcome!! i myself will be starting today as well, i have used this program in the past and have not really taken it seriously.

    A little history about me. I am active for the most part i do cross fit two times a week and zumba a few other days i also mix in some cardio at the gym a couple of days too, i even ran my first 5k a few weeks ago. However, with all that said i am not losing weight, in fact i think i have gained weight. I try to eat mainly healthy for the most part with no processed foods,but my down fall would have to be at night time i feel like i binge and thats when i eat the "bad" stuff. i work 12 hour shifts and sometimes can go all day with eating very little i think i may deprive myself douring the day and that is why i end up bingeing at night when i get home. My goal is to change all of that. I would like to not eat past 8pm but that is hard since i dont get done work until 730 and by time i get home and showered it is way past then and i still did not eat dinner.

    Im looking forward to changing all of this and i hope by tracking it i will be able to.
  • aero0811
    aero0811 Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks tscagg, after loosing a few pounds and I do notice and change I do feel good about myself, it's just getting that frame of mind to start with! It is something I am definately working on though as im sure it plays a big part in weightloss!

    Jennilynncoco, considering you work 12 hour shifts and then do all that exercise on top you deserve a well done for all of that and running your first 5k! Hopefully you can work out some sort of routine so you can eat before 8pm.

    I hope to achieve the same as you by tracking everything I eat/ do so I can see what I need to work on to get the results. We can do it!
  • Jennilynncoco
    Yes we can :) one day at a time
  • NikkiB101
    NikkiB101 Posts: 13
    Hi there,

    Welcome to mfp. It sounds like you've already made a sensible start, and there's definitely something to be said for moderation but you can also look at the type of treats / takeaway you're having and build them in to your plan. If I go out and have a meal or alcohol I try to go light early in the day or do some extra exercise so I'm still under my calories for the day overall, or at least at a number where I won't be gaining & undoing the hard work.

    It sounds like you have a good resource in your boyfriend, if you don't want to run alongside him could you find another way of using his help? Like both running at the same time on different routes, so you get the motivation to get up and do it but don't feel like you're being compared? Or get him to plan a workout schedule for you?

    I hope you find the right combination of diet and exercise & get some good tips from this site. And whatever you do don't let other people make you feel bad, your boyfriend's dad sounds like a total git. Maybe try dealing with his utter lack of social grace as his problem next time rather than letting it get you down.
  • MIssnewme9211
    MIssnewme9211 Posts: 104 Member
    Hey, I am new also...I tell you what! This online has been very benefical for me theses last two days! I wasn't aware how many calories I was consuming! Plus lots of carbohydrates....thats where the weight gain comes from....I'm like more people...I <3 CARBs!
    This tool is allowing me to me more on ponit and true to do better daily!

    If you want to be support buddies..I'm cool with that...just let me ok! Good Luck on everything!
  • NikkiB101
    NikkiB101 Posts: 13
  • aero0811
    aero0811 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi Nikkib880, thanks for your advice on eating lighter throughout the day or adding that extra bit of exercise. I sort of do this already, but I make up the day after...I think I will change this so I can hopefully continue to see the results instead of yoyoing! As for my boyfriend, I will ask him to write me some sort of fitness plan and might even ask him to add in a run at some point :| Im thinking weight loss is all about hardwork and pushing yourself

    Thanks for your advice :).

    Missnewme, before I joined MFP I think carbs were my weakness as well! Luckily now I can see how much i've eaten and stop before I go over that limit. Thank god for MFP tracker with these carbs! :)
  • hmuh
    hmuh Posts: 379 Member
    Hi there! It sounds like you're already doing a lot of great things to get you closer to your goal. Knocking off the takeout and cooking more at home is HUGE! And joining the message boards is another big step forward. I'm always looking for motivation on here when I hit a little slump because the boards are full of people that are inspiring. Keep up the forward progress!