Looking for a New Group to start this week or next 10/12 or

Hey I am looking to do this with someone. I am married and my husband is doing the calorie count with me, however, he does not have the strongest will power and that pulls me down too. He does not try it he does mean well. Then I have trouble getting back up and going. I would like to like to have a group or another person to check in with on a weekly basis to try to lose my 80 lbs needed to be in the ideal weight group... Please let me know if you are interested! This is my first time trying to do a group weight loss!


  • meggyann10
    I'm interested! :) I can identify with your husband and I don't have good will power. Maybe this will help?!
  • mdkmomof4
    I am new to this also- I have four children and am wanting to get rid of this extra baby weight for good!
    I am wanting to lose about 50 pounds
    like tommorrow :):):)LOL
    I would like to lose 10-12 a month!
  • carneys
    I'd love to check in weekly with a group as well. I did Balance Log several years ago, lost my weight, then gained it back! I stopped logging my food. So count me in. I just signed up, so I am very excited!
  • avamariah
    avamariah Posts: 26 Member
    Looking for a support group. I too have four children (boys). I am trying to loose 50lbs. I am logging all of my meals, keeping a journal on my blog and I will be posting pictures on the monthly basis. I am in this thing this time to win!
  • avamariah
    avamariah Posts: 26 Member
    We need an identity...a really good group name.
  • mdkmomof4
    Yes- We need a catchy group name!!
    Oh this makes it even more excited--
    avamariah-- I have 3 boys and 1 girl!
  • carneys
    Oh that would be great! Any ideas ??
  • ducky5m48
    ducky5m48 Posts: 50 Member
    I would love to be in a group. I am a college student and i also work so i'm pretty much constantly on the go. But i'v been doing mfp for a few months now n it has really helped im loving it!!! so how do we do this group check in thing??? :)
  • carneys
    I think we have to "add as friend"? Click on the name and choose add as friend? Then may be we are able to check in privately between us vs public posts??
  • avamariah
    avamariah Posts: 26 Member
    hey guys, I sent out friend request to everyone who expressed interest. Hopefully we can have the group up and running , very soon.

    Any thought on that name yet?
    Sorry, Im not that creative.
  • jyeagle570
    jyeagle570 Posts: 5 Member
    I am also not very creative.... I am going to also sent out a friend request to everyone like avamariah did. Oh this will be so good... Thank you all for joining me... I do have to say I have done pretty well all week except today.. I was in a meeting all day and did not have a chance to eat until I got home. :( We all know what that means. Yup eat way too much. Back on track tomorrow though. That is what I like about this way is I don't feel like I failed. I just had a bad day!
  • jyeagle570
    jyeagle570 Posts: 5 Member
    I was sending messages back and forth with Carneys and I think I will make a blogspot (private blog) for us so we can try. In order for this to work I would need an email address for everyone. (You can create one at gmail with the same username if you would like) Also we need to think of a name for the blog. I am thinking we will be able to all edit it this way and then we can talk on there rather then having to send constant messages. Please let me know what you think if you are in you can send me a message with an email for you to add to the blog as an author! I am so excited for this whole thing!