Weighing yourself



  • cmayfield3
    cmayfield3 Posts: 176 Member
    I weigh every morning BUT I don't compare it to the day before.... I compare it to the week before. Monday to the previous Monday, Tuesday to the previous Tuesday, etc. I would drive myself nuts otherwise.
  • LesIsMoreXX
    LesIsMoreXX Posts: 169
    I weigh myself usually every other day but I only record once a week [ Sunday morning ].
  • Joyounette
    Joyounette Posts: 13 Member
    I've been obsessed with weighing myself, doing it several times a day, and I can go up and down 4 lbs in just 2 days, so it's really upsetting. I've been relatively good all week, eating right and exercising, and when I weighted myself this morning, I was back to my SW, I got so discouraged and frustrated I actually cried. So from now on I think I'm going to do it only once a week, on monday morning. I'm hiding the evil scale somewhere I can't see it and get tempted.

    I think it could be good to weigh yourself everyday if you know you're not going to get discouraged by the little daily fluctuations... Which is obviously not my case. I've given up eating healthily so many times before because I've weighted myself too often, got discouraged by the results I was getting, and failed to see the bigger picture...
  • osualex
    osualex Posts: 409 Member
    I weigh every day and record any loss (I usually only see a loss maximum once or twice a week, sometimes no loss) I've heard of false gains but not false losses, so I figure if the scale says I've lost, then I've lost!
  • 2kidzlater
    2kidzlater Posts: 134 Member
    Have the same problem. I had my husband put it away and now I'm only weighing myself once a month.
  • ball858
    ball858 Posts: 395 Member
    Everyday but weigh in day is Sat morning - weighing everyday keeps me on track
  • For the 1st time ever i weighted once this last week and i will never do it again. i weighted Saturday and was gutted to see i had stayed the same. Then weighted this morning and i had lost 5lb. So must of been water weight yesterday. SO had yesterday of been a weak day i could of blown it all. So from now on i will weight daily or every other day

    But i only record my weight once a week
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,176 Member
    I cant weigh myself every day. That would discourage the heck out of me....but thats me. I haven't weighed myself yet. I will tomorrow. Not sure if I will weigh regularly or not. I had planned to but we'll see.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I weigh and record every day...I'm out of control with it I know, but I truly want to see what is going on...I go on vacation in two weeks. Will be without my scales for 10 days and lots of seafood to chow on along with not being able to work out the way I do here...I'm scared of what the scales will say when I get home. I hate losing the same lbs over and over. Not to mention I know I will swell with water weight because of the type of heat, I always do, but this time I think I will be taking some water pills with me and munch on them so it's not so bad. My feet and ankles swell so bad when I go home to visit.
  • LeellenMack
    LeellenMack Posts: 141 Member
    I weigh everyday and I don't know why because it's pure torture for me when I don't lose after working so hard which I what's been happening since I've hit this ridiculous plateau.

    Me too, I have decided to keep weighing every day (because I know I won't stop) but going to start logging once a week no matter what it is and measuring once a week so we'll see how that goes...
  • julie9200
    julie9200 Posts: 62 Member
    I weigh myself everyday. If what I'm doing isn't working, I want to know right away instead of waiting a week to be unpleasantly surprised by the scale. I used to weigh once a week, but my weight can easily fluctuate by 3 pounds in a 24 hour period (seems to be related to my sodium intake). Plus sometimes I would forget to weigh in on the appointed day.

    I also record it on mfp everyday. I'm an accountant, so a numbers person, and I like the weight loss graph it creates. It's speaking my language, lol
  • mdj1501
    mdj1501 Posts: 388 Member
    I just weigh whenever I want. I don't set rules for it. Sometimes I wait a week or two, and sometimes I weigh daily. Depends on my mood I guess.

  • Bradhous
    Bradhous Posts: 3
    I certainly understand your obsession and, unfortunately, I have been doing that too. As a result, I've not been getting the real picture of my weight loss. I may appear to lose a whole pound or close to it and the next day it's back. No, once a week is as often as we should weigh and even less than that is not a bad idea. Obsessing about our daily weight is not a good habit.

    I agree 100%
  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    I weigh myself every day as soon as I get up in the morning. I make sure I do the exact same thing before hoping on the scale (use bathroom, wait to have a glass of water, wear the same clothing etc.) so I get as accurate a measurement for comparison as possible. I know someone here mentioned it already, but for me it's a check in to make sure I'm not doing something silly. I have a tendency to eat too much salt and not drink enough water. If I notice the scale descends or ascends more than 1 lbs from yesterday, I know what I need to fix and quickly. All that said, I'm already at a healthy weight and I exercise every day. I don't have a lot of anxiety about my scale weight, so weighing everyday is no big deal to me. I'm trying to fit back into my shorts for summer so that's what I go by.
  • i too weigh myself everyday, first thing before i get in the shower. to me, it helps me stay on track. if i am up i dont get discouraged i just make sure i eat properly and get my workout in, usually makes me work a lil harder. if you are weight training and building muscle it weighs more than fat. i have been weight training and cardio and i have only lost 1 lb in 2 weeks but i can see a change in my body so i know the weight will eventually fall off. hang in there and just keep moving! dont get discouraged just keep your head up and keep trucking! hope this helps!
  • BaDaSsBrUnEtTe
    BaDaSsBrUnEtTe Posts: 518 Member
    i weigh daily. i cut back to weekly. but i noticed weighing daily helps me keep myself in check better. only once a day first thing in the morning.
  • Squeeks70
    Squeeks70 Posts: 157 Member
    I weigh myself everyday. It keeps me on track.
  • strikerjb007
    strikerjb007 Posts: 443 Member
    I am curious to know how often everyone weighs themselves. I know you really only should weigh yourself once a week, but I have a terrible habit of doing it everyday. I am trying to break the habit, because I know when i see the number go up, it can be extremely discouraging.

    Stop weighting yourself everyday. It's not necessary and it will lead to extreme frustration. Also, don't fear the scale. If you are doing what you are supposed to, it will go down. Otherwise, check with your calipers to see if your body composition changed.
  • Cyndieann
    Cyndieann Posts: 152 Member
    I have trouble remembering to drink enough water. I weigh myself every morning, if I'm up, it's a reminder for me to drink more.
  • Spokez70
    Spokez70 Posts: 548 Member
    I weigh myself every morning. I use to also have an 'official' weigh in one afternoon a week at the doctors office and I found myself altering my routine to try to be as good as possible for it- like skipping lunch and not drinking anything a few hours before which was ridiculous. Easier for me to just avoid the build-up and check it daily.