Weighing yourself



  • csh68
    csh68 Posts: 3 Member
    This is the first time I've weighed two days in a row. Talk about discrepancy! How could I be 134 on Saturday morning and 131.6 on Sunday? I'm convinced it's a fluke and that I'll be 132 or 133 next Saturday on my official weigh in day.
  • bonnie053
    bonnie053 Posts: 9 Member
    I really never had that problem because I don't like weighing due to the scale changing so often, for so many different reasons. When I was attending WW meetings I weighed as theey said once a week on their scale, now I weigh once a week on my WW scale. This is what works for me but I say what ever works for each person.
  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 797 Member
    I usually weigh daily as well. And although it can be discouraging at times to not see any losses after many good days, it's equally rewarding on the random unexpected day that you see a nice loss. I mostly find it interesting to see how my weight fluctuates in the morning depending on how late my last snack was and fluid retention from sodium/working out. I don't let it get me down, I'm doing a lot of heavy lifting recently so I'm not expecting to see much in terms of weight loss anymore.
  • I weigh myself every morning when I get dressed, but I only record Saturday morning weight. I tried not weighing myself every morning, but it was driving me crazy, my hubby only weighs in Saturday mornings do not know how he does it. But I do believe it helps me stick to my diet seeing how I lose like that.
  • GAsoulstar
    GAsoulstar Posts: 84 Member
    I change up how often I weigh myself, because I am losing inches more now than weight. I usually try and weigh myself about once a week, but I am changing it now to once a month.
  • I find that weighing myself one time per week is best for me. I don't want the number on the scale to be considered the only weight loss result of my watching my food intake and increasing my activity level. I can see it in my face, the way my clothes fit, and my attitude when I'm taking care of myself by not overeating and by getting my body moving. The scale can sometimes be a stumbling block for me because I can get discouraged when the number doesn't move down fast enough. Have to keep doing the right thing...eating within the boundaries of my calorie limit and get moving. :)
  • little_lisid
    little_lisid Posts: 47 Member
    I "officially" weigh myself every day first thing straight in the morning, but usually step back on the scales at some point through the day. I graph my daily weights, be they up or down and look more at the trend of which direction I am going in than the absolute number one day to the next. The other weights, it is curiosity only - I am curious about how my weight changes through the day with exercise, food, liquid and just time. Oh well - its working for me and I don't feel its obsessive :D Each to their own.
  • jenni375
    jenni375 Posts: 5
    I know I have an unhealthy obsession with weighing myself. I weigh myself multiple times a day. Whether I have a good day or a bad day depends on the number on the scale. If the number goes up I have a bad day, I get discouraged and I want to give up. So to stop myself from weighing myself too much I have my husband take the battery out of the scale and hide it . He only gives it back to me once a week. That seems to be working well for me.
  • jennetsullivan
    jennetsullivan Posts: 37 Member
    Sounds like a lot of us weigh every morning. That's what I do. I enjoy seeing the tiny ounce by ounce progress, I use it as a tool and not a sole reflection of my progress. I also upload it to mfp every day because I enjoy looking at the graph. The important thing is to consider it a part of getting healthier - not the be all, end all result. As you build muscle you may gain weight, females have natural weight changes, etc. Anways - if you can look at it healthy then I don't see a problem using it every day.
  • joannaorgovan
    joannaorgovan Posts: 71 Member
    I weigh myself approximately every three or four weeks. I've found if I focus on the numbers too much I get discouraged. I'll lose eventually and I want it to be about more than the weight loss. I want exercising and eating better to give me more energy on a daily basis.
  • stacyll
    stacyll Posts: 43 Member
    i came here to see what people were doing and to get ideas. it's been a helpful thread.

    i was weighing whenever i felt like it but when i keep seeing mfp say what i would weigh in 5 weeks and i'm not getting there. honestly i dread the scale because it isn't predictably going down and i hate to see even a 1 lb increase. i know something must be up so my plan (prior to reading this thread) was to weigh in friday mornings to see how i did for the week and going into the weekend and again monday mornings to gauge how the weekend went but i think i've been convinced to weight and chart my weight every day. i'll enter it here on a weekly basis or so but i need to get a better idea of my numbers and what might be causing plateaus and swings especially since i'm using a heart rate monitor for my calories burned and i'm logging accurate calories and portions (or very close) every day.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    i came here to see what people were doing and to get ideas. it's been a helpful thread.

    i was weighing whenever i felt like it but when i keep seeing mfp say what i would weigh in 5 weeks and i'm not getting there. honestly i dread the scale because it isn't predictably going down and i hate to see even a 1 lb increase. i know something must be up so my plan (prior to reading this thread) was to weigh in friday mornings to see how i did for the week and going into the weekend and again monday mornings to gauge how the weekend went but i think i've been convinced to weight and chart my weight every day. i'll enter it here on a weekly basis or so but i need to get a better idea of my numbers and what might be causing plateaus and swings especially since i'm using a heart rate monitor for my calories burned and i'm logging accurate calories and portions (or very close) every day.

    Yes, you need to stay on top of it. I would not rely on the heart rate monitor for calories burned. It could be way off.
  • tracyjoys
    tracyjoys Posts: 69 Member
    I weigh every day, but Thursday is my day that "counts" - I record my weight/measurements that day. :smile:

    True enough, with exercise and muscle swapping for fat, I'm more interested in my body getting lean & tight than the numbers on the scale at this point. My scale records body fat in weight & %, bone mass, water, BMI etc. so it's fun watching the weekly progress of improved numbers in those areas.
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    i was weighing whenever i felt like it but when i keep seeing mfp say what i would weigh in 5 weeks and i'm not getting there.

    I have YET to stay on MFP for 35 days straight to know how accurate it is when it tells you this. I'm at it again!

    For now I weigh-in daily because I just started to eat right (AGAIN) and log my food so I see weight-loss everyday on the scale. I'm sure it will settle down later this week or so and I will go to weighing in once a week, but I find it so tempting especially when you have a SKINNY DAY to step on that scale!
  • I weigh myself in the morning with pjs on. I weigh myself every other day for recording purposes so I get trends. Your body is a funny thing so your weight can go up and down. So I don't want to think I'm losing or gaining because I'm weighing myself to infrequently. This will also help identify plateaus more quickly so I can alter diet and exercise as needed. I weigh myself all the time though cuz I can resist though lol but I think of that official am weight as my true weigh in terms of goals.
  • krbates84
    krbates84 Posts: 96 Member
    I weigh once a week, first thing in the morning before I eat anything.
  • Christi6604
    Christi6604 Posts: 246 Member
    There is no "you really should weigh yourself once a week." Do what you want to do. Personally, weighing every morning helps me stay on track because I see daily/weekly results. I like seeing that.

    ^^^ This. Also, it's helped me catch a habit in the making before (i.e. Soup that I didn't realize had so much sodium, until I gained 2 pounds)
  • losingitincollege
    losingitincollege Posts: 70 Member
    I weigh myself once a week. Every Sunday.

    I learned my lesson about weighing in every day early on in my journey. My weight is hardly ever the same the next day!

    Truthfully, the scale isn't the most accurate way of measuring your weight loss sucess. I've "gained" as much as 7lbs in one day according to my scale. That was no fun to see.
  • stacyll
    stacyll Posts: 43 Member
    Yes, you need to stay on top of it. I would not rely on the heart rate monitor for calories burned. It could be way off.

    i use a polar hrm. i feel like it's pretty accurate. i'm also a part time fitness instructor so i generally know the range of calorie burn given my level of effort and my calorie burn is in line with that. the machines and what mfp suggest are higher than what my hrm tells me i've burned so i don't go by those at all.

    i think my issue could be water or not eating enough calories (i'm at 1350 after being at 1200 because mfp suggested that for losing 2 lbs per week). it could also be my combination of foods. plus i do zumba once a week and i get in a good calorie burn from strength classes but i may need more "plain cardio" like zumba or cycling....but i don't want to derail the thread.

    i weighed in this morning!!