
Hey Guys!
I have heard good and bad things about SlimFast. Would you suggest this at all?! I know a girl who has lost weight while drinking them as a small meal replacement, I just wanted to know your opinions before I buy! Thanks!:flowerforyou:


  • Jules0317
    Jules0317 Posts: 9 Member
    I tried to drink one once... it was gross. lol
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I have lost weight in the past drinking it-- but I got tired of not eating-- and I gained the weight back when I went off it.

    More importantly-- replacing my food didn't teach me thing one about eating responsibly, and to make wise choices.

    You may lose weight, but that's only part of the package-- learning to eat well, make good food choices, control your portions, blah, blah, blah-- that's more important.

    My vote is thumbs down.
  • ShellyLee
    ShellyLee Posts: 293 Member
    I personally tried it once and threw up about 5 minutes after finishing it. Was on my way to meet my group for work (traveling day) and had to stop at a gas station to puke. Needless to say the rest of the pack got thrown away after sitting in the fridge for a few months.
    Have friends who can stomach them and seem to do ok with it. I'd rather have real food lol.
  • meggyann10
    Yeah, I'd rather have food too...I just wondered what people thought :) Sometimes during the day I want a quick fix after school, and something to keep me from getting super hungry later. If anyone has any suggestions for afterschool snacks, I'd appreciate them :)
  • jaminsmonster
    if you need a quick snack it's good but the only flavor i like is the dark/rich chocolate & it has to be really cold!
  • charcharbec
    charcharbec Posts: 253 Member
    I drink it for breakfast, and sometimes for lunch too. But I eat other things during the day. It's best for breakfast but REALLY easy to get unhealthy with.

    The diet companies want you to always be fat so they can steal your money.

    But all in all I like slim fast... but make sure you are learning to eat correctly with it.
  • gia80
    gia80 Posts: 8
    Wow, I'm surprised by the reactions! I really like Slimfast- but only the powder mix, not the canned type. It's a great breakfast (lots of protein, and portable), and I think the "rich chocolate royale" has a good chocolate flavor.

    My husband is super-picky and he likes it, too. I also like to blend in a banana, or blueberries for a little extra fruit. I'd suggest trying it (again, the power mix and not the cans), and see if you like it?!
  • tinanicole
    I completely agree with gia80.
    I drink the slim fast powder blended with fat free milk and ice. I only use it as an alternative for one meal a day (usually breakfast) and I don't eat any of the bars or snacks. Not only does it give me energy, but it also gives me plenty of fiber in order to be regular. Plus it tastes great.

    Give it a try! :happy:

  • meggyann10
    I had no clue there was powder out there! Neat. :) I think I'll try it out and see how it works and whether I like it or not! I will probably use it for breakfast, as well. :)
  • sara1786
    sara1786 Posts: 101
    lol so I must be really wierd b/c I love SlimFast. I can't drink it b/c I like the taste so much that I"ll finish a 6 pack in 2 days... haha. :heart: that stuff [in the wrong way].
  • SachaMichel
    Following their program to a T didn't work for me :tongue: The bars tasted okay, but I felt very deprived not being able to eat real foods.

    It's probably a good diet to quickly drop five pounds or so for a photo shoot or party, but definitely not a long-term thing.
  • annasid78
    I am not a fan of the OPTIMA, but I love the original. :) I drink a orginal choc. one once a day. Either breakfast or lunch. I have been doing that since June!
  • patrice27
    I like the high-protein (yellow can) chocolate powder mixed with milk. I use it sometimes for breakfast. The canned drinks are terrible. Have you tried the Atkins bars? They are pretty cheap at Walmart and not too bad. I would not use either of them as a routine meal replacement, but once in a while they taste pretty good- especially when you are craving some dessert.
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with it. Is it better than a 'real' breakfast? Absolutely not - but its fantastic when you don't have a lot of time. I also think they taste phenomenal (just like chocolate milk, but I appear to be in the minority :laugh: )

    When I worked outside the home, it used to replace my breakfast and keep me nice and full until a late lunch. If you're in a rush, they are great. I say go for it! :drinker:

    *Edit: Now I can't stop thinking about having one! Too bad my calories are all used up for the day. :ohwell:
  • pepezen
    pepezen Posts: 4 Member
    A good snack that is very satisfying and filling is this:
    A homemade smoothie:

    10 ice cubes,
    1/2 cup orange juice
    1 c. strawberry yogurt
    1 ripe banana (a frozen one makes it nice and thick and cold.
    Put all ingredients in the blender and blend until smooth. Makes two smoothies 2 cups each. 240 calories. You won't be hungry and it's such a healthy snack.

    No one can learn anything about good eating by using diet drinks to replace food.
  • shedivine18
    i will drink them...and then eat...i hate it..they are not filling at all!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    i will drink them...and then eat...i hate it..they are not filling at all!

    Ha-- :laugh: Yes, they're a delicious drink with breakfast. :wink:
  • jlefton1212
    jlefton1212 Posts: 171 Member
    I know that this isn't "clean" eating and that most folks would recommend some kind of produce, BUT I find that Balance Bars have been the best way that I can find to stay on track if I am really in a pinch and need some something modest in calories and filling.

    Most of them are about 200 calories, and they are balanced for protein/carbs/fat, so they can work into my meal plan. I try to eat produce with protein for a snack when I can (like at work I will do a string cheese and carrots or a piece of fruit, etc.) but if I am out and have to bring something portable (like at the mall) a balance bar has been known to keep me on track and away from the food court. :smile:
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I've heard they taste good, and if you look at the contents/ingredients you will know why.

    I googled slim fast and ingredients.
    This from ""
    Here are some facts from an actual label of "Ultra Slim Fast"-
    3 grams of fat (11% of calories), 10 grams or protein (17% of calories), and 40 grams of carbs (72% of calories).
    While these numbers are not bad for a meal, it is the sugar content that makes this both inexpensive and less desirable for a meal. Out of the 40 grams of carbs, 35 of it is sugars. Almost 88% of the carbs are sugar.

    Here is another site's remarks.

    Healthy, in this case, is relative. If your idea of good nutrition is combining a bag of pork rinds with a couple of burgers from the local fast food joint, well then yes, these are nutritious shakes.

    In reality... the Slim Fast shakes aren't particularly nutritious, and they certainly aren't worth the money you pay for them.

    So what's in a Slim Fast diet shake?
    The 4 main ingredients are skim milk, sugar, fructose, and cocoa. In other words, milk, sugar, and sugar. Other ingredients include various vegetable oils, emulsifiers, and a dubious vitamin blend.

    A 375ml (1.5 cups) shake contains 12 grams of protein -- slightly less than what you'd obtain drinking the same amount of 1% low-fat milk.

    This same shake contains 38 grams of carbohydrates -- 20 grams more than if you drank the equivalent amount of 1% low-fat milk (with those additional carbs coming from the added sugar). Considering that milk contains significant amounts of vitamins A and D, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B12, Calcium, Phosphorous, Magnesium and Zinc, I'd suggest that you chuck the Slim Fast shakes (vitamin blend and all), and simply drink milk instead.

    IMO - Thumbs down
  • silvertears
    silvertears Posts: 106 Member
    When I was helping a coworker set up her myfitnesspal profile and learn the ropes, she was entering the SlimFast shake that she had for breakfast. The difference between her breakfast and my breakfast was 60 calories and I ate food. You can have a nutritious and filling meal for the same calories that you are getting out of the SlimFast shake... so I don't really see the point myself.