any advice for ambulance shift work



  • dylsmom99
    dylsmom99 Posts: 32 Member
    i swear if one more person thanks us with a dozen donuts again i might send them to the trauma room,.. never to mind the endless pizza....... but I've been good!! i always have a protein bar in my bag for when everyone else snacks,, and tonight I'm trying nuts,.,, a handful here anywhere.. and want to hear something crazy,.. i was the biggest coffee addict ever,,,, i was doing 6 shots of expresso in my capuchino times two per night!!! i finally became immune to the caffeine,, in actuality it was putting me to sleep and making me soooooo nasty!!,,, i was on edge and offending myself,........... happy to report,,,, coffee free times 55 days!!!!!!!!!! and have never had so much energy!!!!,,,,

    ahh,, bring on memorial day weekend in the trauma room,,,, the animals are sure to keep me on my toes tonight!