Smoothie Shakedown/Fat Flush Plan?

I have gone through a yo-yo dieting phase and I am SO TIRED of no results. So, I started to do extensive research of what sorts of "tried and true" diets are out there. I found the Fat Flush Plan and I decided to buy the book. While I'm waiting for it to arrive from Amazon, I saw that there is also a "starter" program for the Fat Flush called Smoothie Shakedown. The plan is free on their website, but they encourage you to buy their hyper expensive supplements and protein powder among other things. I decided I would just go by own way in that department...take a multi-vitamin, take fish oil caplets, and possibly a GLA supplement (evening primrose oil). I can buy flax oil and flax seeds pretty cheap in-store, and I've found a gluten/dairy/soy/whey free protein for more than half the price. I may also modify the plan so that I ingest my recommended daily calories (around 1400).

I'm a little nervous about the crazy restrictions of no sugar, gluten, wheat, dairy, artificial sweeteners, starches and gum...but I have had digestive issues since early teenhood and eliminating these foods from my diet may finally help me discover what is causing it if I try incorporating little bits of it back in here and there.

Has anyone heard of this diet? Has anyone tried it? Did you lose more than water weight in the 2 weeks/month that you tried it? Would you consider this a crash diet?



  • MelanieLeanne
    Never heard of it! But if you havent heard of advocare yet, you should definitely check them out! They have tons of high quality supplements, vitamins, meal replacement shakes & a 24 day challenge bundle! On average, with the 24 day challenge, people will lose 12 pounds, 8 inches, & 4% body fat!
  • ninezenko
    ninezenko Posts: 2 Member
    I lost about 10 pounds in a week and another 3-4 pounds in two weeks and have kept all but about 2lbs off for over 7 months now. The diet is very easy to follow and they have a sale for 25% off and free shipping on some of the bundles if your interested. I plan on starting a new shakedown the first of the year to attempt to take the last 10lbs off that would put me back at my high school weight.