Please help! I'm really down with the way I look, I know it's my own fault but I just turned to junk food as soon as I feel like I'm failing. 2 months ago I was really cracking down and losing weight, but all of a sudden I lost it and I've gone into depression mode once again. I seriously need some support and don't get it at home. I have two small boys who like eatting crisps, nuts etc. And my boyfriend is the same, which if it's in the cupboard I will eat it.

Does anyone have any tips on how to make yourself feel better and keep hunger at bay?

If you feel you can offer me some support please add me as a friend :).

Thank you, Charlie x


  • Cely21
    Cely21 Posts: 50 Member
    Please help! I'm really down with the way I look, I know it's my own fault but I just turned to junk food as soon as I feel like I'm failing. 2 months ago I was really cracking down and losing weight, but all of a sudden I lost it and I've gone into depression mode once again. I seriously need some support and don't get it at home. I have two small boys who like eatting crisps, nuts etc. And my boyfriend is the same, which if it's in the cupboard I will eat it.

    Does anyone have any tips on how to make yourself feel better and keep hunger at bay?

    If you feel you can offer me some support please add me as a friend :).

    Thank you, Charlie x

    Well I think first you need to remind yourself why your here. For me it's to make a change. I seen your quote "If you don't like... Change it" well thats something you need to work on. I'm a super big junk food junkie, I still have it just not as often as I use to. Everything has to be in moderation. And is it you who does the grocery shopping? If it is then you buy what you feel is good for all of you and if whoever lives in the house with you doesn't like well too bad. I have 3 kids and they eat whatever I buy. I do buy sweets also but they don't have them everday. I also don't really have the support at home so I try to motivate myself, I'm on here a lot I look at everyone's before & afters & that motivates me & lets me know that I can do it too. I think it's more of a mental thing & how bad do you want it? Well good luck to you & feel free to add me If you like. =)
  • OregonShell
    OregonShell Posts: 44 Member
    Can kind of relate... My husband is not into the portion control and healthy eating like I am but I have made small changes around the kitchen like replacing ground beef with ground turkey.. adding veggies to things like burrittos etc.. it helps me .. I have also replaced the majority of snacks around the house with healthy alternative) ie: 90 cal granola bars and friut keeped handy on the counter, etc) I don;t deny hubby his treats but I make sure I have a healthy alternative example dessert, he likes ice cream and popsicles I have low cal fudge cicles for me..

    As for motivation and support.. I have found that my new friends on MFP are the best o turn to the understand what I am going thru better than those who are not in the same position...

    Husbands and family mean well but they don;t always understand... My adult son actually thinks I am going overboard with weighing, measuring and logging everything.. He just does not understand until he is in the same boat...

    Hang in there .. YOU CAN DO THIS... some days are easier than others but if you can hang in there you will feel better for it.. :flowerforyou:
  • RhianSteph
    RhianSteph Posts: 26

    I created it when i was totally with no motivation, it's light hearted but does actually work, mainly tongue in cheek though:P Suggestions are welcome! xx
  • lubby22
    lubby22 Posts: 31
    I can relate. I too am and have been depressed and unmotivated for sooo long. I just can't seem to get myself moving! or.. off the couch. I will sit here and spend countless hours thinking about meal planning, and exercise routines and writing lists, and planning the next day or weeks ahead but then I never actually DO it. Then, before I know it 5 months have gone by and I hate myself even more for wasting all that time. I too can use all the support I can get. And, I do find that sometimes outside support helps more than family and friends - especially when family and friends dont have similar goals, dont understand, or arent motivated themselves. I have had countless "friends" who say they would workout with me regularly, go on walks/hikes, support me, check in with me - but they never follow through. I hope I can make some friends here and will support me and who I can support. Add me. Let's do this together! When our family and friends see the positive changes in us they will realize what we have done for ourselves and hopefully join in! Not just for weightloss, but health and well being!
  • Bbyydol
    Bbyydol Posts: 12
    Well I just started a journaling food/fitness diary thread. If you want you can join it too. I need new friends too and motivation to do well because I know it’s so difficult on your own :$
  • lilorphann
    lilorphann Posts: 138 Member
    Feel free to add me :) I'm always looking for new friends and love to offer support. I'm retired so I spend plenty of time on here motivating!
  • robinhardysmall
    robinhardysmall Posts: 246 Member
    Even though my wonderful husband can eat anything and not gain weight...I keep the fridge stocked with the healthy junk food- my pineapple- tomatoes- strawberries etc...

    just remember- its a journey- we will have our peaks and valleys but you need to be healthy for your children- to be able to run and play with them as well.

    Feel free to add me if you like- always here for motivation...