50yrs and 50lbs

I find 50lbs a daunting task ! and find the older I get the more daunting it is. So I need to get on with this now. I have one buddy who is fabulous always there with a supportive comment. Anyone else with similar weigh issues as myself, please feel free to contact me.

Eating, picking and snacking, when I am not at all hungry is my huge obstacle to get over. I have come to realize that, I must get my mind in order or the Eating when not at all hungry is never going to get sorted !
I also work night-shift and have lots of free time on my hands, no children at home either. So lots and lots of time to eat !!!!!!!


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Can I suggest you track protein in your food diary. Getting at least 50g of protein will help keep you full and preserve lean body mass.
  • sloanranger55
    sloanranger55 Posts: 108 Member
    Hiya, I dont feel hungry, so needing to feel full is not an issue. My issue is eating when I am not even hungry. I need to learn how to eat only when feel hunger coming on. Thank You for your comment and I will look into it.
  • TNFirefly
    TNFirefly Posts: 169 Member
    Eating when not hungry is a big pain. It is the hardest habit I have ever tried to break. The things I am doing to stop include gardening (only 5-10 minutes at a time, but it is a distraction), cleaning something nasty, logging in to MFP or facebook to distract myself. Hot tea, water, cold tea, water, black coffee, water....gum....altoids or brushing teeth....water....

    If I did these more I would probably get some more of this weight off, but these are my plan. Little by little I am choosing to do something like these things instead of eating and I am beginning to feel more in control of the situation. Progress not perfection
  • sloanranger55
    sloanranger55 Posts: 108 Member
    Hiya and very well done you for trying other things instead of eating. I agree its hard to distract yourself, once you have the food thought. But it is the only way forward. I keep telling myself........no good bl**dy winging about, flab, knee pain and other weight related issues, if you just going to keep feeding your face !!!. Its just a fight that has to be fought not daily but hourly !

    Jo x
  • sloanranger55
    sloanranger55 Posts: 108 Member
    Eating when not hungry is a big pain. It is the hardest habit I have ever tried to break. The things I am doing to stop include gardening (only 5-10 minutes at a time, but it is a distraction), cleaning something nasty, logging in to MFP or facebook to distract myself. Hot tea, water, cold tea, water, black coffee, water....gum....altoids or brushing teeth....water....

    If I did these more I would probably get some more of this weight off, but these are my plan. Little by little I am choosing to do something like these things instead of eating and I am beginning to feel more in control of the situation. Progress not perfection

    Well done on your weight loss so far......Brilliant
  • dubster
    dubster Posts: 35 Member
    i am over 50 and I managed to drop over 60 lbs. using this APP. It works best with healthy food choices and lots of exersise. Keep the fats, carbs and sugars to a minimum. Weigh yourself first thing every morning and experiment with your intake and types of food and stay within your calorie allotment. Soon it will become second nature and the weight will just fall off. GOOD LUCK!!!!