50 to go...I think...lol

iamkarent Posts: 145 Member
Just found MFP last week and love it!!! I am down 4 lbs my first week...although some of that is due to the fact that I have been so good at pumping my water all week...which I hadnt been doing.

I am currently 201..I had been down to 175 last summer before I got sick...so I have no doubts I will get back there....but cant even imagine being 150....but yet...at 5'6" I know it is totally do-able but hard to wrap my head around what I would be like at that weight....but I am excited to see!!!

I am a 39 yr old mom of 4 am trying to make lifestyle changes...not diet. Lots of added movement and better food choices...but no off limit food or strict calories limits for me. I use my target 1200 plus exercise calories as my norm...but to me if I have a day I want more or want a treat...that is LIFE and totally allowed...

I want something I can stick with!

I just ordered the 30 day shred dvd....so will start that once it comes..anyone else thinking of trying that?

I also love anything outdoors..kayaking being a favorite along with hiking/trail walks.

If anyone is similar and wants to support each other....let me know



  • KathShum2012
    Thanks for posting. I am also 5'6'' and have lost about 29 lbs so I know you can do it. It is still hard not to have those cravings though. I was creeping up to my highest weight ever and realized I needed to do something about it. I could use the support as well. Good luck.