Hello! Anyone with allergies? Vegetarians?


I'm new here and looking to lose about 8 pounds and gain a bit of muscle back. In high school I was a cross-country runner, and in college I was a regular hiker/biker/swimmer. Now, at age 25, I have an office job in the city and have to sit ALL day. On top of my full time job I also volunteer and do contract work (all of which is more sitting and some standing). So sometimes it's hard to squeeze in workouts, and the long-term sitting is awful for me.

Also, I have allergies (indoor and outdoor - to enough things that it's year-round) and mild asthma. The allergies have been one of the toughest things to deal with, motivation-wise. Antihistamines have minimal effect (I've tried them all, but I currently take zyrtec and singulair), and whenever I run my eyes itch and weep and my nose itches and runs and my throat gets very sticky (constant post-nasal). Anyone have solutions? The best I can do is drink plenty of water and bring tissues on my runs.

I've been a vegetarian for about 3.5 years now (I eat eggs and dairy, as well as bivalve shellfish - scallops, clams, mussels, oysters - but no other seafood). I really want to eat a high-protein veg diet, but I don't want to rely too heavily on soy and dairy. Any advice for keeping the carbs down and keeping the protein varied and interesting?



  • Flissbo
    Flissbo Posts: 302 Member

    Not sure about the allergy side of things but add me if you like for protein ideas (I'm veggie too) I have about 100g of protein a day (usually including one whey protein shake) and you can look at my diary to see what might work for you.

    Oh, and I'm also a swimmer :-)

    Good luck!
  • emelypoynter
    I also have some crazy allergies. I have found that doing Flonase right before I run helps, but there are times, like you said, that it just seems like my nose is a faucet. I recently got certified to be a spin instructor and purchased my very own spin bike! So when I feel it's a bad allergy day, I hope on my bike and jam out for an hour or so :) I also purchased the 30 day shred from amazon for $4.99, which is a legit 30 min work out as well.
  • JaneFinnigan
    JaneFinnigan Posts: 30 Member
    I've been seeing some posts about this 30-day shred -- indoor workout videos are definitely interesting to me as long as they are not too expensive and don't require too much equipment. I'd love more recommendations for that too!
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Hi & welcome !

    Sorry, I'm not a vegetarian, although I absolutely love veggies ....... and I don't have allergies, 'cept a few sniffles in the springtime, so can't help you there ...... I'm sure other members will come through with suggestions ........

    However, I have spent 40 years sitting on my butt at various jobs, so I can totally relate ....... after 40 years of gaining, losing & gaining again, I finally broke down & bought a treadmill ...... this way no excuses....... it's never too hot, cold, icy, rainy ..... and I lost a lot of weight using it ...... nowadays I go to the gym, but still use the treadmill when the gym is closed (like today) ...... gotta get my "E" in !

    Best of luck to you & happy losing !
  • Unfortified
    Unfortified Posts: 11 Member
    Totally recongnize the allergies :s
  • dorkusmalorkus
    you might want to try edamame, its a complete protein. we make guacamole substituting the avocado for edamame, freaking amazing! or quinoa? im not sure on the carb deal with those foods, but theyre good in my book. also try a vegetable stock broth with cabbage, green onions, and extra firm tofu. udon noodles if youre feeling indulgent